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FORM 41 (r.



(Heading as in Form 1)

BE IT KNOWN that on the .................., 20 ........, letters of administration intestate of all the

estate of…………………………………………………………………………….. (also known

as .....................................) deceased late of ..................... who died domiciled in (state where)

............................ on the ................................, 20............., at ................. which by law devolves to

and vests in his (her) personal representative were granted by this Court to ......................... of

.................... (and .............................. of .........................) he (they) having undertaken faithfully

to administer such estate according to law and to render a just and true account thereof whenever

required by law so to do.

Issued by the High Court/Resident Magistrate’s Court/through the registry at

......................................................... this ....................................., 20.............


Judge of the High Court/Resident Magistrate.

Note. - This grant when confirmed must specify all the persons beneficially entitled to the estate

together with their respective shares: section 71 (2) (proviso) of the Act. This will take the form

of a Schedule at foot or appended and will include any beneficiaries dying prior to confirmation

of the grant.

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