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The career I am looking into is communications. This job field is based around being able

to excite and motivate an audience alongside persuading and making sure people involved in a

job are happy with what is presented. The tasks involved in such a field are being able to

communicate an idea well, the ability to listen to other’s reasoning and writing well.

There are 4 main skills involved in the job as described. They are, in order, being able to

describe a scene well, having a good demeanor, understanding others and being able to (as

previously mentioned) write well. Demeanor helps with how well one perceives another. In the

example given by Steve McClelland, he mentions how one’s attitude and demeanor towards a

subject helps shape the way he markets an idea to a person and if it’s worth doing in the first

place. Describing a scene helps with how one makes another understand their viewpoint and,

likewise, the ability to hear other people’s points of view helps with how one can communicate

with others. Finally, writing is a very important skill to have as writing is one of the primary tools

in order to use to communicate.

A school that offers classes, if not allowing you to major in the field, is California State

University (which has it listed as Communications Studies and is based in southern California). In

order to get into the field, you will need a Bachelor's Degree but a Master’s is preferred. A

median income for working in communications as a communication manager is $64,271 dollars

per year, but income can be as little as $42,000 per year or as much as $98,000 per year.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is an approximate 9% growth in the field.

Some similar jobs to HR would be event organizing, social media management, health

education, and being a sales representative. These jobs are similar in how they focus on relaying
information to others in a persuasive way alongside working with others. However, those jobs

focus less on communication and more about organization. The field is always going to exist due

to humans existing and human communications needing to exist. As such, this field is always in


I believe that I would be a good fit for this field because of my personality type. As

someone who relies on being able to talk to others, being able to communicate and get to

understand other people satisfies me. As well, my prior experience with the field of

communications means I am fitted to going into this field.

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