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If I was to describe my TY year in one word it would be “roller-

coaster”. Why you might ask? That’s because the journey that I have had
this year has felt like a massive roller-coaster, with ups and downs. From
last summer worrying if my three friends that I chose to be with me in
the year maybe not be going to be with me, to finding out that actually
am going to be having my whole entire friend group alongside me.
Including the other amazing people that had been put in my class. My
classmates have defiantly made this year incredible. My friends and I
have also gone through some challenging times at the start of the year,
but all of us had pushed through and ended up forgetting all about the
negative times.
Form our first trip together to Causey farm. All the way to our last trip to
Delphi, every one of the trips had been unbelievable. There were even
trips/Workshops that we didn’t enjoy as a group but we still made it fun
in our own little ways.
All of the classes that we did in each module were very educational. My
favourite defiantly was Coding and my least favourite probably being
sewing that we did all the way back in the first module. Even the classes
that some of us didn’t enjoy, we still managed a way to make it fun and
also educational at the same time. I know this reflection is supposed to
be about me, but I still really wanted to include my best friends here.
Shout out to all of them, you guys are amazing.
I think the most significant thing about TY for me was definably having
great times with not only my friend group but my other classmates that I
didn’t know in the first three years of secondary school. All the classes,
trips, workshops, adventure places that we went to also was very
significant for me.
This year has defiantly changed me in a few ways. One way is that I
have defiantly become more confident myself and more independent. I
have learned how to speak publicly, use public transport by myself,
accepted challenges in every class, learned how to do awesome projects,
and come out of my comfort zone.

I was mostly challenged by completing the projects, because there was

so many of them that sometimes it would be too much, and then
alongside the website, but I got through it and did everything the best I
could. I also got challenged in the activities in Delphi, for example the
kayaking I was nervous for but in the end, it was so fun. Overall that trip
was amazing. I am also very proud of the project that I complete even
though there was many of them. My favourite ones that I did are on the
subject/projects page for each module.
I developed a skill for confidently speaking in front of a full class. I also
developed how to make my projects look better and how to research on
any topic. Another skill I developed was working in groups for projects
because I never enjoyed working in groups, but I learned that teamwork
makes the dream work. You defiantly communicate with more people
you don’t talk to as often and you get to input your intelligence in that
group to succeed in whatever we are doing

I loved this year and I am very heart- broken that it has to end. Like I
said I cherished everything that happened and I will never forget this
year. From the bottom of my heart thank you to all the teachers and all
other Ty’s that made this year awesome. It wouldn’t be complete
without you guys.


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