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Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.

Today, I want to share about analysis paralysis

Normally, when making a decision we take some time to consider our options right? But what if, you
spend so much time thinking through choices you could make. Then, trapped in endless loop of
“what if this, what if that” scenarios, you eventually become so overwhelmed and end up failing to
make any decision at all. So, this type of overthinking has a name, which is analysis paralysis.

By definition, analysis paralysis means an inability to make a decision due to over-thinking a problem
and end up not coming to any decision at all. This happens even with relatively small-scale decisions.
Analysis paralysis can cause a lot of distress. But I want to share some tips may help you manage this
thought pattern and break the habit of overthinking everything.

The first tip is Make small choices quickly. If you struggle to make any decision without a lot of
consideration, start making decisions without giving yourself time to think. This might feel terrifying
at first, but the more you practice, the easier it will become. For example, Choose the first show on
Netflix that grabs your attention instead of spending an hour considering what to watch. Practicing
making small choices can help you get more comfortable with bigger decisions.

Next, Limit your information intake. When you're having trouble deciding, consider limiting the
amount of research you do on each choice. It's important to know any option comes with risks, but
once you have the basic knowledge you need, try to make the decision right away. Conducting more
research can sometimes give you details that aren't necessary for making the decision, which can
make the process more difficult.

Then, we can Ask someone for advice. When you ask someone for advice, consider talking to
someone you know has experience with the problem's topic or subject. For example, if you're trying
to decide which laptop you should purchase, consider talking with a friend or family member who
recently purchased it or who has experience with it.

So, Uncertainty can be scary, but no one knows how decisions will turn out in the end. Remember, if
things don’t work out how you hope, you can always try something else!
That’s all from me, thank you and have a nice day everyone!

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