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Assalamu’ alaikum wr.wb

The Honorabe Mrs.Ririn and Mrs. Sri as the Jouries, The Honorable our teacher and dears the
participant of this moment..

Good Morning?
How Are u today?
Ok I hope you all in good condition
first of all, let’s thank unto Allah SWT. Because of his mercies and blessing we can come
together in this competition of the student Competen Compotition.
Before I Begand my presentation, Lets me Introduce my selft, My name is Putri Pusphita
Sari from participant number 9th.
In this Lovely Morning, I Would Like To Thank For The oppurtunity that has been given to
me, to present my final assisgnment with the title “ Secretaries in revolusi Industri 4.0”
Do you Know about Revolusi Industri 4.0??
Revolution industry is information transparency, with existing technology allows one to
collect various types of data that are important in the production process that is useful in
decision making.
What Is the relation of Revolusi Insustri with Secretaries?
Technology advances have enabled for automation in almost all areas. Industrial Revolution
4.0 as a technological revolution phase that changes the way of activity, complexity and
transformation of human life. Every profession should respond comprehensively to these
changes, so the challenges of the 4.0 industry can be managed into opportunities, likewise the
secretary's profession.
The duties of the Secretary. of course, increasingly diverse with these changes. The Secretary
is required to continue the update, Increasing skill not only for technical work but also soft
skills. The secretary have to start to increase the aspects of soft skills and hard skills, if you
don’t want to be crushed by the development of modernization

OK Look at my first Slide (Buka Slide 2)

What Is the secretaries?
Secretary or administrative professional or personal assistant is a person whose work consists
of supporting management. Secretaries is a company image. Secretaries must be have a good
performance .
The role of secretary in revolution industry 4.0
The role of the secretary company or corporate secretary very strategic, because, information
and analysis collected by the corporate secretary can determine the steps to be taken by the
company in this industrial revolution and the company secretary can create corporate growth
in this digitalist revolution.

In my next slide I have 3 aspect about basic skill of secretaries in revolution industry 4.0.
Fistt communication skills that must be owned by the secretary is:
• mastering communication High intelligence Strong memory Ability to manage time
as effectively and as efficiently as the ability to dream
• maintain communication with parties related to the survival of the company
• Corporate Secretary must always ensure the availability of information to stake
Secondly mastering various of technologies
the secretary is demanded to master all technologies and must develop themselves to face the
changes in the industrial revolution because Indonesia has high digital potential because it is
now a millennial generation. The challenges faced are the emergence of the cyber industry
Thridly professional
a secretary must be professional in many ways, including professionals facing the industrial
revolution by always developing skills and skills, if skills are not developed then the role of
the secretary in the industrial revolution will be replaced by machines
and last is conclution my presentation
industrial revolution in the secretary profession environment increasingly real. for that
secretary must be able to adapt to technological developments and must have the willingness
to learn technology in this millennial era, because the unwillingness to adapt and learn can
cause the secretary profession to be eliminated

Closing (penutup) apalno pe

The Honorable Jouries and the participant of this moment, I think I have presented all the
content of my final assisgnment. That’s all my presentation, thank you for attention. And I
will be ready to answer some question, Hopeefully I can answer all the questio

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