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We are going to talk about our company product sale.

The topic of my presentation is to describe about our company product sale

And the purpose of my presentation is to show that our product is salesable.
Today I would like to talk about 3 things about our company product
First im going to talk about the trend
The second is the detail of the trend
And the last one is the reason for the upward and downward trend
Lets move to the first one the trend of our company, as you can see from the bar chart that our
company product sale shows and upward trend during 5 years except in 2021
Okay lets move to the second point, the detail of the trend. As you can see from the bar chart in
the year 2021 our company product sale shows decreased slightly (digrisd slaitli) from 2020 for
several reasons.
One of the reason was the emergence of covid and caused the economy to declined
Next, as you can see from the bar chart that our product sale in the following 3 years from the
years 2021 and 2023 shows a gradual increase about 500 unit.
If there is no any changes about the strategy, our company's product sales predict the increase
will be the same.
if you cooperate with our company we predict that our company sale will increase for several
reason because we are going to develop our company marketing area in Semarang and Bandung.
If we get benefit we can share it 30% to you. So what are you waiting for? Lets join our

Another reason was that our product has the least color of others product, we has only 3 colors
and the other product has 5 colors.
And the last reason our product has the least function of the others, we has only 2 function and
the others product has 4 function
was for the 2 criteria greating and smile we have the lowest score of the others. Its mean that we
are the least friendly.
The reason our product the least function of the other

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