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\010 1 (New Syllabus) 1 CD

::~d· 111 l I s-1q 1\ ¾

Total No. of Questions - 20
Total No. of Printed Pages - 4 1 1 1 j I O1 \ 1

Part· I
ENGLISH, Paper - I
(First Language)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
1. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each. 2 x4 =8
(a) . ln thought, in talk, in action, J think you will find that you can separate
life into these two divisions -- the dark sicle and the bright sicle, the
discouraging sicle and the encouraging sicle.
(b) -At the age of 40, she wanted to end her life as she could not conceive.
(c) But in your Departmental Store, do you apply Pythagoras Theorem or
Ne;vton's Law of Gravity ?
(d) A voice shouting 'Relax, penetrated into me above the noise of the crowd.
(e) They are the people who never go forward . They never suggest a line of
activity. They live simply on the negative side of life.
2. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each. 2 x4 =8
(a) , I asked the professors who teach the meaning of life to tell me what
happiness is.
(b) Have you sighted anyone
With shadows in his dusky eyes ?
(c) A lily of a day ·
ls fairer far in May,
(d) , 0 my Luve's like the melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.
(e) And I saw a crowd of Hungarians under the trees with their women and
children and a keg of beer and an accordion. ·
3. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions-in about 100 words each. 2 x 4 = 8
(a) _ Ail great things have humble, small beginnings. Justify the statement
based on the life and work of Thimmakka.
(b) How did Roger Bannister feel in the first lap of the race ?
(c) _ How does Booker T. Washington . advise the teacher-trainees to develop
frankness and honesty in their teaching ?
(d) What does the boy think of his grandparents in his letter?
(e) Why did Thimmakka and her husband decide to plant trees ? Describe
· how hard they tried to succeed in their mission.
4. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each. 2 x 4 = 8
(a) How is the feeling of love expressed in A Red Red Rose ?
(b) Explain the narrator's experience in finding out what happiness is.
(c) How does the poem, The Beggar describe the farmer's pathetic physical
(d) Explain with the example of the lily that size matters not but beauty
counts a lot.
(e) Why is .love compared to a red red rose ?
5. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100 words each. 2 x 4 = 8
(a) Write a paragraph on how Alan and his parents felt excited when he was
chosen to play for the school cricket match.
0101 (N) [1 of 4) P.T.O.
(b) ls th e t~tle, Sanghala Panthulu, apt for the story ? Explain.
(c) ls the _title, The Short-sighted Brothers , apt for the story ? Explain.
(d) . Desc_nbe the result of the declaration by the Mohathemeem.
(e) Helpmg the old is as good as playing the game. Elucidate with reference
to the story.
6. Read _t~e following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR questions given
after 1t m a word or a sentence each. 4 x 1=4
Three elderly brothers, all very short-sighted, lived in a large house on the
outskirts of a city, in China. One day the youngest brother suggested that he
should take charge of the finances. "Eider brother's sight is so bad, he cannot
see how much mopey he's receiving or giving," he said, "and people take
advantage of his disability."
(i) Where did the three brothers live ?
(~~! What did the younges.t brother propose one day ?
(m) How did the youngest brother support his claim ?
(iv) Was the youngest brother sincere in his suggestion?
(v) Their sight problem was negligible. Is it true or false ?
(vi) Give the synonym of edge from the passage.
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer ANY FOUR questions given
after it in a word or a sentence each. 4 x 1=4
The second Swatch Badi (the first one in India being in Bengaluru) was recently
inaugurated by the Finance Minister T. Harish Rao in Siddipeta. Here, the faculty
will teach how to collect garbage, segregate dry, wet and harmful garbage, take
care of public health, avoid plastic and produce compost from garbage at homes.
Dr. Prashanti from Bengaluru will supervise the activities at fuis leaming centre.
Children or eiders, anyone can enroll here for the course. Focus is on educati_ng
school-children, DWCRA [Development of Women and Children in Rural Area.s]
women and leaders. Teaching here is carried on in the digital form, actual demos
and power point presentations. Compost generated thus can be used as manure.
Spreading the concept all around is the need 1tf the houri
(i) Where does the first Swatch Badi in India function ?
(ii) Swatch Badi in Siddipeta is the first of that kind in Telangana. Say true or false.
(iii) Name the three types of garbage mentioned in the passage.
(iv) Who looks after the functiQ11ing of this school ?
(v) Who can join this school ? ,· · •·
(vi) Mention the three teaching methods used here .
[NOTE : Answers of this Section must be written at one place in the same
Serial Ortler.]
8. Match ANY EIGHT of the following words in Column - A with their meani!)_gS
in Colùmn - B. 8 x 1/2 = 4
Column-A Column-B
(i) muse (a) unyielding, inflexible
(ii) ancillary (b) willing to obey, dutiful
(iii) fibbing (c) travel across
(iv) topsy-turvy (d) secondary, additional
(v) cross (e) great menta,l pain
(vi) prattle (D telling a trivial lie
(vii) traverse (g) annoyed, angry
(viii) obedient (h) upside down
(ix) adamant (i) reflect, think over
(x) anguish U) repeat meaninglessly
[2 of 4] 0101 (N)
Identify the parts of speech of ANY EIGHT of the following underlined worda.
8 X 1/:a • 4
Do you (1) think, literacy (2) is a harbinger (3) of restlessness, fear (4),
frustration ? Is i! (5) Adam (6) and (7) Eve eating the Tree (8) of (9) knowledge,
all (10) over again ?
10. Fill in ANY EIGHT of the following blanks with a, an or the . 8 x½ =4
(i) Thimmakka (She) has been recognized by Jl.L.Government of India and
was recently conferred with _i2.L Padma Shri award in 2019, which
is _fil fourth highest civilian award in fil Republic of India. ·
(ii) There are quite __iliL number of · divisions into which life can be
divided, but for _jfil_ purposes of this evening I am going to speak of
two; JZL bright side of life and jfil_ dark side .
(iii) _fil ATM is a useful machine.
(iv) . I bought.JlQL pair of new shoes.
11 . Fill in: ANY EIGHT of the following blanks with suitable prepositions. 8 x 1/2 = 4
(i) Yet she is ..JlL peace _i2.L her pots, pans, her flowers and ·garden,
her Bhagavad Geeta and scriptures. My mother, highly qualîfied,
is highly, s~rung, tense and nervy. Do . you think, literacy is a
harbinger _fil restlessness, fear , frustration? Is it Adam and Eve eating
the Tree filknowledge, all jfil_ again? .
(ii) Thimmakka and her husband used to carry four pails J§L water JZL a
distance jfil_ 4 km to water the saplings.
(iii) The office is open J2L 10 a.m. JlQ}_ 5 p.m.
12. Fill in ANY FOUR of the following blanks with suitable forms of the verbe
giveri in brackets. 4 x 1=4
(i) Saalumarada Thimmakka ..J.12.tl_ an . individual who (bring) worldwide
. recognition to the state of Karnataka through her incredible and massive
erivironmental services.
(ii) I (hear) those tales so many ~imes that I (not want) to get into the
atmosphere of the people who told them.
(iii) The meeting (startl by 10.00 a.m. tomorrnw.
. ' ' - '(

13. Rewrite ANY FOUR of the following sentences as directed. 4 x1 ::i 4

(i) Rahul lost a quàrt~r mark in English.
(Change the sente!lce into Passive voice) ,
(ii) · The Principal said .to the lecturers, "You should inaintain records."
(Change the sentence into Indirect speech)
(iii) He said that he had many problems.
(Change the sentence into Direct speech)
(iv) A computer works much faster than the human brl3-in.
(Change the sentence into Positive degree)
(v) Vety few TV channels are as popùlar as ETV.
(Châiige the sentence into Superlative degree)
(vi) Sandeep has attended ail the classes, _ _ _ _ ?
(Add a Question Tag)

0101 (N) [3 of 4) P.T.O.

· Rewrite ANY FOUR of the following sentences correcting th e und et~~d= 4
Economies fil an iri.teresting subject.
(11) · There are five womans in the team
(~ii) Yourself are responsible for your f~ture.
(1v) Our apartment is on third floor.
(v) He walks very fastly.
(vi) Sheela is as proud like a peacock.
15. ~upply the mi11ing letters to ANY EIGHT of the following words. 8 x 1/2 = 4
(1) sch __ 1 (ii) enc __ raging (iii) app __ rance (iv) exce __ ent
(v) sp __ k (vi) a __ ention (vii) p __ ple (viii) kno __ edge
(i.x) di __ ipline (x) a __ ord
16. Identify the silent consonant lettera in ANY EIGHT of thé following words. 8 x ½ = 4
(i)_ foreign (ii) what (iii) psalm . (iv) high (v) would .
(v1) often (vii) depot (viii) pneumonia (ix) island (x) knot
17. Write ANY FOUR of the following 'transcriptions using ordinary English
apelling: · ·. 4 x1=4
(i) ·/spi:k/ . .· (ii) /'konst~ntli/ (iii) / ~•tenJn/ (iv) IAn'fo:tJ~n~t/
·(v) /wont/ (vi) ,/ind1 v1d311~V

18. Circle ANY FOUR of the .words that sound difTerent from the other words in
that set with regard to the sounds of the bold letters. 4 x1=4
(i) kite know knife
(ii) that think · thousand
(iii) easy escape sand
(iv) go to no
(v) . hope rod rope
(vi) . eam earth each
19. -Mention the number of syllables in ANY FOUR of the followingwords. · 4 x 1 = 4
(i) before (ii) doctor' (iii) mother (iv) imagination
(v) essence (vi) quarter

20. (a) Present the information contained in the tree diagram in a j,aragraph. 1 x 4 = 4

. . . ' . .. - vitamlns


(b) Read the following paragraph and convertit into a pie chart.
There are seven continents in the woi-ld. Asia is the largest continent
with an area of 30% followed by Antarctica with 28%. North America ,
occupies 17% of the land on the earth. South America stands· fourth in
the list with 12% of land. Africa and Australià. are the fifth and sixth
largest ones with their respective shares -of 6% and 5%. Europe is the last
in the list which occupies 2% of the land only. . .
[4 of 4] 0101 (N)
Sadanand Diddi

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