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Smart Parking Detection With LoRa

Functional Requirements

 The system should Indication Parking Slot availability.

 The slots will be specified as a start time and an end time in HH:MM 24-hour format by
the user using a mobile app.
 The time slots data should be transferred to a cloud database. It is preferable that no
recurring costs are incurred for data writes and reads to the cloud database
 A WiFi-LoRa gateway should poll this slot time data at a minimum periodicity of 5
 The project board should be able to communicate at a minimum distance of 500 m with
a gateway using LoRa, The gateway will transfer the slot time data via LoRa
 The two parameters should be updated to the cloud.
 The project board should have capability of knowing real time values.
 The project board should provide visual indication of LoRa communication and Parking
Slot indication status.

Non- functional requirements

 The system should be housed in a custom 3D printed enclosure with cut-outs for power
and sensor cables
 The system should be capable of being programmed in-situ with no requirement of a
dedicated programmer
 It should be possible to connect the system to a laptop and display parameter values
and other data for debugging purposes

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