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To: Nancy Myers

From: Lane Applegate

Date: April 13, 2022

Subject: APLED 121-Chapter 3 – In Class Discussion

Achieving Clarity

Limit Paragraph Length


Achieving Clarity – pg. 80

1. We need this information as soon as possible.

Sam Tevis needs the correct part measurements for the screw jack blueprints by September 25,
2019 at 2:30 pm.
2. The machinery will replace a flawed piece of equipment in our department.
The Mazak CNC machine will replace the broken Atlas lathe in the SCC machining lab.
3. Failure to purchase this will have a negative impact
If the grinder isn’t purchased the metal will have rough edges.
4. Weather problems in the area resulted in damage to the computer systems
The high winds took out power to scc causing computers to reset.
5. The most recent occurrences were caused by insufficient personnel
The cars in the body shop took longer to be finished due to being understaffed.

Limiting Paragraph Length to Achieve Conciseness – pg. 80

As you know, we use electronics to process freight and documentation. We are in the process of

having terminals placed in the export departments of some of our major customers around the

country so they may keep track of all their shipments within our system. I would like to propose a

similar tracking system for your company. We could handle all of your export traffic from your

locations around the country and monitor these exports with a terminal located in your home office.

This could have many advantages for you.

 You could generate an export invoice in your export department.

 You could trace your shipments more readily.
 Finally, your accounting department would benefit.

All in all your export operations would achieve greater efficiency.

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