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To: Nancy Myers

From: Lane Applegate

Date: April 20, 2022

Subject: APLED 121-Description Report

Die Grinder
A right angle die grinder is a grinder with a right angle. Die grinders come in many different sizes and
shapes. They can either be air powered, battery, or electrical. Most have a big handle/lever that comes
with a safety so if you set it down it doesn’t start going. There are many different attachments and
grinders can be used for many different things.

1. Handle which starts the grinder

2. Safety which prevents the grinder from running without you holding it
3. Head where all attachments are put on
4. Air inlet where the air powered grinders are powered

I use this grinder for almost every job I do, and I even use it for things most people won’t use it for. If
you ever need to grind something down or shave away paint in a tight location this tool is for you, and
they can be very budget friendly, or you can get a real expensive one.

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