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Mas: Hi Syafiq, what are you doing here? How are you?

Syafiq: Hi mas, I’m brewing coffee. By the way, I’m fine. How about you?

Mas: I am just taking a short break because my mind is a mess, I have been struggling with my
financial crisis due to the recent pay cut by the company.

Syafiq: Oh, I am sorry. I also struggle with the same issue as you. Struggling on how to settle my
monthly commitments like electricity bills, water bills, car monthly payment, house monthly
payment and also my other expenses. Plus, I live alone so all the commitments are on me.

Mas: Yes I agree, it is quite burdening to manage the commitments on your own. Last week, my
mom got hospitalized due to heart attack and she was detained at the hospital for further
treatments. Luckily, at that time I still got some savings left and I used all of it to pay my mom’s
hospital bills. But now, I only rely on my salary and the most disappointing part is that our salary is
going to be cut off.

Syafiq: I sympathized with what you are going through.

Mas: Syafiq , I want to seek for your advice on how to improve my financial management or
anything related to financial matters and how can I improve my savings in the meantime?

Syafiq: Alright Mas of course I can help you with some advice. Firstly, you need to cut any
unnecessary expenses such as unnecessary bills like Astro bills especially if you don’t watch it often.
Secondly, try to reduce yourself from going out like going to the shopping mall to avoid from
spending more money. Plus, do you know that making home-cooked meals instead of dining out is
one of the effective ways to save money and it is much more healthier. Furthermore, if you
normalized using credit card for purchases before this, try to reduce it because credit card usually
comes with high interest and basically you need to pay more than what you had used.

Mas: I agree with your advices, Syafiq and what is the best way to do savings?

Syafiq: For me, usually for my savings, I try to sort 20% of the amount from my monthly salary. If I
manage to do that for the long term period, I can use it for any emergencies and make it as a
financial backup if anything happens.

Mas: Oh I see. thank you syafiq. i hope with your advice, it will improve our way of saving money
especially during now with our reduced salary. in my opinion, we also need to get ourselves with
medical insurance if anything happens to us. this can be one of the ways on how we can manage our
finance better for our commitments.

Syafiq: Yes, I agree with you Mas but would you look at the time! I think we better get back to our
work since we have been here for quite some time.

Mas: Yes, that’s a very good idea. Let’s go Syafiq.

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