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Activity 1. The 3H

Name: Giselle D. Cacananta Score: ________________

Course/Year/Section: BEED 2-A Instructor: __________

DIRECTION : This activity is called the Head, Heart and Hands (3H) in which you need
to write down the concept/s that you learned, the values that you gained and the applications
of your learnings in real life.


What concept/s did I learn? What values did I gain ? How will I apply my learnings
in real life?
Following are some of the First, as a future elementary
things I've learned as a result Since I started to study, I teacher, I will apply the
of reading this unit: really hate arts because I’m knowledge that I gained. I
not good at it. But because will apply the strategies on
First, I learnt about basic of EPP when I was in how will I teach this subject
measurement, various elementary, I started to to my future students.
measuring instruments, appreciate it and become Second, I will be familiarized
marking lining tools, testing creative. I learned to on the tools just like
tools, holding tools, driving recycled the waste materials measuring instrument,
tools, boring tools, and other like I collect the notebooks driving tools and on how to
sorts of tools, as well as PPE that I used before and used it so when in cased the I
and equipment. I've also combined the pages that need to use those tools I know
learned how to use measuring didn’t use and sew it so I how to use it.
instruments and tools can use it again.
properly. The second is that
I've learnt several sorts of
sketching as well as
fundamental lessons, especially
for beginners, different types
of shading, and other shading
techniques. The concept of
talents in woodworking,
metalworking, and bamboo
work is the last concept I
learnt from this class.
Activity 2. Tayo’y Magpasikat

Name: Giselle D. Cacananta Date: _____________________________

Yr/Section: BEED 2-A Score: ____________/30

You cannot give what you do not have, hence as a future teacher you should know
how to execute the skills needed in Teaching Industrial Arts, right? So, this is you time.
Choose one recycled product that you can make and use the direct instruction method in
demostrating it to your pupils, imagine that they are your audience.
Learning competency: recycles the identified products/waste material into
functional items (binding of used paper into notebook or
memo pad; bottled plastic into lampshades, flowers, plants;
etc.) TLE6IA0j- 14

For the criteria:

Application of the Direct Instruction Method – 50%

Application of Content Knowledge – 30 %
Attainment of the Learning Competency – 20%

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