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Good Afternoon Ma'am Classmate

Today, I want to share something that I think very important to tell

Self-love, do you know what self-love is?
For me self-love is more than getting new clothes and buying what you want
or having a changes and development in our physical appearance just to say that we love
self-love is not easy, it might take a long time to learn how to love yourself.
This may not seem very important to some, but self-love is one of the best things we can do for
So, I'd like to share some ideas I've learnt that will help you achieve the total self-love.

The first one is Stop Comparing yourself to other

- Because comparing yourself can lead you to negative thoughts,  unhappiness life
and low self-esteem . And We become or feel frustrated with ourselves for "not
being good enough,". So, stop comparing because remember we all created equally
but we have our own uniqueness. Instead, make yourself busy on discovering your own

The second tip is be mindful.

- Are the goals you set for yourself really what you want or are they pushed onto you by
the people arounds you?
- Being mindful may help you gain insight about who you are, how you think, and what
you aspire. Because It provides you with self-awareness

The third tip is The Self needs

- Do you know what gives you energy?
- What makes you happy?
- That make you feel unwinds, relax, and relieve
- Like needing to spend so much time with your family, and friends
That's why it's so important to identify the things, that make us feel better
- Knowing what you need and acting on those needs is a form of self love.
because it can go a long way for our mental and emotional wellbeing

and that idea will bring us to learn how to set boundaries

What type of people do you surround yourself with?
The purpose of setting boundaries is not to kick people
out of our life but rather to help us identify
What is acceptable in your life versus what is not.
Healthy boundaries enable us to filtering out things.
which drain our energy as well as that harm us emotionally, physically or spiritually.

Lastly practice self-care

By simply doing exercise, eating healthy foods, time management and self- disciplined

Self-Love is an act of Growth! Yes, it might be hard at first but learning to love yourself is the
first step to reaching full happiness in life.

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