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It measures the volume RBCs as a percentage of the total blood volume and plasma?


Which lab test included in the CBC indicates potential for bleeding or excessive clotting? Platelet

A result of 85mg/dL of FBS is interpreted as: Hypoglycemia

It is the most common male chromosomal disease, otherwise known as 47,XXY, is caused by an
extra X chromosome. Klinefelter Syndrome

Following CVS, the woman needs to be instructed to report chills and fever as this may indicate the
following EXCEPT: Fetal Puncture

High levels of lymphocytes indicatesLeukemia

What test indicated the average blood glucose over the past 3 months? Hemoglobin A1C

Allergic Reactions are indicated in increase levels ofEosinophils

Trauma decreases blood sugarfalse

What is the confirmatory test for HIV? Western blotFresh

Which of the following will NOT likely to color the urine? Fresh orange Juice

Tumors, stones, infection and trauma may cause the urine to be redTrue

Which result of the OGTT indicates increase in blood sugar levels? 150mg/dl

Which test detects UTI and identifies the specific pathogen? Urine C&S

This is used to check for the monitoring of compliance to therapeutic management for a diabetes in
a clientCBG

Before going to the admitted client who is on CBG monitoring every 8 hours, the nurse willcheck
functional status of the machine

How should the site be pricked? in a darting motion

before puncturing the clientThe reagent strip must be attached to the CBG machine

In CBG procedure, we should hold the finger in a ___ position and massage it toward the site.

The earlobe may also be a site for collection of blood for CBG. True

To increase blood flow to the puncture site, the nurse may do the following EXCEPT put a hot

After obtaining the blood sample and while waiting for the result, the nurse shouldask the client to
apply pressure with a cotton ball
Prior to pricking, the site is cleansed withalcohol

The nurse taught the client how to do her own CBG monitoring. To assess understanding, the nurse
shouldallow the client to perform the procedure

As soon as the blood is in the test strip, shield it from light by covering with your hand. This
procedure isincorrect

If after puncturing the client,no blood appears, the nurse can do which of the following? gently
squeeze the site

When the machine registers the result, the nurse willdocument the value obtained

If using the client's finger, where should the nurse prick? on the lateral surface

What PPE must be worn for the CBG procedure? clean gloves

After pricking the client, the nurse should: wipe the first drop of blood

It is necessary to test the balloon before insertion of the urinary catheter? True

Care of indwelling urinary catheter should include which of the following interventions? Remove
obvious encrustations from the eternal catheter surface by washing it gently with soap and

What is the purpose of clamping a catheter?  All of the above

How often should a catheter bag be changed? Every 7 days

The urethra cleaned to prevent? Infection

Equipment to be use in urinary catheterization exceptForcep

Indwelling catheter are designed to. : Is a foley catheter that is designed to rest securely in the
bladder for a limited amount of time.

Hand hygiene does not need to be performed if you are wearing gloves. False

A person with which condition may need a foley catheter? Spinal cord

Aseptic refers to: Being free of pathogenic microorganism

What are the specific documentation for induction of indwelling catheter, Except: Amount of water
instilled into the balloon.
A nursing student is reviewing the purpose of inserting an intermittent or indwelling catheter to a
patient, as a student we know that a foley catheter used for? Empty the bladder

What is the use of the 3rd lumen in a three way foley catheter? : For irrigation

Appropriate insertion follows aseptic technique which includes the use of which of the following? All
of the above
During catheter care, gloves only need to be worn if you are emptying the urine drainage bag. False

Blood examinations revealed 15mg/ dL; one of the management is to place the baby under photo
therapy. The data relates tobreakdown of Protoporphyrin

Which of the following accurately describes the greatest risk related to having a feeding tube?
Prior to insertion, the length of catheter or depth of insertion must be estimated. How is this
measuredFrom infant’s bridge of nose to the earlobe to the halfway between the xiphoid process
and the umbilicus

Which of the following condition would be most Signs of dehydration for the nurse to assess while
infant is under phototherapy?

The mother of the infant undergoing Remove the eyepatch and give the infant to the mother to be
breastfed. expresses desire to breastfeed her infant. The nurse should:
Infant’s stools appear bright green due to excretion of bilirubin and often loose which is irritating to
the skin. All but one is nursing action to this condition. Extract blood sample to assess bilirubin
Prior to feeding, you haveto determine proper placement of the tube. All are proper methods except
for one. Inject 5 mL.of water into the tube and listen over the stomach with stethoscope for
growling sound

To check if the infant can be weaned from the incubator, The nurse must lower the temperature
to 1.2’ F. If an infant cannot maintain adequate temperature as the incubator temperature level is
lowered, he or she is True yet ready for room-temperature air. This statement is:
You were called by the nurse to assist with the assessment of a newborn infant in the NICU. Which
of the following signs is an indication that the infant is in respiratory distress? Grunting

As a student nurse on duty, what important health teaching must be given to mothers to prevent
possible development of jaundice condition? Early breast feeding

The infant’s eyes must always be covered while under bilirubin lights, the reason behind this is: The
light may be harmful to newborn’s retina
A preterm infant 32 weeks gestation, born via NSD, weighing 2000 g. with anAPGAR score of 7, with
good sucking reflex,was admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to be placed in an incubator.Which
nursing diagnosis leads to this management? Risk for ineffective thermoregulation related to
immaturity and lack of subcutaneous tissues
Situation:Baby Boy Dan full term born by NSD, 2 days old, manifested poor sucking and tires easily
when breast feed by his mother diagnosed with congenital heart defect probably AV septal defect.
His condition has risk for inadequate nutrition.The pediatrician ordered enteral feeding.
To manage his nutritional status, why is it recommended that enteral catheter be inserted through
the mouthEasier for the neonate or infant to breathe because the nose is unclogged

Abdominal X-ray confirmation of tube placement is required for all blindly inserted tubes prior to the
initiation of feedings. True
A group of nursing students are studying together. They are discussing the differences between
parenteral and enteral nutrition. Which statement, if made by one of the students, indicates further
instruction is needed? Parenteral nutrition is the administration of nutrients directly into the GI
tract by way of a feeding tube.

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