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Emily Werner

Dr. Dabback

MUED 373


Community Practicum

For my community practicum, I helped with a youth orchestra concert featuring

elementary strings programs, the Shenandoah Valley Youth Symphony, and Mark Wood. Mark

Wood is an electric violinist who has pioneered designs and been a part of groups like the Trans-

Siberian Orchestra. Now, he travels around to schools to play with students and inspire them to

be creative and take risks with their music. Working with him was exciting because he

encouraged people to perform instead of just play. He talked about how an audience wants to be

entertained visually as well as aurally and encouraged us to let loose and have fun. I think this is

an important concept that classically-trained performers tend to overlook. For one thing, I think

he is absolutely correct that audiences expect more of a visual element, and for another thing I

think it is important for musicians to feel relaxed enough that they can move to and enjoy the

music they are making.

Mark also did a good job of incorporating the students at appropriate levels. For the

elementary students he had them play repetitive parts that mostly used open strings. He also had

shouts, claps, and other fun things that kept the student’s attention and made them feel like they

were an important part of the concert. For the youth orchestra, made up of middle and high

school students, the pieces were much more difficult but had a backing track that was intuitive

and easy to follow. Mark arranged the pieces himself so he knows them well enough to be able

play with the orchestra or improvise overtop.

Overall, it was so much fun to be able to work with a fantastic musician who is

passionate and knowledgeable about music education. He put us on an email list to be able to

continue to share ideas and information. It was also fun to work with students from a wide

variety of ages and skill levels. They were excited to be able to play in something that felt like a

rock concert.

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