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I picked “Ants on a log” for my rebus recipe.

This is a
healthy snack, and it would be easy for the children to make.
The peanut butter could also be substituted if needed. I could
make a lesson based on the ants and how they use engineering
and strength to build their houses, and then I would show the
children different pictures of the ant’s tunnels they’ve made to
show how artistic and creative the ants can be. I would teach the
children that this is the ant’s job and they do it every day to help
their families and that the children can find jobs like the ants if
they look around. I would tell them that builders fixing homes
and contractors making plans for structures are like ants as well.
I would then go on to tell them that the ants have been around
for almost 170 million years, and then have the children draw
their ant with an anthill as well. I would go outside and show
them what an anthill looks like and then possibly find a video
showing them the ants building the hill from the inside out.

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