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Nambo ilir RT/RW 01/02


November 29th 2016

Group Media Company

Dear sirs,

According to the information that I got form KOMPAS advertised on November 26 th

2016, I would like to apply for the post of ASS.Manager.

As you can see from my curriculum vitae, I’m 28 years old. I graduated from Trisakti
University majoring in Management Bussines. I have 3 years working experience as
Manager BANK BRI, in Jakarta. I’m hard worker, can speak English cleary, and able
to work in team player with good interpersonal skill.

As a consideration for you, I enclosed my curriculum vitae that also describe all of
my experience. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon and ready to be
interviewed to elaborate in more details of my strength.

Your sincerely,

Rachmat Al Fajri.S.E

Personal Date :

Name : Rachmat Al Fajri

Date of birth : april 23th , 1999

Gender : Mele

Religion : Islam

Nationality : Indonesia

Addres : Sawo, RT/RW 018/003, Serang , Banten

Phone number : 089692461179

Formal Education :

2005-2011 : SDN Julang

2011-2014 : SMPN 3 Kab.Bandung


2017-2021 : Management bussines Trisakti University

Working experience :

2022-2024 : BANK BRI

I hereby declare that the curriculum vitae contains the correct data and will
responable if any descrepancy found within.

Yours sincerely

Rachmat Al Fajri.SE

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