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Dwell on the most important factors for a happy working life.

Most employers seem to think that money is the most important factor in job
satisfaction. After all, people work to earn a living and a competitive salary does
seem like a reasonable exchange for their services. However, there’s more to work
than just money. There are different factors that play into workplace happiness and
It is an employer’s responsibility to provide a healthy and enjoyable working
environment that can stimulate employees’ mental and physical senses. I suggest
starting with the most important.
1. A Healthy Workplace Environment
Employees spend a third of their day (and for a lot of us, a third of our lives) working
inside an office. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to provide a safe and healthy
environment to work in.
Recognition is a huge element to this as well. Company culture is a big topic.
● Employee Health.
Beyond just providing health benefits, an employer must also make sure that the
workspace is always clean and disinfected from germs that might be lurking in
2. Team Building Activities
Working for a company with a job that you’re passionate about is one thing, but
sharing that experience with others that you love working with…that’s priceless. It
will take a lot of hard work in order to take a company to reach that state, true, but
it’s not impossible. Here are a few ideas:
Have a recreational room. Don’t just install a couch, a TV, and a gaming console
with a few games. Make an effort to make this common room a place where your
employees will sincerely enjoy hanging out.
Get them outside. It`s recommended organizing outdoor camping activities as well.
It’s also a good way to get them out of their comfort zone, learn more about their
colleagues, and even stimulate their inspiration and creativity.
Invest in corporate events. Take special milestones and events as opportunities to
give back to the people who have worked hard to make them happen. Rent a fancy
venue. Invest in good food and drinks. Don’t hold back on decor. Sky dancers,
spotlights, and other dramatic party decors will allow your employees to loosen up
and remind them that this is for their enjoyment. It’s not just about work anymore.
It’s about having a good time.
Express your ideas on the issue of an ideal job.
Today I am going to talk about my dream job for the future. I am going to tell you
what the job is, the sort of experience and qualifications I might need to do it, then
what it involves including what might be the most difficult thing about the job. I
think it will be pretty obvious why it is my dream job, but I’ll explain that too. My
dream job would be to be a travel writer!
Travel writers are often self-employed. They travel the world to interesting places
and then write magazine, newspaper and internet articles about their experience. In
terms of qualifications, I think that’s less important than having a portfolio of
examples of your work that show you are a really good writer. Having said that,
possibly qualifications that provide a good level of English language are useful, and
maybe even creative writing or journalism courses might help you to build
confidence and develop a writing style.
To do this job you have to be willing to go to lots of new places. You also need to be
able to write fluently and in different styles for different publications. Travel writers
must be very flexible, as you might need to go to difficult or uncomfortable places
and to travel at short notice.
The most difficult part of the job? Well, it’s not very well paid, so often travel writers
need to have another job a well, because, unfortunately, you can’t really make a
living out of this type of work. Also, even if you are successful, it would be quite an
unsettling way to live, it would be hard to maintain friends and pursue hobbies if you
are moving around all the time …, I think that would be a small price to pay to be
part of such a fantastically interesting and stimulating profession!
The reason I would like to do this job so much is that I love going to new places. For
example, earlier this year I got to go to Vietnam to work as a TEFL teacher, that was
a new and wonderful experience for me. I would so enjoy telling other people what it
was like and encouraging them to go on an adventure of their own. I also like
communicating ideas in writing, it would be wonderful to make a living out of the
two things I enjoy most – travel and writing!

The only place where success comes before work is dictionary

The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the
price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing
to pay the price.
In life, success never comes before work. Everybody needs to put in effort, go
through a lot of shitty stuff, and be put through 100 different ringers before you're
really worth anything.
Work is the key to success and hard work can help you accomplish anything.
Success is not something which, once you achieve it, is guaranteed forever. It is
something which needs to be constantly worked at; but not "worked at" to the extent
of never being able to enjoy the fruits which come with that success.
There are innumerable books have been written on various ways to succeed, each
offering some secret formula or magic recipe for success. Yet, the truth is that there
are no instant "secrets" to success. But, the overriding factor to achieve the success is
to put in the necessary hours and work.
Success is a ladder you cannot climb with your hands in your pockets.
Success is not an accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice
and most of all, love of what you do or learn to do.

Work is an essential part of being alive

It is a well-established fact that the most indispensable element of a human's life is
time spent at the workplace. Besides, job satisfaction is also an essential factor of life.
From my perspective, I totally agree with this view.
To begin with, it is apparent that the amount of time allocated for work is relatively
crucial. This is because in these days people spend a large number of hours working.
In fact, the average person spends nearly 8 hours at work. Furthermore, it is estimated
that the figure for time spent for this purpose will be 90,000 hours over the course of
a lifetime. As this example has shown, normal people have a tendency to spend
nearly 1/3 of their life at work. For this reason, the time at a working place has a big
impact on each person’s life.
In addition, it is undisputed that no job satisfaction results in a worthless life. In
reality, job contentment is a component of life satisfaction, job satisfaction predicts
life satisfaction over the same period of time. Moreover, researchers have already
proven that job contentment is a key indicator of workers’ well-being. As a
consequence of this, it is obvious that job fulfilment is extremely significant in life.
Taking all the aforementioned points into consideration, it may be concluded that
time allocated for working place and job satisfaction are influential with a person’s
life. As a result, I wholly advocate with the view that the most integral components of
life are working place time and job contentment which help us feel alive.

Express your ideas on the advantages and disadvantages of working at

It is a common practice for some jobs to have night shifts, so there are those obliging
to work during unsociable hours. While some may find this phenomenon as an
attractive opportunity which has a couple of advantages, there are still those believing
a graveyard shift may have negative impacts only.

On the one hand, working at night is more financially rewarding. Due to the fact that
the workload is very large, some employees have to work at night, so extra hours are
paid more than normal. Therefore, many people work extra to earn more money to
cover expenses. Another merit of those working at night is the increase of company`s

On the other hand, working at night decreases a health condition. Due to working
constantly for many hours, workers feel miserable and such a lifestyle can even lead
to serious mental and physical issues. For instance, a friend of mine was working in
Poland in a factory during night and now his working ability do not correspond to
what others of his age are able to do. Additionally, the disadvantage of night-shift
work is that people do not have more time for friends and family since they have to
get up early to work and come back late so they cannot interact with others. As a
result, that makes them feel lonely.

In conclusion, it is not a rare practice of working night shifts. Nevertheless, people

should find this work-life balance and do not overwork as consequences are severe
and physical with mental health have to be number one priority.

Express your ideas on the issue of maintaining a work–life balance.

Work-life balance can be defined as arrangements made by employers to enable their
employees to live full lives. This implies that as much as they will be giving their best
to the job, the employees will be having a chance to do other things in their lives.
Work-life balance is a very important aspect of any working environment. Among its
advantages is the fact that employees are more motivated to perform their duties since
they do not get overworked. This is advantageous to both the employers and the
The employees benefit in that they develop healthy relationships with their employers
and at the same time they get time to build non-professional aspects of their lives.
This way, they are able to develop their careers positively and engage in productive
activities as they build their careers. On the other hand, employers are able to achieve
greater productivity of their firms since employees are greatly motivated to work.
Employees give their best to the job due to the motivation and thus quality and
greater volume of production is guaranteed. The employers also benefit in other ways
since the benefits they give to their employees enable them to gain good publicity
that attracts more productive workers and more customers.
From the above discussion, it is apparent that work-life balance is of utmost
importance in organizations. Firms should therefore know how to appropriately
establish appropriate measures in order to enable their employees live a full life. On
the other hand, employees should strive to live a balanced life even in conditions that
are seemingly unfavourable.

Dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of a work–life balance scheme

A work-life balance is a balancing act. You need to balance your productivity and get
work completed without it taking over the time you’d spend with family and friends.
You can’t let work take up so much of your time that you give up hobbies and other
interests or ignore your own physical and mental needs.
You must carefully weigh the pros and cons of your work-life balance. But, don’t let
your expectations become unrealistic.
One of the main pros of a work-life balance is that you feel great about yourself.
You’ve got your work done without ignoring your own needs or time with your loved
ones. When you feel awesome about yourself, it improves your physical and mental
health. If you’re healthy, you’re less likely to burn through your personal or sick
Managing a work-life balance makes you more productive. You have a plan in place
that works. Once you’ve got a schedule that works for you, you’re going to work
effectively and efficiently. You get more done and aren’t struggling to keep going at
the end of the day when you’re tired and ready to call it a day.
Businesses who help their employees find the right work-life balance have less
turnover, happier employees, and optimal employee morale. With improved
productivity, your clients are also happier and more likely to recommend you to
others. This makes for a more competitive business.
Lack of Communication and Innovation
One common challenge faced by employers who have a team working remotely is
For example, an employee working from home might be situated in a ‘bad phone
network’ zone, which makes reaching out to them becomes challenging. This will
lead to confusion and possible delays in completing the assignments or tasks. Also,
there may be poor internet connection or electricity problems or no fuel to put on the
generator. All these are common problems of today which makes the remote working
option very inefficient.
Distractions and Missed Collaborations
Employees tend to make a promise that they will manage work from home and stick
to deadlines but are unable to do so due to one or multiple reasons. Be it due to
having a pet or a kid or having constant distractions with a large family in the house,
such employees are bound to be interrupted because these distractions won’t let them
concentrate on their work.
The only way an employee can enjoy scheduled flexibility and work perfectly well in
his or her comfort zone is if the project is being handled individually. In the case of a
group task or assignment, where one team member’s task depends on another’s,
there’s bound to be a setback. The one who decides what time he or she decides to
work can’t keep up with what the rest of the team is doing.
If you’re an employer, give these aspects serious consideration and understand that
while it’s essential for you to help your employees work better, it’s also equally
important that you ensure the work-life balance is evenly balanced. Note that it’s
always better to work smart than to work hard.

Dwell on the personality traits of different types of office workers

Personality traits of the workaholic

In the modern world more and more people are considered workaholics. There’s
nothing wrong in being dedicated to your work, however, there is a thin line between
following good work ethics and being a workaholic – the former is something you
should be proud of but the latter needs a serious treatment. How to know if you have
the traits of a workaholic? You are always working, even when you are away from
work, your mind is occupied with work-related thoughts.

In order to understand whether you are a workaholic or not, it is essential to take a

look at some traits of workaholism that you need to watch out for:

 Ones works for more than 40 hours a week. It is not about the time when one
has excessive workload or need to meet a deadline – usual working hours are
longer than one`s colleagues.
 One does not care about work-life balance. Family events and other personal
tasks are missed just because too much attention is given to work.
 Success is measure with the salary. One constantly waits for a promotion or
pay raise so that the quality of life can be improved.
 One is distracted during off hours. During weekends or during off-hours, one is
constantly thinking about the work that is needed to do as soon as one gets
back to the office.
 A calendar is overscheduled. Tasks are taken even when there is too much on
the plate.

To conclude, workaholism is a serious problem of the 21st century. If you have some
of the above-mentioned traits of a workaholic, you need to bring an end to your
habits and maintain a work-life balance or chances are, you will soon be suffering
from job burnout.

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