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 Definition : Will – when we talk about the future WILL is a very simple way to describe what we
plan to happen.

 Will – is a modal verb.

 Form for Will Subject + Will + the main verb.

 Use

1. To talk about the future
2. To make predictions
3. Talk about decisions
4. To make promises , offers , requests and threats.
5. Warning.
6. Rapid decisions (for things that we decide to do now).
7. Actions , facts or situations that will happen in the future: The sun will rise.

 Why we use will ? We use will to talk about future events in general

 We use WILL BE + ing when we want to focus on a specific time or event in the future.

Examples :
1. Talk for future – Lola will be six months next week.
2. Prediction - One day I will visit Brauil.
3. Decisions – We will visit our teacher tomorrow.
4. Promise – I promise I will help you with your homeworks later.
Offer – I will take you to the airport tomorrow.
Request – Will you close the door, please?
Threat – If you say anything I will kill you.
5. Warning – Save your file or you will loose your document.
6. Rapid decisions- I will call a taxi for you.
Question for Will
Will they win the cup?
- Yes they Will.

TIME EXPRESSION: tomorrow , next week , next month , next year , in a few days /weeks/ months ,

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