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Creative Strategy Statement

Ads will target figure-conscious women who are concerned about their figure and highlight the
low caloric intake from consuming oysters. A luxurious and playful portrayal of how oysters to
lead to a slimmer waistline will convince them.

Advertising Plan

Key Fact: One cup of oysters—around 13 to 19 medium-sized—has only 160 calories.

Advertising Problem: Consumers are largely unaware of the low-calorie content of oysters as
well as the many nutritional benefits oysters provide.

Advertising Objective: To inform women how consuming oysters will help keep them looking
good and feeling good.

Target Consumers: Women, ages 35 to 44, who connect to the Staying Alive and Small
Indulgences trends.

Competition: Healthy foods low in calories such as oats, chia seeds, Greek yogurt, eggs, berries
and certain types of fish.

Key Consumer Benefit: Women will feel more confident about their overall body image and
health by adding oysters to their diet.

Support: Today’s consumers are extremely concerned about their well-being and are always
looking for ways to enrich their lives through healthy eating and living. Many are also
concerned about physical appearance and strive to get as close to an idealistic body image as
possible. National TV, outdoor, magazines, newspapers, digital video.

Tone Statement: Elegant, lighthearted, indulgent.

Mandatories and Limitations: URL leading to additional information on the other benefits of
eating oysters when applicable, logo, slogan.

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