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Adama Science and Technology University

Department of Electrical Power and Control Engineering

Optimization Method (PCE8306)

Prepared By:Tahir Kedir

ID No:PGR/24532/14

Submitted To: Prof. Gang Gyoo Jin

Due Date: Jan11, 2022

Optimization Methods (PCE8306) Page 1

Problem1.The minimum weight-design of the corrugated bulkheads for a tanker requires the
solution of the following optimization problem, where the variables correspond to the
following corrugation dimension: width, depth, length, and plate thickness:
( )
( )

 ( ) ( √ )

 ( ) ( √

Then obtain the solution using the MATLAB function.
 The problem is minimization problem.
 There are about Five constraints:
 Three of them are linear inequality constraints.
 While two of them are nonlinear inequality constraints.
1. Define linear equality and inequality constraints as it is given:
 A=[0.0156 0 0 -1;0 0 0.0156 -1;0 1 -1 0];
 B=[-0.15;-0.15;0];
 Aeq and Beq linear equality constraints is not defined so skip ([]).
2. Defined Lower and upper bounds by:
 LB=[0;0;0;1.05];UB=[100;100;100;5];
3. Initialize the input by:
 x0=UB+(UB-LB).*rand(4,1)
 x0 may be a scalar, vector, or matrix.
4. Use MATLAB function syntax given by:
 [x,fval]=fmincon(@fun,x0,A,B,[],[],LB,UB,@nonlcon)

Optimization Methods (PCE8306) Page 2

5. Define nonlinear equality and inequality constraints as it is given:
 nonlinear inequality constraints are defined by:
 [c,ceq]=nonlcon(x)
 c is nonlinear inequality constraints
 ceq nonlinear equality constraints is not defined so skip([]) it.
MATLAB Code to obtain solution
function Project1problem1
A=[0.0156 0 0 -1;0 0 0.0156 -1;0 1 -1 0];
function f=fun(x)
%f accepts input x and returns a scalar function value f evaluated at x.
function [c,ceq]=nonlcon(x)
%nlcon accepts x and returns the vectors c and ceq.
Optimal solution found:
Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints.
Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in feasible directions,
to within the value of the optimality tolerance, and constraints are satisfied to within the value of
the constraint tolerance.
<stopping criteria details>
x = 57.6923 34.1476 57.6923 1.0500 fval =6.8430 c = -240.6946 -0.0005
*These are the value of x at which the value of the function is minimum within a given

Optimization Methods (PCE8306) Page 3

Problem 2.Consider the following Linear Program (LP):

1) Draw the feasible region.
2) Find the solution using the MATLAB linear programming function.
3) Find the solution using the MATLAB optimvar and optimproblem function.
MATLAB Code to obtain solution:
1) Draw the feasible region
hold on
xp=[0 10 0];yp=[0 0 10];
patch(xp,yp,[0.91 0.94 0.93])
xp=[0 7 0];yp=[0 0 35/4];
xp=[3 12 12];yp=[0 0 9];
patch(xp,yp,[0.9 0.9 0.9]);
xp=[3 7 5.222];yp=[0 0 2.2222];
grid on
Optimization Methods (PCE8306) Page 4
axis([0 10 -4 10]);
solution Obtained

Figure: shows constraints

2) Find the solution using the MATLAB linprog function
%it is linear program maximization problem z=5x1+6x2
%define as min z=-cx
%so min z=-5x1-6x2
c= [-5 -6];
% Z is subjected to the three linear inequality constraints
A= [1 1;-1 1;5 4]; B= [10;-3;35];
%linear equality constraints are not defined so skip it []
%since bounds are given define as follows
LB= [0;0]; UB= [inf;inf];
[x,fval]= linprog(c,A,B,[],[],LB,UB);
Optimal solution found.
x = 5.2222 2.2222
ans = 39.4444
*These are the value of x at which the value of the function is minimum within a given

Optimization Methods (PCE8306) Page 5

3) Find the solution using the MATLAB optimvar and optimproblem functions
% Define all problem variables with the bounds.
x1 = optimvar('x1','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',inf);
x2 = optimvar('x2','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',inf);
% Create the objective function with the constraints.
obj= 5*x1+6*x2;
linprob = optimproblem('Objective', -obj);
linprob.Constraints.cons1 = x1+x2<=10;
linprob.Constraints.cons2 = -x1+x2<=-3;
linprob.Constraints.econs3 = 5*x1+4*x2<=35;
% Solve the LP problem.
[linsol,fval] = solve(linprob);
% Displays the solution as a vertical table
tableoptimvar= struct2table(linsol)
% Displays the objective function value
Optimal solution found.
tableoptimvar =
1×2 table
x1 x2
______ _____
5.2222 2.2222

ans =39.4444

*These are the value of x at which the value of the function is minimum within a given

Optimization Methods (PCE8306) Page 6

Problem 3.Consider the following linear program:
( )

1) Obtain the solution using the MATLAB linear Program function.
2) Obtain the solution using the MATLAB optimvar and optimproblem functions.
MATLAB Code to obtain solution:
1) Obtain the solution using the MATLAB linprog function
%it is linear program maximization problem z=6*x1+10*x2+9*x3+20*x4
%define as min z=-cx
%so min z=-6*x1-10*x2-9*x3-20*x4
c= [-6 -10 -9 -20];
% Z is subjected to the two linear inequality and one linear equality constraints
A= [4 9 7 10;1 1 3 8]; B= [600;420];
%one linear equality constraints are defined as follows
Aeq=[30 40 20 10]; Beq=800;
%since bounds are given, define as follows
LB= [0;0;0;0]; UB= [inf;inf;inf;inf];
[x,fval]= linprog(c,A,B,Aeq,Beq,LB,UB);
Optimal solution found.

x=0 7.0968 0 51.6129 ans =1.1032e+03

Optimization Methods (PCE8306) Page 7

2) Obtain the solution using the MATLAB optimvar and optimproblem functions
% Define all problem variables with the bounds.
x1 = optimvar('x1','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',inf);
x2 = optimvar('x2','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',inf);
x3 = optimvar('x3','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',inf);
x4 = optimvar('x4','LowerBound',0,'UpperBound',inf);
% Create the objective function with the constraints.
obj= 6*x1+10*x2+9*x3+20*x4;
linprob = optimproblem('Objective', -obj);
linprob.Constraints.cons1 = 4*x1+9*x2+7*x3+10*x4<=600;
linprob.Constraints.cons2 = x1+x2+3*x3+8*x4<=420;
linprob.Constraints.econs3 = 30*x1+40*x2+20*x3+10*x4==800;
% Solve the LP problem.
[linsol,fval] = solve(linprob);
% Displays the solution as a vertical table
tableoptimvar= struct2table(linsol)
% Displays the objective function value
Optimal solution found.

tableoptimvar =

1×4 table

x1 x2 x3 x4

__ ______ __ ______

0 7.0968 0 51.613

ans =1.1032e+03

Optimization Methods (PCE8306) Page 8

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