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Lisandro Hernandez Rosario

Janice Esau

English 12

May 9, 2022

Written Defense for Diligent Problem Solver

In this article, I am going to be talking about a “diligent problem solver”. You might be

asking yourself what a diligent problem solver is. It is someone who investigates any concerns or

issues and uses a logical approach in order to solve problems. They also identify understandable

sources by looking for accuracy and do thorough research with any device or item they have. It is

perhaps a person who understands the principles of truth and ethics, and also knows when

something is professional and not biased. Finally, he or she evaluates other people's perspectives

and seeks possible solutions. I will also be talking about my experience in the process of solving

problems. Lastly, I will be talking about how I have used this skill of a scholar in my academic

life and also in my social life. So let me start explaining what is a problem solver and why this is

an important ability in our lives.

An example of this skill is when I was doing the Spanish skit. I had to help my group

film, but I also had other things to do before that. What I decided to do was to film the scene, and

I talked to the other person with whom I had the other commitment to reschedule what I had

planned for that day. This evidenced not just my responsibility, but also my intentionality as a

diligent problem solver to look at my group's schedule and adapt my agenda to theirs so that we

could film the video. By doing this, it showed that I was not biased towards my personal desires,

but instead I did what was better for others.

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To continue, I am going to explain some main characteristics of a diligent problem

solver. The first point is to identify your credible and accurate sources of information. It means

that you have to find the ideal person that will actually be able to help you with your problem.

Also, you have to know that the person you choose has the wisdom to help you and not just the

intelligence. It's important to wisely seek the ideal source of help for a problem. You may choose

to find a solution with someone that is intelligent and who may at that moment have an answer.

Sometimes might not be the right answer to your problem, or it may not be the one you are

looking for.

The second most important part of being a Diligent Problem Solver is to discern point of

view and bias. This means you need to discern who will give you the right answer and not help

you in order to benefit themselves. There are also people that help you because later they might

be rewarded, this is not the type of information or person you should look for. Lastly, the

information should not come from someone that doesn't know you. It should be from someone

with whom you have had a relationship for a certain amount of time and has experienced some

of your difficult problems.

The last important principle of being a diligent problem solver is making logical and

educated decisions. This does not mean that you are going to do or pick the first thing that comes

to your mind. Before you make a decision, you should take the necessary time to think about

your choice. This might make no sense at the time, but when one rushes into making a horrible

decision, it results in an even bigger problem or negative consequences later on.

I will now talk about how I am a diligent problem solver and how I have used this skill in

my life. I have evidenced this skill by knowing how to interact with others in a non-biased way.

This means that I don’t discriminate or have a preference for the people I am around. I am
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willing to relate and interact with everyone, no matter who they are. Another way I embody this

skill is by listening carefully to what others have to tell me, or any different point of view that

they may have. The other way I personally show this skill is by using all the information that I

receive from my research to make one comprehensive solution and use that as my final solution

or conclusion.

Why is this important to know and apply in your life? This ability is important because

you need to discern who or what sources will actually help you. In addition, diligent problem-

solving skills will help you acquire different kinds of credible information in order to draw

conclusions. These tenets are also important to lead you to interaction with wise people and

individuals and sources that will help you and not harm you. Being a diligent problem solver also

helps you understand what adulthood is going to be like. This means that you will not always

have someone present to answer your questions, and you might need to take your time to look for

that ideal person.

I will now be stating some examples of how I have shown this, along with an example of

how I acted and solved a specific problem. Let’s begin with one of my biggest struggles. There

was a season of life when I was having issues with self-image. This situation led me to look for

an adult to help me. I was able to find someone who truly helped me by having me read some

verses from the Bible that talked about our creation and that we were made in God’s image. This

person was the right person to go to because he didn’t just talk to me, but instead researched and

gave me some evidence that helped me come to my final conclusion. After I looked for help, I

started feeling more comfortable being me, and stopped basing my life on lies, because I didn’t

feel good about how I looked.

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One more way that I showed this trait was when I was failing around two classes during

the pandemic. I decided to talk to my parent and my teachers, and they helped me get my grades

up by giving me the chance to re-do some of the activities I missed. This demonstrated me being

a problem solver because I didn't give up and leave my grades how they were. I looked for the

possible solutions of how to raise them, and this helped me because in the end, I was able to get

my grades back up and not be failing anymore. This skill is important to have in life because if I

just surrender to leave things like they are and don't keep on trying, I will not achieve the goals I

want. If I don't try, I will be a failure.

In conclusion, being a diligent problem solver is not only solving your problems, but it is

also knowing how, where and who to go for help and for solutions. This means that a diligent

problem solver is a person who investigates any concerns or issues to solve problems. Someone

who personifies this skill also identifies sources by looking for accurate and the best possible

information with any device or source he or she has. Finally, he or she evaluates other people's

perspectives and seeks possible solutions. On the other hand, I have shown this because I know

how to apply every point that I have stated in this defense. I also know how to understand

everyone's points of view.

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