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Kameron Pou

Coming Of Age response questions

1. Name and explain in your own words, the three parts of the Coming of Age genre, from
the reading. (Separation, Transition, Reincorporation)
a. Separation means the start of a whole new identity, living in a different lifestyle
than your previous one. Transition means getting use to the new life that you will
live. In addition, you also would have to modify or maintain your living style.
Finally, Re-incorporation means to achieve some type of requirement that you set
up for yourself.

2. Can Coming of Age happen at any age? Explain why or why not, from the reading.
a. Based on this quote, “Coming-of-age films frequently deal with controversial
topics pertinent to the age of the protagonist such as loss of a loved one,
understanding the fallibility of authority figures, sexuality, loss of virginity, leaving
home for the first time, divorce or acceptance of mortality(P.1, sentence. 3)” It
talks about how usual Coming of Age stories have a similar “life changing story”
to begin with. Therefore, I believe that A Coming of Age can happen to anyone,
at any age. The reason why is that, everyone has a different story in their life, so
some people are going to have a good Coming of age story and others might
have a not so good Coming of Age story. Not only that, It can also happen to any
age, whether you are a kid, or an adult.

3. How does college represent a coming-of-age journey? (Explain the separation, the
transition, and the re-incorporation of the college journey)
a. In college, a coming of age story can be a lot of things, whether it’s living on
campus, or off campus, commuting to campus, or finding a job near campus.
From my perspective, I believe that separation in college represents moving out
of your previous living space, to go and live in a dorm. Next, transition
represents Getting use to living a college life, and balancing School, Work, and
Self-care. Finally, re-corporation represents meeting any type of goal that you
have set for yourself. So it can be anything like, making a new friend, or joining a

4. Write a 250+ word analysis of how the time from going away to college until graduation
is often a coming-of-age process for young adults. What do you expect in this journey
yourself? (Note: I had a hard time understanding the first part of this question.)
a. When it comes to my journey away from college, I feel that my Coming of Age
story will be insightful, but also rather bumpy. Furthermore, from my journey, I
expect to face challenges, make connections and achieve many things within my
career choice. For my separation, I predict that it will be about trying to find a job,
to take on while I improve my skills as a video games designer. For Transition, I
predict that it will be a challenge for me to schedule interviews with companies
and balance that with what I love to do. For Re-corporation, I predict that I will
join a gaming company and create a fantastic game that does well. Looking back
at this, I would say that the reason why a Coming of Age story is often found in
young adults is that, that's the last phase in your life, where you have to transition
into a major milestone. What I mean by that is, we have a lot of people that do
different jobs, but most of those people are adults. Therefore, when young adults
are transitioning to full adulthood, they will be the ones to fill in those roles that
are left behind.

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