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CORRUPTION: The Satanic Drug Cult Network and Missing Children The Gunderson Report A series of four volumes on the most important threat to our children today Presented by: Te Ted L Gunderson International TED L. GUNDERSON, F.B.I. SENIOR SPECIAL AGENT-IN-CHARGE, RET. 2118 Wilshire Blvd. + Suite 422 ¢ Santa Monica, CA + Ph: (310) 364-2280 + (310) 650-5674 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1979 - Present TED L, GUNDERSON & ASSOCIATES, Sante Monica, California Founder, owner and operator of this international security consulting and investigetion firm, Hosts the “Ted Gunderson intelligence Report” radio talk show, weekdays as follows: 1. American Freedom Satellite Network, GE1 103° West (2° to the West of Space Net 4) Channel 7, Sub Audio 5.8 Frequency 10AM to 12PM Central Standard Time (C.S.T.) 2. WWCR Short Wave Radio 12,160 Frequency, 11AM 1012PM (C.S.T.) 1984 LOS ANGELES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Security and Anti-Terrorism Consultant 1981-1982 CALLFORNIA NARCOTICS AUTHORITY Appointed by Governor of California as ‘Nareotics Consulting Agent 1979 PAN AMERICAN GAMES, San Juan, Puerto Rico Security and Anti-Terrorism Coordinator Special Appointee of United States Attorney General Griffin B. Bell 1951-1979 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1977-79 Senior Special Agent-in-Charge, Los Angeles, California 1973-77 Special Agent-in-Charge of Memphis, Tennessee and Dallas, Texas 1973 Chief Inspector 1965-73 Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge, New Haven, Connecticut and Philadeiphie, Pennsylvania 1960-65 Special Agent Supervisor, FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 1951-66 Special Agent Received many other awards, including Law Enforcement Officer of The Year. Author of “How to Locate Anyone Anywhere Without Leaving Home” (Penguin Books 1989) and other Publications | Has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows including, “Larry King Live", (Geraléo”, “48 Hours, “Hard Copy”, “Inside Edition” among others. Currently forming an organization known as “Current end Former FBI Agents For Honest Government" VOLUME IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS |. President William Clinton ll. Former President George Bush Wl, Executive Orders lV. Department of Army---Civilian Labor Camps V. Joint Russian/American Military Operations VI. Plans for Global Civilization Vil. Up to One Billion Dollars Per Day Shipped to Soviet Mafia By Federal Reserve Vill. Federal Government Taking Our Guns IX. POWs in North Korea X. The National Security Agency's $1 Million an Hour Operation Xl. High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project Xl. The IRS and Federal Reserve Xill. Tax Reform XIV. WACO XV, Vince Foster XVI. Ron Brown XVII. Media Control--Who Is Behind it? PRESIDENT WILLIAM CLINTON Clinton says he is @ Rhodes scholar—he's not; he never finished. He went to Moscow during the Cold Wer; he organized and participated in anti-American rallies in London, England during the Viet Nam War. As Governor he said he balanced the budget 11 times; he never balanced the budget. He said he didn't raise taxes; he raised them 126 times. During his tenure as Governor he was instrumental in establishing the Arkansas Development Finance Authority supposedly to provide loans to students, churches, and schools. The agency was actually used to launder billions of dollars from 2 $100 million per month drug operation out of Mena, Arkansas. Millions of dollars from the drug operation were channeled to Clinton's personal political campaign-—-money laundered through BCCI banks in Florida; Atlanta, Georgia and former U.S, Senator Rostenkowski's bank in Chicago. I have personally talked to some of the CIA agents who brought drugs into Mena, Arkansas and shipped arms out. Every loan for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority was signed-off by Bill Clinton. Many of the loans were never paid off. in some instances not even one payment was made on the loans. During a 10 year operation not one indictment was handed down and not one truck or plane load of drugs was ever confiscated. During the first week of his presidency, he revoked random drug-testing of his White House Staff. A clear departure from the standard practice of his predecessors, who were more mindful of how testing relates to national security issues. Five Arkansas state troopers have volunteered that he had over 100 sexual escapades, with as many women, during the period they guarded him. | have personally interviewed one of these women who is now in hiding to protect her life. The documentation for the above information has been furnished to U.S. senators and congressmen and still nothing has been done. Why hasn't Congress investigated the Mena, Arkansas drug smuggling operation? Why hasn't Congress called the key witness, Larry Nichols, former Marketing Director for Arkansas Development Finance Authority to testify during the Whitewater and Vince Foster hearings? Nichols has stated that he alerted President Clinton to the drug operation and he was ignored. President Clinton's response was that it was a “Federal” matter—not a "State" matter. The FBI claims Foster's suicide note is authentic whereas three independent handwriting experts say itis fraudulent. Why has Congress not called former CIA drug smuggling pilots as witnesses? | personally know of two who would be willing to testify. Three attempts have been made on Larry Nichol's life. Law enforcement officers working toward meaningful prosecution have been forced to resign or have been reassigned. One has been falsely accused of a crime nd another survived an attempt to poison him. Since August 1991, thirty individuals associated with the drug operation and investigation of Clinton have died as a result of questionable suicides, murders, or in plane crashes. Former U.S. Congressman Bill Danameyer has described President Clinton as a draft-dodging womanizing pathological liar who should be impeached. Drug net draws | closer around Bill Clinton BE longer ent 25 Governor "8 eased te sauenie 6 She'd testified about seeing Bill Clinton get so high on cocaine he fell into a garbage can... Thave no doubt that she was telling the truth? Louth sepacts ntaensealee encase pecan’ a jenna asin ab te we | Saree FORMER PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH I gia oa iL Pa Bg Peay Ce eas ee eT La ay by David G. Guyatt ing Hall Cotiages mucking Hal? Road Barling Mag 1 553 ON) England, UX Phone/Fax +: drug-trafficking palaces ney Laundry ty Side of High Finance since th Nugan Hand Bank affair of the late 1970s, bani owed a slick and familiar template, Narcotics trafficking, gun running, CLA laundering and fraud on a massive scale are just some of nak efter bank crashing to is iness. Once the smoke clears. bank depositors anc sharenolders are left picking wp the tab ve of billion-dollar financial scandals bitung the headlines, 1995 wasnt such ‘assed bank regulacocs and shareholders. Calls for tougher regulation of facial markets in the wake of the Daiwa, Bangs anc other debacies are = PR paliatives designed (0 calm the nerves of eynical public who sill form the hard backbone of bank depositors. With the best will in the world, regulators ‘cant keep pace wilh an evolving and sophisticated money machine that daily shuffles upwards of 2 billion E-bucks around the globe in te blink of an eye Yet tough regulation, even when emplaced, i easily and cegulurly evaded. Banking ‘ae Cinmerisn handmaidens for the simple reason that banks are where the ‘where the stakes ere ether people's money. This is the dark side of the financial commu: nity, @ hidden face tat largely goes unreported—untl, that is, 2 major banking scanda! hits the front pages, Squirming under the glare of public attention, successive bank dis closures have reveaied the sinister connections that leading banks have with organised crime and the intelligence community. Tbe money-shuffiers of Spooksville’ need ‘black funds to finance covert operations and appear hagpy to exchange guns and military hard- ‘ware for dope that is; in tur, peddled for dollars used to finance other black operations. ‘This happy-go-lucky Feris wheel’ approach te money-raising on the par of the intelli ‘gence community reveals & long history of entanglements with the Mafia. 1 rt now the single largect business sector on the planet and ust love banking, Having accumulated a staggeting US$820 bil: Tast decade, the Mafia is now eximated 9 eam investments? Dozens of nations who maintain recy laws ate, de facte, providing full banking services to these mandarins ‘of diry money, A large nomber of banks are ectally owned by Mafia syndicates.” Some of the largest and mos: respectable ye and eam. massive commissions from laundering diny money The prudent image of bankers is jus that: an image. Banking survives porely on depositor confidence, making ithe Digzest ongoing, “confidence tick” the world has ever witnessed. That confidence has been dented by ct scandal following on te heels of another THE CIA'S HEROIN CONNECTION of the earliest scandals was ‘ugar. Hand Bank affair Michael Hane, an en: |) CIA operative from the Bron, joined up ia 1973 with Frank Nugan. an Austalian play | bay and inhentor of a Maria fortune, and incorporated the Nugan Hand Bank. The bank | sported an interesting and exclusive board of directors. President of the bank was (Reured) Rear Admiral Ear! Yates, former chief of the US Nevy's srategic planning Lega, counsei was the CLA’s Wiliam Colby, and Walter McDonald, former deputy dite tor of tne spook agency, wae listed 35 2 consultant. An in-house commodity trader on the bank's payroll was also a leading heroin importer, while Richard Secord, later to be sm cried «the Iran-Conie affair, vas said (0 have a business connection. ‘Seven years late tne banks collapsed following the discovery of Frank Nugar’s body slumped in his Mercedes, Clutching a gun in one hand and sporting a hole through the Nexus 21 34, Nugan was also hol 1g 2 ible that contained an embarrat mes including Witlam Colby, DC! of te Cla. ard ‘Committee's ranking of beckgreuns, ang list of Bod Wilson, tne House Arm rublican, Others nares is ranging fram known rarcoties wrafficcer, politicians and business rr2? wo personalities om sport anc the media, Beside each name sted amounts sunning into five and six numbers, Following ourrage. tne US Serat gation into Nugar are # Amongst olker things it discovered thatthe operated 2 branch ta Chiang Mai. Thailand-—heart of Triad courtr;. The branch ‘as dedicated 10 laundering the Colder Tuangie’s heroin cevenue, Connected to the bank's office by ar Intertenrecting doze was the DEA's (Drug Enforcement ‘Adminisiation’s) loca office~peemuzes that were also shared wat the CLA ‘Az aboct ihe sa powder-bums, Mic! inc that Frank Nugan' skull was developing Sindona, a free-wheeling Financial whia- kid and consigliere For the Siciban Mafis, bad purchased New York's Franklin Navioget Bank and deiven it to the wall with losses toxaling USS4O milion, Ranked the 25th larges: bank in the US, he Feanilin crash became the biggest on record a: that time bhsting a f company, Fasco A stein, Singona sus able to oouain a majority interest in the Ialy-based Bi a Finanzista. BPA was ar. excellent acquisition for Sincona, for not only did it have a close relationship with Bri blue-chip Hambros Bank but i also bad a ore‘erential parnership arrangement with Continental Ilinois Bank of Chicago. owned, ‘nd presiged over by David Kentety Titer to become Finance Minister in the Nixon administration). Continental linois vas fer fo crash spectaculasly in the mid80s, only to be rescued with an estimated four billion US tax dollars. MOBSTERS, MASONS AND THE ITALIAN CONNECTION Described by Time magazine as “the greatest Tulian since Mussolini’. Sindona used his relationship with David Kennedy 10 et close to Bishop Pav Marcinkus, head of the Vatiean Bank (lke strate for Religious Works (JOR), and thereafter se: ia motion ‘tangled web of financa’ fraud that almast brought the IOR wo is knees. His empire rapidly grew, pulling a number of financial inswuions nto his ownership, including in addon wo his O° the Barea Union. the Germany-based Wolf Bank, the Gene: Inmobilare, Genev's Finance Bark, Edilcengo. a finance com pany sup in te Bahamas, New York's Franklin Nulonal Bans lu 140 other companies spread throughout he globe Sindone's conection tothe Mafia probably dates back 10 Wore Wer B when te joined in the Mafia preparauons for Americar lancings in Sicily. However, it war during the "TOs that :he Sicilian Maia chote him as theie money mas. Four years cern 19°, Den Michele's world began collapsing around him. J: ws: later discovered fe had been statamng off the mob'snarcodo which te was eharged with launcering. Incarcerated in pson fo his pat in he Franklin Bank erash, Sindona wat let found dese inbiscel. A dose of suyehnine lace in is coffee brought a 25- year setence to an anropt end” If Sindora’s death was anything it was 10 late. His intimate involvement with another bank 3 hed with massive losses was io have calamitous and fr-eash vngetlects oo Ilys ring elit as well as he spooks of Langley. Banco Ambrosisna was the largest private bank in Italy unt collapsed in 1982 with losses approaching massive USS2 billion At the centre of she scandal was Roberto Calvi, Chairman o: “Ambresiano and Lodge brother of Licio Gel, the shadowy Geanc Mast: of te lalian PZ (Propaganda 2) Mesonic Lodge. Gell ‘nce an Oberleuteant in Himale's SS, held the reins of power and knew how to use them—for which he was dubbed “The Puppet Master. A consummate blackmail, he kept a secre record of wrongdoing of all thse he cams into contact wih, ane wasn't shy i using it to bis advantage. P2's membership cot included highly placed polidcians, cabins members, neads of ths Talian axed forces and the inellgence services, iogecher wit leading industrialists, media magaats, judges, Mation, member of the Vatican Caria and, of courte, high-fying financiert— including Sindona. 2's elite’ membership, linked by thei rues right-wing polical views, perfectly dovetailed with tx CLA long-standing desire to eradicate Communism from th Tulin politcal scene. ‘The PZ and Banco Ambrosiano scandal broke when Calvi wa: found suicied' om 17th June 1982. With his hands tied behing back and « rope around his neck, he had been suspended fron London's Blackfriars Bridge in what som saw as a rue! killing. Calvi was P2 banker an tad been involved:in emb ling massive sams of moaey out of hi bank and into secretive ‘offshore’ companie in Lischuensein and elsewhere. A numbe of these companies were linked 10 th Vatican Bunk. P2 was respozsible for number of CLA-backed political agoctis : the time, including the bombing of Bologn railway station in August 198 where 8 innocents were slaughiered—and mischic ‘ously aurisuied to lefving tenors 1ntook 10 years before the real story carr out. Francesco Mannizo Mannonia, 2 pen to (defecion from the Sician Mafia. ¢o1 firmed in 1992 that Calvi was svangied & Francesco di Carlo, the mob's heroin zal! anager, the instruction of Pippo Calo « the Coricone family. We now know I Calvi, together with Geli ans Sincona, embezzling the Mafia out of 2 fortum Geli was ‘handling’ for the Corleoness large aum of money which be passed JUNE JULY 18° } Calvi who prompuy used it to shore up his failing bank. Smart to the last, Gelli helped the mob recover “tens af tillions of lize” ‘before bolung out of sight.” Despite his best efforts, he was even- tually arrested in Switeclund to where he had vavellee co arange the secret wansfar of US$120 million of Ambrosiano's tost oot Bribing » guard wish $20,000, he managed to excape. Once over Ine Freach border. he climbed aboard 2 helicopter forthe shor: tip to Monacs, here ef P2's ‘super-Logge’. From Monaco he trav: clled to Paraguay—z favourite bolt-tole of many of his wanime | Nazi commades—and disappeared from sight. The missing billions | { bavenever been recovered ‘The Ambrosiano affair was significant (or reveatng the web of | interconnections that existed within Italy's ruling class. On the one hand, the CIA was using P2's covered’ (secret) Lodge and iit funds to conduct cover warfare on laly's Communists. At ne other extreme, it emorseated the Mafit’s tol inflation of keatian business ane politics—a feat achieved following their (f sacueuon ino Masonry. A onin Calderon, a Mata defector, revealed that during 1977, Mafia bostes-were formally invited to 8 a covered Masonic Lodge. They agreed ta join on the under |) sanding that they would lea the searets of Masonry but would |) not reveal Mafia secress, “Men of ' Honour sho get to be bosses | belong tothe Masonry: thie must “not escape you,” another Mafia + Leonardo Messina “Because i is in the | Masonry that we ean have total businessmen, wath the institutions, with the men who |. acminiser power." Messina went on to add that the Mafia's secret association with Masonry is “an obligor passage for the Mafia on 8 world level" Masons, like the intelligence community, bankers and the Mafia, share 2 common iceres in secrecy. Similarly, they al have 2 common interest in money, especially other people's money, } HISTORY'S BIGGEST-EVER SCAM h ‘The ‘connections’ that had been forged and which iay behind [labs Breatesteyet banking debacle were to be re-enacied { jist in America. The Savings and Loan (S&L) scam—by far the { |freatest banking rip-off of all time—sees the same cast of players 12 work, "Something very significane happened during out coun. oy’ savings-andcloan criss, the greatest financial disasier since the Great Depression, It happenes quietly, secretly, without any fanfare and auencon, It happened before our very eyes and knew it mot, What we missed was the massive transfer of wea fom an taxpayer to 2 select group of exter These ominous words opened the invoducvion {9 Pete Brewton's massively researched book, The Mafia, CIA & George Bushthe untold story of America’s greatest financial eeoacie§" Brewton, an award-winning investigative joumalis, Spen: years wacing the subteranean web of interconnections that Sat athe heart of this affair that looted the American taxpayer of slose to USSI rlion. However, nate was more to the SAL affair ian wes wores porraved The “selec: group of extremely rich, powerful people* that Brewnon fingers, meiudes the CLA, President Georg: Bush, s. Llove Bentsen, a swag-sack of other influential Texans JULY 1996 cl group of xt and well-known members of the Mafia. For the CIA, the group, had access 19a vast pool of black funds" that enabled it to engage in illegal activities including Iran-Contra and Middle Eas weapons deals. Brewton’ al-oo-realistic view is that this group of interconnected ‘businessmen’ recognised that the SAL induscy was perfectly sructured for « mammoth seam, Backed by govem= meni guarantess and repuistors who would bow wo the right kind of pressure, the S&Ls were like pe plums waiting to be plucked Back in his VP days, Bush intervened with federal regulators in § commupt Frida Savings and Loan that close friends, his sons Jeb end Neil, and a handful of Mafia associazes were systematically plundering, The thrift eventually went belly-up t0 the une of {USS700 million. For a man who regularly keeps & ‘plausible deni- ability’ diary, whose hidden background includes his CIA opera ional activides pre-dating his appointment to DCT by 15 years, and who, roreover, had questionable links to the pock-faced Panamanian dictator, Colombian cartel money-launderee and one- lime CIA asset Col, Manuel Noriega, the thought of his sons cher- ry-picking thousand-dolla bills off the S&L money tee is all in a day's play.” In any complex financial seam, the really imporant question is to discover where the looted funds SL eventually come to rest. As with the far Negan Hang, Franklin and DY AAT Ambrosiano cebacies, this question Jot-all- has never been satisfactorily Se answered for the S&L scam. However, despite a perperal smoke. screen, some interesting facts have emerged. In another Florids S&L bust that cost USS200 million in shady land-deal, the cash disap- eared down the sunset tail of Du Pont’s St Joe Paper Co. The trail went cold in Jersey, one of the Channel Islands. The Channel Ises have long been offshore ux havens with suet banking secrecy, ané, as a consequence, a large contingent of foreign banks have offices there Tris now believed thal the looted funds were ultimately ‘sed by CLA cut-outs i procure weapons for Iraq. AA central figure in the S&L sale of the century was Walter /Mischer, a close frend of Senator Lloyd Bentsea and a long-time ‘acquaintance’ of George Bush. Mischer was closely ‘connected’ to the New Orleans Marcello family, one of the most powerful Mafia, families in the county. Never a ‘one-family’ man, he also did business with Mafia associates from New York and Chicago. Mischer is considered to be the most powerful man in Texas, and certainly one of the richest. His “I'm just a country boy” demeanavr belies a sharp, analytical business mind and an iey steak of ruthlessness. With a finger in every pie, his influence stceiches wide to include business, crime, finance, the intlligencs community, and domestic and international politics. Brewton believes tha: Mischer “is without peer in Texas and perhaps in the entire country”. Regarded us a pragmatist, be generelly bets both ways in the politcal election stakes, placing money on both the Tear- and forelegs of the horse we've come to know 85, ‘Demopeblicar’ polities. Another figute who weaved his crooked way through the S&L lale is Herman K. Beebe, the so-called “Godfather” af the dirty Teaas S&Ls and associate of the Louisiana mob. Beebe and Mischer ace longterm business associates. Coincidentally, Beebe iso has known connections to the Marcello family. While bots NEXUS © 23 se busy burning out” the odd couste of dozen Savings ‘kag ganternng USS3 milion in eed" money fom y McLean, Jet eeablih the semait Washington, National Bank tha boasied a board wich a one time or ancthe l the White House llepnone dcectory. The bottd 2 Halper wat 2 member oF he Nixon White Hou Inw Ray 5, Clin, formerly Deputy Direc of intelignce atthe CIA and one of the ale OSS Chins veterans, was atop foreign golicy and cefence adviser sn the Bush presidential campaign Other beard members included John Barus (Depu Secretary of ine Department of Tansporaon, 1974-17), Frederick V. Malek (Sixor's White House pe-sonnel thief an¢ the Bush-Quayle eam paign manager), Wiliam Kilberg (Deparment of Labor, 1973-77 and member of the Reagan-Bush transition team), and Ton A nobel Presdent Ford's Secretary of Agialtur) Paimer National was the bank of cnaice for che National Endowment forthe Preservation of Liberty's fund-raising activities that ‘ovided USS10 milion (Col. Oliver North's cover gun-running Drogramme thai saw weapors Shipped south 1 Nicaregua ard east fo Iran, Tha operation was cezentisly te brainchild of former Det William Casey who cunningly revived the old ‘conduit sy ter: of monty laundering that had been used with great sucozss during the 80s to fund secretly the Nazi war crimialsreerited 19 Spearhead the ex-$S freedom fights’ scheduled for depioyment behing enemy lines inthe event thatthe Soviets invaded Esrope ™ Casey used North as his cutout, thus kiek-staning the engoing ‘0% between the Pentagon and the CIA about who should conduct en ops Nort’ superiors in the Pentagon nave never forpi irs fr being the CIA's manikin, At the sure ime, Ray Clin, \ho ha reed from the CIA and formed a family-owned comps: hy calles SIFT Inc., was ‘advising’ Major General John Singlasb—ine principe] operaons officer inthe Nicaraguan ame his S&L hat on | ‘singing, all 24 NEXLS _ While George Bush was wearing is off days, his alk dancing, gun, dope ‘a. money-laundering operations were | about to recéive a damaging blow: atta 1 ‘While George Bush war wearing bis SL hat on nis off-days,, husaltsnging Uldancing. gun, dope’ money-launceringopers | tone acts aboat tp reeive 8 damaging blow as yex another mas- fez financial scandal bit he fot pages. Half a dozen regions sities of te Taly-based Banca Naziotale del Lavoro were rsses by EB! agents following a p-of from tw junior officers of ENL (iana."" The BNL affair seamiesly folows the well-oiled tem | piste with the involvement of che C1A. Britain's SIS, US Presigens Reagan and Buss, Brish Prime Minister Thaicher, ar¢ ‘wo of laly's most corrupt stor polit cians, Betino Craxi and the Matis Iimked Giulio Andreotti, i was 10 reveal the international covert net work that was engaged in jilegaliy shisping arms 10 Iraq's dictator Sadéam Hussein. Even during the height of Operation Desert Stor. CIA opersuives were frantically sXaerptng to put together an urgert assignment of US-made SAM mis- files destined for Iraq's bloody wer- machine, By 1 happy coincidence BNL, owned by the [aian Treasury was pun by a close friend and Lodge brother of Andreotti, Alberto Fern. ‘who reigned as BNL's Director-General, was a notorious member ofP2 Nor was he alone in his Masonic affiauons, BNL, dubbed te bank of he P2", “was quickly shown to have arnong its unpee echelons & veritable nest of P2 operatives.°® with intimate con- nesion ote mest powerful fgutes in sucoessve US wimunisin: tent. ‘THE COCAINE CONNECTION ‘Weapont-dealing is 2 highly lucrauve ‘ines-governmens’busi- ress and hundreds of bilions of dollars are involved annually Equally lective isthe narcotics de which generates a sagge'= ing USSSO0 billion per nau, ‘At wel at having 4 peripheral role in the Iragi weapons aff the Bank for Credi¢ and Commerce Interational (BCCI}—krown a the "Bank for Crocks and Criminals Intemational’—became ‘one of the major money-laundering: ‘operations for the Colombian cartels Many of the same old cast of players we found picking the bones out of this bank that collapsed with estimated debs in excess of $10 billion. "BCCI was oper xed as a comvpt and criminal organise tion thoughout its ene 19-year Nistor Ie aystemaealy falsified iw records. I knowingly allowed itelf to be uses Lc launder the illegal income of drug-selers tnd othe etiminals, And it paid bribes snd kickbacks o publi oficisis"” Over a few short years, the BCCI affair would slowly swell to prodigions proportions, bringing numerous casval feria wake, One of ese was Cats Gifford, Chalenin-of First American” Sercunhes Toone of pronaunts and doyen of Washinglon inaisers Ditgraced, Clifford and his prestigious ‘Washington lawefitm partner Rober! “Marhington law-firm parinet Robert JUNEJULY 1996 {0 Avran alked away with a coo! USS18 mittion" Few individu. ais or insutuuions who were Oushed by the scandal would wholly {escape censure, BOCTs foundes, Agha Hasan Abedi, assiduously | courted power and influence, “A close friend wa: former Us President Jimmy Cars BCC! aggressively sec out to launder the Colombian carcle massive drugs money that would eventually see up to 40 othe banks dicectly or peripheraliy involved—many of them blue, blooded luminaries ofthe banking Fmament Seitng up a brench nara, BCCI soon cut a deal with Panamu’s Novega, epening an account fo hm in the name of "Zorro". Diny funds were con 'ecled and wired to Eusope, From there, Ceruficates of Depont (CDs) were jsued tat could be used as collateral against lous Issued. Another technique involved cyeting the money through 42 atfliated company. Capcom Financial Services, whose huge ferures ard epuons busines was an idea! laundering vehicle. Disconinted with just the narcotics industry, BCCI developed lose ties to the ‘spook’ communiry, maintaining accounts for Israel's Mossad, America's CLA, Beiain’s SIS, France's DOSE. lus the security services of Fakistn and Switzerland. ‘The CIA's azcounts with BCCI covered several Years of covert operations on the pat of that agency. Principally, payments were made 19 finance Aignan rebels and 10 fl bribe General Noriega, Almost unbelievs bly, BCCIs customers alo included the notorious Abu Nida tronist organisation and the fran-backed Hezbellah-—long fapatded as the arch enemies of the Wester intelligence community. Abe Nigals Fuuah Revolutionary Council had 5 USS6D million account at London's | fashionable Sloane Sweet branch. At te sume time, the bank was responsible for financing deals in whieh Mossad provid: ed weapons to Arab terrorists, Peru, buckling under the burden of sovereign deb. used BOC to hide its cath reserves vay from the grasping hands of creditor bans Ouidoing the security services of many small nasons, the BCCI also ran its own global intelligence network, known as "the black network”, employing an esti- trated 1,500 cained operatives. Based in Karachi, this was a network "of hand- kel individuals who undecwent a one= xu raining course im peychological warfare, spying techniques ad the use of firearms” When major banks sient colluding with spooks and organised cfime, hey appear 1 sete back and engage in dubious ‘in-house busines, Most don't hil te headlines, being swept away ffom the alae cf the media by red-faced executives. One of those that wasn't g0 lucky was Daiwa Bank Ltd Seairming with {es8 of face, Daiwa executives announced (o 2 ound-meuthed media that Tosbikide Iguchi, a smaliime apanese £ out of Daiwa's New York office, had billion foss wading US Treasury bonds. ning ereculity beyond belief, Daiwa claimed that the 2: atold Igechi, following a modest trading lose of $200,000 ‘ent the next i yeare wrsting 30.000 “unauthorised” tickets in an ‘tempt to reverse his misfortune. ‘This equates to a staggering “400,000 per trading dav. making Iguchi one of the val sth ‘orld of high finance has ever encountered REILLY 1996, THE BARINGS COVER-UP Though for sneer bad luck we couldnt do much worse than Nick Leeson, the young ang inexperienced British trader at Barings, Singapore, who, with the aid of a ‘dump’ account known 4s the “five eights"—signifying in Chinese superstition “al! tne luck" bumped up losses of USS. billion over a three. yeat per, 08 Sending Barings crashing to its nes. Unt then, Basnge sa 2 the top ofthe British establishment ree as the oldest merchant bunk in London. Dripping with history and dark secrets, Bangs dated back tthe mids! 7th century, By modem standards ie war's small bunk with 4 net worth in the USS600 million range but sill managed 0 punch above ts weight. That it, unit began speco- lacing its depositors’ and shareholders’ money in Singapo: furures market SIMEX. (See NEXUS vol. 3, nos. 2 and 3) All ths signs are that the Barings affair isa suzightforward case ‘of bonus fever' amongst the senior executives who benefited from ‘excessive annua) bonuses. Nevertheless, there may be more 0 it than that, The fat that their inexperienced young SIMEX wader, Nick Leeson, didn't consibute one dime to the bank's bottom line troughout his thee-year tenure as “the big swinging disk" on the Singapore futures exchange is beside the point. Leeson contrived to report profits by creating fase accounting enties, and thus, year on year, was able to conjure a host of ghost profits—carefully hiding his real month-on-month losses that eventu- ally grew to a teethegrinding USS1.6 bi: ion. His superiors, the benk’s senior executives, delighted with the perfor- mance of their star in the east, awarded themselves bonuses of USS1.6 million- pus for the year ending 1993. Despite ecashing with massive losses, the direc financial group ING which galioped to the rescue. Snug in ther new sinecures, they negotiated USS152 million in beck bonuses covering the wagie year 1994— Where reported eamings of US$320 rill lion in reality concealed accumulated losses of USS260 million, which were 00m to increase sixfold, It is now clear that Leeson didn't oper- ate alone, ‘Those tagged with assisting and/or colluding with him insiude the CEO, Peter Nomis, and the Director of Finance, Geoffrey Broadhurst. Discovering the degree of complicity involved at senior levels 23 irecton and senior staff were forced to resign by their new Dutch jouners, This didnot stop the Bank of England, Britain's banking ‘eguiator, irom publishing a caveatridden and poory investigated feport. The report enronicles the Bank of England's less-than zealous effons to apportion blame to anyone ether than Leeson but does catalogue 8 list of impediments to its investigation These inclade the azcidental destruction of “tgnificant classes” of Tecords within the offices of Barings, London, which are cited a: being “missing”, “corrupted” or not “routinely retained”. ‘The Sleuths of Threadneedle Street, however, did not once venture irsie tne coor of Barings’ offices during their entire inveaigation Had they done so, i is not outside the realms of possibility tha: {ey may bave discovered “significant classes" of document con ‘opting away before their very eyes Importantly, nobody is saying which banks provided the immense funding tha: che Barings operation consumed. Nor is NEXUS © 25 tors walked fo new jobs with the Dutch « - Anybody revesling why these banks would that amounied to a coo! USS1.4 Billion to insignifican net worth. Seeking to clanly Bank of Engiane to name which banks ‘rroup ang whethes they formed 3 formal of Wai politely told that “we don’ have tats information, bucif we go its eon | fiesrtiai anc sot avzilabie™, & eun- | ous answer ingeez. Maz only casva:ty besices. of cou bank's shar ie issing USS160 bs Se teson Pod fle a prone Eetow ceace in separ, as Puen, Sone pele tea Daiwe’s Iguchi as 2 scapegoat, anstrating that when the bucks go down in the 2 wor'd of high # who have mos: 0 gain, do MORE MONEY SPENT ON DOPE THAN FOOD Th nd the world’s financial The sheer volume of markets is suggering, and a huge properion massive USS6 urilion nae annually cir (ei —USS1.5 tillionmis illic, and a th 18 narcodollars USS200 biltion worth of ‘ney skating axout ic of playing with. It's yours and mii Cushy jobs with other bank disappear down the sunset trail | toting aswag-bag of ‘ost! loot— ulates the globe, one quar narcotics are shipped to Cee ia ne community ate, de jo 7 sume at stake, benks and the financial lazngecing diy money. peraing within the CLA iS a small team known as the “F Column”. Stated by experienced computer-haskers suing 9 = supercomputer, tis group wacts diry money sccumenes secret offshore bank accounts “scores of high-level US pots figures." Once the funds racked and tne secret authons: 0 readily tend funds 8 small bank with an this poise, L asked rOvided funds (0 1 Informal syndicate. f It's not their money they'ré. code located, the money is elect: aban goes belly-up, culpal ankexe tives slide into other. | ks or gathered in this m ‘er, and none of the now-poo high-profile figures is consemp!, ing lodging complaints You betcha ic is, but no mi any one of a dozen other operatic tha have previously come to ligh AA great many more bank scane can be expected in the coming years, Why this should be w fs nov their money they're playing with I's yors mine. If bark goes belly-tp, culpable bank executives slide ir other cushy jobs with ovter banks or cisappear down the sun {eal toting a swag-bag of os’ looi—sometimes both. Sin stated high finance is a ‘connectes' world where presidents ton shoulders with mobsirs. banter lators butkle Ufder polideal pressure, law envorse Tlteg: ete sometimes both: Of iis egal. Of a this, USS500 billion, Rendon li thiy one third ofthe ou! anneal impor bil! erine te GA ores 1 thing’ ang fortunes can be and are won R forensic cesiing inroughout the US reveals thai vince Bankers say of themseives that theirs isa “prudent” professic iyi pankrot centsins microscopic rases of cocaine. In he les ancls die a ee Nothing can be more prudent ih Gicbelly, mei ‘money is spent on dope than on food.# With these playing with and losing other people's money, « Followcg the Bangs deuce, he Beef ils? Bat tld me al ft agin |xinloo-—feaig ise wis wil eve Gane [insist et epsled seme Phone a erin wi this wet, De 1995) 2 Siwlitg, Cie, Crne Wihous Freier Ue Brows Lenées i998, 3, Siting. Cop, 923, -S also pT ig e Yaka ear temp ake eo tof Pastas a leaig Prats Bane 4 ‘Keckan & Whisagton, Bou te BCC. or Gans, Landon, 10k. 96 i MeMakan. former Chita uns Bank Gro Pe, said dng ¢ y tur 195, ta E dnote: E | [Mi The Laurdcymen, Simon & 5 S55. 266 5. Sieg. Cite, op ep 203 10. Op ek pp. 6s 10. Bre Thr Mee, CIA & Gesrge mine antl sory of americas grea 2 eibacle SP Soaks New York 990 For bret syoops on But’ secre bach | gourd see Mark Lise Plowsie Bel Pees y fab Loon 1982, pp 32025) Gtare:21 of ee Breeton: bok els wth tome cea ioe Eada 10), Burnout" Game sein whe ty taguire S norowing ia voy edie a= ER picig up tbe About the Author: Houses eg oelre Sem, Pangee! David Cuyan was bor and educated ee, Cy se OSS wari we! Hampehice England, His career int reat punk Nazl-war eriminale—roany of Stockbroking, investment and bank’r ee Se enn eis ae industries has spanned 28 years, the last 1 sie eertecict iar atmos Sactd| of whichhespenrsea cheer sata Braman tise of * of a major British bank. There > ‘Cold Warriors inthe Cia ane Sony of former Nazis cooneted clawbere Th, Pa Banc Bained insight into the world of i Aasobiao ad BN ate mui gly | Lonel weapons fnaneing and mos (oere, trol “| with all aspects of Ineraations’ costs ES PeGM a lcovandin Aun atnars| forign exchange std nore, omstcan Spiders Web (Raber & Faber, Landon, 1980) i pS {% Roches & Whitiaper. op. ch. p. 1. See also Adams and Feant, # Pull Service Bock {Simon & Schasr, London, 199]) sn be BCCI] slobal trade finance his specialisation For the last five years, Oavid has pursu 8 career as a freelance writer/esearchy writing or contributing to a ume screenplays, novels, doc resent centes on the stscture Bowe: an siden infivence of eltist groups ana ite linking taxcexempt foundations, includ Bila (Chatham House), Council on Fotere Relations, Tlseraliss, Bde-bergers i shadowy Le Cercle’, the Rocker Brothers fund, Ford, Carnegie, nove IM, World Bank fa mauseune —_—_—_ the view of this write, pred on many years. fepereace workmg in ineraional Hing te £10015 case, the auiders of the ois Singapore Repom mate i clea ha they thar | Pt Na. 36, Fl 995, A REPORT ON THE ABUSE OF POWER vou.t1.No.+ itor: Antony C. Sutton October 1992 0 0.1 Shocking Allegations Against President Bush Last month Phoenix Lemer summarized an extraordinary pedopbilic, satanic scandal in Omaha, Nebraska. This scandal involves highly placed polilicians, businessmen and a former Omaha Police Chief. The high level participants have been able to instal! and maintain an almost complete blackout and cover up. ‘The child victims, now adults. have heer sailmaded into jail News of the child abuse and related murders hes not penevated beyond Nebraska except for isolated reprinting in Italy. Spain end Auswratia. Our initial reaction was one of dishelief on two pein. 1. The nature of the scandal and the identity of the influential participants. 2. The extent and success of the blackout. This event has not made eny major newspaper ir the United States. Except for an issue of Washington Times, This is almost toial sensorshin, However ont factor ultimately tipped the balance in favor of belie? the status and ident mack rs es f 1. Former CIA Director William E. Colby wrote the Foreword to the John DeCamp book The Franklin Coverup. In the foreword Colby advises DeCamp “Best thing you can do for your personal safery is to tell your story and make sure you have the national press interested in this and looking imo it with some really good investigative reponers.” Colby also makes the statement: “There really are people too powerful, Interests toc big, that the rich and the powerful even when doing evil can an¢ will succeed and you can do nothing about it ar that moment,” Ifa former CIA Director makes such a statement we have of necessity 10 give it credence. 2. Author John W. DeCamp is a former Nebraska Senator, a much decorated Vieinam War veteren who initiated OPERATION BABY LIFT out of Vietnam to provide safety for 2,800 crphaned Vietnamese children. 3. Ted Gunderson, former FB Senior Special Agent in charge in Los Angeles, a 28 year FBI veteran, Gunderson wrove a report on the pedophilic ring for the Nebraska ership Conference end includes the comment “I can state without hesitation that every siatement in this beok is documented by hard evidence.” Gunderson was an FI child abuse specialist I This is not a “lone net" story. Its @ story backed by extensive hard eviden: ' repctation of these three individuals plus dozens and even hundreds of other witnesses, invesugetors, legislators, and newspaper writers. THESE AGREE ON THE BASIC FACTS AS | PRESENTED IN PHOENIX LETTER | ‘The Franklin coverup/child abuse ring demands Con; oinums: pecial Feder! Investigaior, Nothing less will lay to rest ¢ | apparently valid charges. ional investigation and ¢ shocking and Evidence Links Bush To The Omaha Child Abuse Ring ‘There is extraordinary evidence linking President George Bush to the Omaha child zbuse ring. We balanced this evidence against the possibility of fabrication in an election year. If rue | the evidence will finish Bush as a politica! figure for all time. If nox true il is an injustice of the ! gravest nature. What we decided to do is present par of the evidence that links Mr. Bush in some manner, | incidental or significant to the scandal and allow you. the reader, to make conclusions. ‘The naive will suggest that surely Democratic participants in the on going Presidential tion would use this evidence against Mz. Bush. Unfortunately Democratic nominee Bill | Clinton (also a Yale gradvate) has skeletons in the closet, not the least being the Mena affair in which Clinton, 2s governor of Arkanses, reportedly covered up Bush/CIA misdeeds in Arkansas. In any event we have copies and partial copies of documents originating within the State of | Nebraska. Some documents came from Australia, They could be forged. We do not have notarized copies. That is why 2 Federal Special Investigator is necessary. We believe them to be authentic. | We hold no brief for Mr. Bush. We have a decade long record of criticizing Bush and his links to the Yale secret society Skull and Bones with satanic features, However we always criticize on the basis of accurate and verifiable evidence and we have | no intention of changing this policy, ‘There follows documents linking President Bush to the satanic-pedophilic ring. We then reproduce an assessment made 15 years ago on the satanic aspects of Skull and Bones. This last information is apparently not known to tht Nebraska accusers but is circumstantial suppor for their charges. iudee. Nebraska Documents Linking Mr. Bush to Omaha Child Abuse Documeni £1 is a report to the Franklin Committee of the Nebraska State Legislacure by Committee investigator Jerry Lowe dated May 8, 1989, I: summarizes interviews with Eulice Washington. We reprint page 9 of one Lowe report. This places Bush at a pedophilic pany and leaving with a “black male she identified as Brandt." (Plus bodyguards) Jerry Lowe subsequently resigned and was replaced by investigator Gary Caradori, Caradori was killed when his light plane exploded in mid air. Documeri #2 is 2 request for juvenile protection written by Andrea L. Carpenter 2 Protective Services Worker for the State of Nebraska. This report written some years before the Lowe report also cites Bush at pedophilic parties Document #3 is the front page of insidi News, published in Australia November 1991, This speaks for itself bul emphasizes the point of censorship within the United States: Australians know more about Omaha than do American! SSS Phoenix Letter will find more documents in John DsCamp The Franklin Cover Up available from’ awT ine P.O. Box 85461, Lincoln, Nebrasks 68901. ($10.00 post paid) The DeCamp book includes numerous photographs and headLine exuracts. See The Mystery Of The Carefully Crafted Hoax for an excellent time-line of events prepared by former FBI agent Ted Gunderson. Copies $7.00 from National Leadership Conference, Box 30165, Lincoln, Nebraska 68503 Additional Notes Since writing our original text we have determined: * Larry King, prime organizer of the pedophilic panies was arrested and charged with financial embezzlement, not child shusz On arrest King was not detained in loca! jails, the usual practice. King was hustled oxi of sate without knowledge of his attorney or family. Where to? 1 Sori issouri Federal Psvchiatic Facilivy’ As readers will recall this is a prime brainwashing facility. “Larry King was never called before the various State and Federal Grand Jury proceedings although he was the prime subject! “We are exploring the mid air plane explosion that killed investigator Gary Ceradori and his 8 year old son. The accident report is available and will be analyzed. We suspect murder Satanic Aspects Of Skull And Bones Part Four of Americas Secret Establishment is entitled "The Secret Cult of the Order” (Libeny: House Press, 2027 Iris Lane, Billings, MT $9102 $20.00), This section Links Skull and Bones to satanism through photographic and symbolic ull and Bones and participated in satanist tices at least during the initiation ceremony. The photographic evidence (page 207 et seq) consists of Skull and Bones club photographs of members accompanied by “crossed thigh bones and a skull." We also know that assoned human remains are kept within the Bones Temple on the Yale campus, We comment: (p.207) “An obvious point is that these bones and skulls are former human beings. Instead of secred Bearment, they are exhibited and used for ceremonial purposes. Where the bones should be resting decently in a grave, they have become the center of a secret ceremony. In brief, the photographs reveal the men portrayed as grave robbers who reject human dignity and decency and use satanic devices." This paragraph written in the 1970's and published with evidence in the 1970's shows at least a Osi vn rh 21 st ued wit Manic s' in: ceremony. This makes the Omaha charges more credible PERSONAL REQUEST FROM THE EDITOR We urge any reader with friends or knowledge of organizations devoied to child welfare &f missing children to serd them a copy of this Plicentx Leuer aiong with a copy of Americas Scere Establishment They will know of the Omaha case but the link 10 early Bush eotenicy connections is probably noi known, Phoenia Letter 3 EXECUTIVE ORDERS EXECUTIVE ORDERS NOW TN EFFEC (check them one by one aga:nst The Communist Manifesto) 1, Execurive Order 10995 » Takes over all communications meat 2. Execurive Order 10997 - Takes over all electric power, petroleun, cas, fue? and minerals Execuzive Order 10998 - Takes over all food rescurces and farms 4. Executive Order 10999 - Takes over all means of transportation, controls highvays and seaports 5. Executive Order 11000 - drafts all citizens, into: vork forces under government supervision (slave labor) Executive Order 11001 - Takes over all health, welfare and educational functions 11002 - Empowers the Post Office General to 7. Executive ord: itizens nationwide register all 8. Executive Order 11003 - Takes over all airports and aircraft 9. Executive Order 11004 - Takes over housing and finance authorities and housing designated as “ungafe"; establishes new locations for populations; builds new housing with public funds . 10, Executive Order 11005 - Takes over #1] railroads, inland ge facilities waterways and public st 11, Exeebtive Order 11051 - Designates responsibilities of the Of$ice of Emergency Planning giving authorization to put the apove orders into effect in times of increased international tension or economic crisis (anytime they want to) EXECUTIVE ORDER 11490 - all of the above orders are imneciately activated DONT FORGET 7277. BL.84.297. 3-112. HRLESE-ST9S - POD.26 « NSOD-138 + HR.OT - HR280 Then comes the Big ‘Oni President John F. Kennedy, at Columbia Uriversity in 1963 said it perfectly, “The high offfcecof the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedem and before I leave this office, 1 must inform the citizens ¢f their plight." nen days later, President Kennedy was eliminated. DEPARTMENT OF ARMY REGULATIONS ON CIVILIAN LABOR PROGRAM SEP ARTMENT OF THE ARMY “ee eemet, tree Bato — S. 29 Avguas i994 ATIC. 37 Jusy 2994 MEMORANGUM FOR SZZ 2:8tR2ECTIon sUaster, a POLicy mease, polity de aries ge, sone learned to 2 owing: Sdn on inecassazéons, bo estaniiss cove, f. Procedures for erazas: S Fequeacs to estan: prises Campa or instaiia: sivisdan, en8= uncdl the printed copies. » dvate shoud noe Bi ed ae any 2, Please forware ye Changes te puri: $3 05 DA Form 2528 .Recommesced ank Forms) ce WO TRADSC, ATT: Mocese, Virginia 23652-5000 NLT 29 ovide Bana of your polo: receine of this mexorandus (Is PROFS MONS IReMMBOUGS: . aad B. ATBO+ KM/Ges: Fer: FOR THE COMMANDER: 3 Snel at 3. DEAN RHODY Derector Resource Managemen: 3E | PARTNERSHIP S STATES _ : + "BRIDGE TO AMERICA” 24 June 1994 WORKIN & PAPER Watioual Guard State Partnerships with the Russian Federation 1. For tb ysar and @ half, the Naticnal Guard Bureau has pas: ' worked with the Joint Staff and the 0.8, Eurcpean Command to establish National Guard State Partaerehips linking +be National guards gt selectes U.S, States with Minis of Defense throughout Central end Eastern Europs (CEE) and Newly independent Btates (NIS) of the former Soviet Usion. These partnarshine seek fo encouraga long ern institutional and people-to-people Linkages end cenent sustained relationships that can extend wel bevond ourely military matsers. The Partnerships assiet the participating nations transition to democratic nilita: institutions with peacetime utility in providing pili 2 civilian authorities, The 1994 Defense Approsriations Act gave specific Congressivim? eodarsenent of the State Partnership concept; FY 95 report language cf the Senate Armed Services Comittee agein recognizes the unicue contributions of the Partnership State progran. 2. Tho National Guard State Partnerships serve as a VEL: an tc facilitare Ds, privase sector involvement in this process. The State Partnerehips consciously seek to involve the U.S. civilian community and thoreby enable everyday anericans to contribute directly to building free and democratic societies in tha former Bast. A promising folationsbip is developing at the national level between the National Guard Bureau and Sister Cigies. Internetional. State level cooperative efforts ere underway with‘various organizations. Group bas approved National Guard Stste Fartuerships vith fourteen CE and NIS nations, These a: ghate Parener *” South Carolina Belarus Utah bulgeria eanessee i Texes Maryland ohio Arizona Michigaa Pasonylvania Illinois tionn ef a to enizssions: effere exphatizes the propar role az = 3 cencerscy, BLlitary surordination + e tary eupport to civil authorities. The U.S. Reserve Components exe seen as compelling role nodels for a capable yet coct-ertective ailitary structure. resident Liaison Teazs and short-term Traveling Contact Tears, the progrea provides netrjethel sasighanse and advice focused on pulling deuccratic military instizusiong vith rescerine utility in support oc civilian xutporities. Treining th wertigbting ekiiiw ac cpacifically pronibitea. aartetance in lich arezs 2s ¢iexater response, civil exergencies and hunanitarien assistence is strossed. Ag proven during the Gulf Wer, "when you bring the Guard and sorve, you bring Azerica." The Reserve Componants consist of than 2 nillten Americans serving in over 4,000 locations oss the Onited States. It is pert of the febric of hometown A. Invelving National Guard end Reserve personnel, their feailiee, comminities and civilian institutions in bolstering Gerocratic inetitutions in exerging dexccracies is one way of providing quality expertiss mt & rensonable cost while Girectiv 2 he American pronie in the effort. 4. Under the "National Guard state Partnarshin Progran," formal ‘te Parshergnige” are now beang developed between the National Of welectad Status and the Hinkstrics of Defense in many se nations, The purpose is to ancouraco Jona ters utione] and pacple-to-poople linkaggs and to cenont jationships that con sxtend well beyond pilicery agp such innovations, the Retionel Guard in each by Army Recerve, Air Force Rosarve and other @ Component personnel, can be the key link in tEridcn to Bmerica" to encoursgs consansus support of Wgtionel wecurity progres. Such activities "Add Value nd aucrica's Role in the World" by providing a role onmunity-besed national éefense force while helping risane contribute dirocnly to buiidiag free and Tee WTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE Natrnus cura peRca ee art Pataca warmer, Oe sass 13 May 1994 FACT Sta: 1 Guard State Fartnershins with Eserging te Partnarshipe in Central ond tha nations cf the former Seviet Unien is as Follows: scars anes suatus Alabera Rocanta On-going Azizona Reralmsten Pending anbaspador's OK Celigomia Urraine Pending azbascader's Ox Colorado on-going Tilinoss fabossader hes approved Indiana On-going eryland on-going Mlebigan Sn=going cass Eungary Azbagsadcr has approved vonmsylvanta Lithuania On-going South Carcline Albania Azbeccador has approved yennessee Bulgaria On-going Pexaa Czech Republic Acbaceader nas approved Utah Belarus Anbassador hes approved 2. The Natlonal Guard of New Jersey has been approved as an Bococinte State in support of the South Carolina-Albanis Partnerebip. =, The Adjutants Genaral of Alasks, Arkoneas, Kansas, gechuessts, Kississippi, Montana, Rerth catolina, Nev York, and wast Virginia have expreased interast in marship State cr cociate State relationships 6 of the fussian Federation or other appropriate eo are likaly te volunteer. x; (Tha nonlethal assistasce granted under the National Guard te Pertnarship Frogcam complinonte exiating programe ef aid ané acsocletien, Vener Taathoe- 2. Vance Rong Colonel, Urar Dlrector, International Initi of Pooher funding, the National cuard is Bugicus £5 extend the stato Partnership Progran to Zhe Russian scerasigg, Now that the Russians bees Signed up for tne Zertherstip tor Peace, such an offer ic appropriate and tinely. Such ection would subpar the Prosivahta Pestsacagin for Peace program end be an exemple of cn-gol, Bilateral success sould be enulated by our HATO ali es. Such an offer alco PSSSEEENG 40, the! Aucsiane thar participation in the fines exe. Partnership for Peace ig iY + Russian Beesgtence would Govolve then directly wire Neertland america, vDhrough chee nree Of the U.S. REPtomeT Gee ane and through then with the Us. private sector, Sobvercely, such State Partnerships would Berve to develop Gonestic £8 suosore for tha overall oes, Rilitary outreach she Russian Federation. . che Citice Reserves 3. Because cf the size ang emplexity of ¢ Russian Federation, bh State could handle sucha telatiozship by thacselves, Sgyersi Stace Parcierkips, nowever, courg be established with greropriate political or ‘military Bub-entities of tha Russ? federatica to be chosen by the Rissiane and approved EBSfetgehey Forking crovs. te is highly alikely the Russions Soule eperove ot Parcnerehips wich theit cblaste’or autonomous PREupiice. | Partnerskizs aight ba eatenis. ed, however, fhe National Guard of v.8. Stes with _a(Ru: itary Distrigt o Russien Rooy Goons or comet Sppropriate ergenization | stants General of fourteen States have vo szteered s either to be a ee Guard State Partner with ete ef the Russian Federation (or sctively support ethur Staceg with the Russian Federation), who aze desisnated to be Partnes’ These Alaska Montana arkansas ew Jersey Corpacticut Rew York Kansas North Carolina beuisiana Oregon. H2csachusetts Washington West Virginia Should Percavcstins with the Russian F co doukt volunteer to participate in eceihe a posting rele. As with the existing Stare wee) tlw seklve support and particinas ts 2 2 at State Ievel would be encouracn ihre Rane. COL GosmelisNcB-zrr/ext yya3s JOINT RUSSIAN/AMERICAN MILITARY OPERATIONS Joint Muutary Uperations Confirmed The Russian people are being told more about joint military operations than Amer- fcans, Mas and ssvcholors are _invoived in te Orn Dewspaper's “Geolgvments Uae, Ura ad reports about fore:en GonrRMATION act within Tost Americans ut, The announcement Sten adm continue to stonewall on presence of foreien troop unteand €— mifleary loeistes i 2505 COUR ‘Accoraing to 1 knowledgeable Defense Deparyment source, Secretary of Defense Williars Perry has decided to make an im. prompra visit to Russia nex month, w by US ong Russian forees Gen. Gracnev duriaz Secretary Fe unis ang armame networks fed on Seotemper 3 e engaged in joint outbreaks and other Should involve traning Russian | ig Teaction units how to “deal This is a Russian T-72 main battle tank, painted “United Nations White.” spotted along an interstate highwa: bear San Antonio, Texas, Marines ‘Attack’? New Orleans and Mobile ‘om Camp L Kessler Air Force Hace ig the exer lo provent people from gathering to wa Who Are Troops Prep Has the mission of the U. military been changed from defender of the people to sup- presser of the people? ar ing (HE SPOTLIGH! Marck 13, 1985 PLANS FOR “GLOBAL CIVILIZATION Just as San Francisco was the birthplace of the United Nations, now the “oity by the bay” wi @ meeting to establish ground rules for govern- ing a united worid. Soviet President Mikzail Dachev has beer named‘th San Francisco's Fairma: cers te the meering on elevision mogul, Soviet break. favel, Minister of the'Czech Republic; berger Ruud Lubbers, ex-prime ister of the Netherlands; Ri Menchu, Guatemala, Sackev a racizieat of the Nobel Prize; Yasuhiro Nakason prime minister of Japan; Julius Nyerere, ex-president of Tan- zania end Desmond Tutu, Episcopal ‘archbishop of South Aztea In exp.aining the purpose of the forum, former US. Sen. Alan Crane sion (D-Calif), chairman of the Gorbachev Foundation USA, lament. ed that hopes for a new world onder following the cold war have dimmed, “There ‘appears to be a great ism everywhere with govern+ Cranston said. “And there is yearzing for new directions.” About 8,000 business leaders from 75 countries have been invited te 8s paying participants at 8 cost of $8,000 each, which will bring the tax-exempt Gorbacher Foundation USA a total of $64 2, Vall acters invited guests include Vice jent Al Gore, President Nelson Mandela of South Africa, ABC Bewsman Ted Koppel, novelist Isabel Allende, Zbigniew Brzezinski, nation: al security adviser In the Carter actinistration, Jessica Tuchman former secretary of sate; Askar Akaev, president of the MIKHAIL GORBACHEV s>y Heads bis own foundation Mathews, senior fellow of the Cour on Foreign Relations (CFR) writes a columa in the Washing: Post, and Paul Volcker, former che man of the Federal Reserve Board. (CUNTON NOT DeviTED? President Bill Clinton does 1 appear alther on the list of co-chs or invited guests, which is uns! since he has received high pra’ from Gorbachev, ‘According to the Cape Cod (Mas ghusetta) Times of January 23, 18 Gorbachev stated: (See GLOBAL, Page peer re Perer cos , : ved crime if amnoue “That money is used to support organized crime; it’s us voces — personal opinion, this is an abomination. Yet it appears ti Bole Ts of een ng ag one’ fb eoash tl or smal eke nue lane Lethe. Ts SERCO S AES SL Se ee Sa ad Ferd Sibatin “Rech Do tag nme- Bee Sum Rene Sele ee Wettmwite nteringrcrene tustikcene eet fagiad She wou tate mame nia Se Maensy Seance Eenchs Som ae mall cerned Pore sast part of the federal government sees nothing wrong with i tal cpinion, this fs an absointe abomina- Russia, “The task force told me tha: they cant oftheaation’s weal: the cocniny kad tion. t should not exist, Yeti appears that think Russian onganiaad crime is involved become, in the words o! one aoemer Cla ‘w least par of the fe im money inundering. But So what?” he says. cirecior. a “kleptoctacy.” And maning com thing wrong with “Who? What? Who? No one's been prose: quered Russia, the Vorovskor il way vo. A provision inthe 1382 Annunsio Wylie cvied. Whats the ime? Tellme! stop. perio expend "Laundering “Act requires [always tell chem, “Tell me which banks, On july 2. 1993, two charvered lets he sure thet they and well stop" icant find them Tim not be. touched doum in Yerevan. the cipitel ot oing business with criminals or their ing iactious the former Soviet epubit:o! Armenia an For the record, the Republic Na isporged 9 panoply of wireyrss irom Benk. whick makes milions off the Wes Tee Soviet UMton fet United States, Germany. Terkev li and fcreney siles. insists itis eeriinly out port in 1981, so did the South America. They had ban owingly walling $100 bile to mobster entire by Ralik $vo. “the gangster couivulent ol “Thats my rexpensbilty. to make sure trolled banking system. an international diplomat,” weve ‘he banks thet have org Replacing the government Russian organized-crime expert © says Richard Ar banks were priate instiow Handelman. Svo was determined tions charrereé and sup- order and mutual prosperin, fats the hardest ving find. In posedly regulated by tne Thieves’ World by ending blows tt was ou know of ey et me kno new Russian Centrai Bark. and lorging aliances with ine Seilun sur, wich makes Mafia. the Brighton Beach garg. and U9 bil tha: leaves the Colombian drug lords. all ul wi buck. is simlany, anew bank ipvcnlly emisaries. At the mezting it» consisted of maling 3 $109,000 bbe toa. that the Rastian banking sysient, sew and ‘4 booking ofival.“A growls underregulated vulnerable, would be eed, wo he banking sector spreng up virtually over- funds. make favorabie ivan tc fren night,” says Hare fend supplant Zurich as « haven for 2900 banks. many money. The Bg joke at the Armen i undersapitalized, ard clave was. Why rob a bunk when therefore everything is possible ~ own one ‘The mob saw the possibilities. Also TAI another 1993 summit, ben aon as the Yarovshor Afi Thieves Russian and Sicilian mossters in Prayus World. 2 loose federetion of Soviet mod. the Russians agree 10 Vis drug iuers immediately grasped thatthe end of profits im enchange fot 4 tranehes Commen led 9 glorious new stiessmuggling roures throug worid criminal order By (992, enme was Then, last emuary in Puerto the only growth mdse n Russi. with 9 thi super suramit wap colisa to fe wih io cures cuntrolling se mee av $0 ge mecine Bottles anc you know. unjthing. te mabe’ -upport black-market operations,” sa one federal official. “tn my, we pes to ars up the Rus drug race Sharl- Russian Bonks soak in huge deaouts of MERIEN Hs HES vm GOS in narco-dollers for South Amer-ca. con- the Russion mutt since the ly before ine meeting @ Rattan sanker sn Now York was overheard on an FBI sarap saving he was goir3 10 Puero Rizo “io ais uss who we wil kil") Rua, mur exactly unschooled in the ways 6 corruption, guchly ok tothe new system potions cope and goveremert Bureaus ind ihe fe, The sounty wet already swash ndiny mone. and ne justo @ reiul ofeditnal crpenizatenme act inet Some: genera ervocked rdlary of senels end sid them to shady arnt ces ers oF een saadowrer tevorss, Hust st ‘month, Aumiral German Ugrpumov warned that tte Russion Mafigd was lostag ‘E08 Tom ihe Ruts Pa Fe amma depur in Vladivosiok.aierseesry agro areeed w ny oiler end conse a rise pounds of poste eeplsive and 3 large curity of aramunion FU. ffs rately complain that olons in ad have one nic Russian tanks never fo Be seen fain nthe fs wo year afer te all Commninm, beiwsen $60 Billoe ard S10 bilion worth of rues, geld, end cher ma ter atets were spnted out ofthe former USS 5 rol dhe args of sangstos eno black marketers, unewploy KGU ssies ad Communist Peny chs At ihe venir of ne OOLFg the Rass dan boring system, Since there are na fee alatery controls over proprietorship. even felons ore permittec to oun barks, Weare more ther are no money-laundering laws regulatery agencies or depontor insure ace The Ruson Conte Back rota uss iat exerting contol ove the nas tion’ nascent finaneiat hystem=a point Russian centraleanking ofits reed concede. Lost September 13. ina meeting in Moscow with State Department envoy jonathan Wine, Vikior Meiko. the Con. tral Bork’ director for forignexchange antral, “expressed great concern abost the sate of the Rostion banking system chung exits thar anywhere ro 30 15 80 percent of Russen banks were ander the contol of organiteé crime." according 108 State Depariment cable obtained New York. Melnikov ali warmed thet “much cf this [imported U.S] money wes being used fr ‘legal purposes insuding sraicking and currency she ly, the mob used Russian banks just te park their money. Then they begen 0 “buy banks. to find out who har big de sits $0 they knew who so kidnap, says lack Slum, a Washingion lawyer who di- recied Senate investigations into money Iaundering in the late eighties. Then mot trolled January, Russian mobs jan banker in New ¥o sto rabies. ther back into iers trougn Ecropen’ and US banks In ssience. the Russign benking sven Hed Become pant Launeromat “irs vem difficult (rel fom the ou sige what transaction with» Russan bank) really means "ses the Sate Oepare ments Wher “There are noi lof pubs fc Gocarmants. You can ge fo an Vook et ba the way you can inthe United St san’ ge tea bank repulsion and [fad oc] ‘who: kinds of loans have been ado wh ie anderling source of eepal, ov any ‘ther rum” of key sues et alone who ‘ber eustomers are “These ere iasucs Which the Russion ‘Conial Bank is eoncerned about” Wrer says. “Those are iesuer which ine Renton Association of Bankers sconcemed about because they are ot unrelated To he rr dev of the bankers” More then a dozen Russian bankers have besa killed since 1994 —one for sis By relsng e loam. Many more have been tbceatened’ The deputy seperintendent ot the New York Site Binking Deparment Robert H. MeComrich, sys he has heard stories of Russian bark ekommess beng out ina hal of pune “i's very nghtening" ays Dan Gelber, minority che’ tounsel ofthe Senate Sub. commitiee on Investigations. which hey held hearings on Russian crime "What {0} you do with» bent tha from top dou isnot honest? { meant almost ene tesa siuation where ine sno remedy = More savey Russian hoods neve hired sophisticated money managers end inter rational lewyers to move thet diy money Inereasingy. they have purchased Eure ister ofeptimate and when used them ts conduit o pas iit funds nto the ter, netional baking system, More omousiy they have ecqsiedFidden contol banks in Ausine. Germany, France, Swizentnd and England, according to US. lnw-en forcement sources, aericacs doing bus nes in Russia have hag to contend witha Danking system thats a bizare and rod menuary its are to believe says Blum “is sor of like the Wid Eas * Meanuhile. swaggering, Restian dons wearing hiieestve Capone qe bas Fatzheted up prices onthe luau howe market roe Rio «@ London's Soe dstick paying for milion dolar properties sh minty pew $160 bil te was ony ¢ matte of tine befor shone hundreds started coming home to Ameren, tnd the Vorvako: Mir esta Tem, wertng Brezhnev era, wher lew isi, engslers in the shousanay wo ified out ofthe Cuing end giver visas 10 emyrate toile se status, Ore al thy ingest we; Murai thnagula. 9 brainy Bleck maraenar opin from Odea aha ace aa susclne by pasing i: hrougno dav chon Scum eonporuions rat ye fsag about rapa, ane he Meow te BE do well over hee” ways Rubee embers. Bilaguls cones son, sylere anda Now or bs oho sted federal cour epcinst Ges 2reautves (or sting up paving seg eng senores win estar pamgone, 1981. the Long islardcbsved Get beat the Fra el erporaen rece eter le be convicted fr peoine nage 9h said came hee ctse fe hui Lue pen languages Heals German grate or Fim B) the mig eighties. hundreds of ails ef dollars of ile Rusisn boot money Sas owing ino the US, rain woes wherein wa cleanied sn vad Wo sau imate Businewes Oar al ine Renan abs paral const keynes Marin E- Kramer, Bricklin ahs felped the bootegyer sade permy bi lors of dlr in psa anes FOS tne srideighies through the wr rnerce Whole wall of hoffe on Avenue Unc Cong, slar wee lind wits Nk ses Centaning the paperwork fr dame cy perasons: Ruane waled in and bovght the darery compari vey ff este fd ed them W021 Up dey CPt Io avoid paying taxes nthe gar they Tole Around the ame ine. Krome wi Jone Corpor work for # numberof erm Besineses ncading the op.ane coming bevcge ote Snaps he few ne age Wau hang Su wih Seppe oe uncrin Rianerace when Pe ae eer Survalaee by 9 scans need Btolinedootegsing tsk force Leen tine went in there there was pope there rom Snappy snes ce the owes or manages” ys sere enforement source whe worked on he Site "hod they were Ses Im see wh thee Rusane“Insuninownwnctvr ty Russians. endee up anccrune are thet privately held nay (ons Ga later Bough Sapien 29s fo: 517 lion shier which the brand’ promis sarked), Basel that Srapoe ee tives would have kgun any fest, money was gin the source sve ters met in Puerto Rico to : rk was overheard on an FBI The Russiin bootiyen’ hank of choice © Republic, whene suspect el >ants were subpocnsed by federal official the late cignties, Halagula ara dozens of ter Russians—ihe ones who hadn't been Ned in turt batte—-were subsequentiy invieted of gasoline booticgging. Kramer self escaped prosecution, testifying for hours belore © Leng Island grand jury ‘out the booleyger: under x grant of in nity. "The grand jurors wanted to hang ‘ays the scarse, “He came ous in 9 teh lime, parked i right in front of the dow." The boutlegging prosecutions proved 2 tomporer, setsuck. Long envious of in lewish cousirs tm crime, the covskui Mir dispaiched Vyachesiay inkov te Brighton Beach in 1992. >kov wa) 2 7. O° pod ether and one ‘he most feared gangsters in Russie: im New Yerk, 'vathow guickiy mus. Fin on the Russion jewish mobs em Taking aver ion racket und its ‘ative narcoties tage He farmed "gages" run by an ex-KGB officer to ct tribute front lepiimate busmesses ldwide, arbirase disputes between van businessmen, and murder rival asters. He forged elhences with other sian gangs aeros» Norih America and spe tron company in New York alled te. Inc. tw Jaunuer drug money, while fon Guard. bused in Vienna. “conducts {array oF Tnaniaal and banking teans sir increasingly bloody turf battles, Sho ’ saying he was going down there “to di UTS Erg etsy etions throaghowt Con tral and Western Europe ‘including England) in stfort to Leander prox ceeds of Ivanizoy’s legal activities.” ace cording to an PBI affidavit obtained by Now York, lronically, it was @ Russien bank that proved to be 'vaniov's downfall. nthe au- ‘umn of 1994, Bank Chera in Moscow col. lupsed. and depositors lost mare than $30 million. Some $5.5 million of the muney had boen invested in Suntmit International, 2 New York investment house set up by wo of Chara's Russian board members bank's collapse, Chere’: president, Viadimir Rachuk, was killed by taninows assailants in Mescow Last spring. his sucvessor, Reustam Sadykoy, Rew to New Yurk to ask Summits direc. lors to return the bank's missing funds Wher the directors refused, Sadykov ab legedls asked Ivankov to collect the debt, The following moni, Ivankoy and two fremchmen visited Summits Wall Steet of fees. Summit’ owners and former Chara officals, Alexender Volkov and Viadimit Yoleshin, fled in weroe, eventually infor: lng the FBG that they were being extorced by ankow. The men were later sidnappes at gunpoint from thy bar ol the Hilter ho telin Manhetion and forced to sign a cen. tract promising to pac ane of vankov's as souiates $3.5 milion. As an inducement the father of une of the men was shot to death in Mocean, Early on dhe morning of this past done 8, the FBI yanked » swriled lwankov irom his mistress’ bed in Brighton Beach and charged him with extortion, -s he was being ‘ed into the FBI building. « Gefiant Ivankov kicked and spit at n- porters. “Let chert out me on the chopping Block—tet them ervcify me ona erum bony later told a Moscow newspaper. “in tough. 1 will survive,” In a sence, Ivunkov duce sui money-laundering colossus hy helped tablish now circulates tens of millions of doilars annually in the New ork are eat sures, whe vonwermed, "Am tte hat dirty money cum find its wy in US. Financial system, it poses ts The faundering. “It can in fact, give eriminals an opportumny to oper Ble ina leptimate arena, whetier i Pe in the politcal arena or busing up businessen | mean, we could end up with thors vam anies in some way supporting polksica! ‘condidates that ther think willineip cheat ‘one way oF another Among those indicted with Ivankov was fone of nis high.tanking associates, Yah Voovnik. Volovnik’s father-in-law. Roun Kaplan. ows the Russian Samar ests rors, 2 pupular Russian-mab hour jn mid own thas was aiso cared in the FB! ati ry before the meeting, iscuss who we will kill, An investigate from the State Banking Departnent couldn't believe fe: i ik 's face,” he says, “I said, ‘Gees us, it was slavin aca prime base far Ivankuv's sake downs. And Kaplan—along with the own ‘ro the National Restaurant in Brouklyn, in Adusory Council, 2 mostly hon- ‘onimitte: set up last Octuber by Biwoklrn ditrce atomey Charles 1 Hynes. “The owners of the restaurants are event persons, but the Russian Mufiva hangs out there.” says Alexandre Grart, sn editor of Brooklin’s NRS Russian Duis {.“They are good places :0 eat, but Fives mul not be associated with them Ic nds out a bad mn munity for campaign contribu ne ol the members of both his fi ws and camipaign-stecring commi-tees a Burm Sleinick. a flamoovant lawyer ec ford's fa sian mob. including vf Raoul who has been ¢ in the ficial fer fatiing 10 ganized crime in his jurisdiction clined commen: when agents of the Criminal Investigacion Brea th vew York State Bunking De two years age that Re fark wae seling tens of parm unlic 0 ha by going over tp Russa, why ist bv 2 a sore on Cindy Crawford ing semt fo entities which have been deter mined. rightfully ur wrongly, and | believe Tightly. ve be controled by organized ‘sime?” says 2 source cloie to the Banking Department's investigation. "It just cignt ake sense to me. The anslogy I alwavs Use is that it would be like sencing money ty Lehn Gots} Bergen Hunt and Fish Club. Why ane we acing that?™ Stave banking officals seerned by the Criminal Investigation Bus reau’s findings. the source says hat they urged federal agencies to probe Republic's banknote trade with Russi. But “right down the ‘inc™ from the FBI to the CLA. “basicaly. che response that we were ge: ting was. Yeah. it ouks ike we've got 3 otential problem eve, but sou know What? Is not our problem "To us. it was lke a soreon Cindy Craw "A mean, it was there, Ard | Suid. Geer. isn't someone curivus about how that sore 7 American law enforcemen: was slow take. the Russians eertzinl Knew what wa 9 Russian gencral was asked wry Russign banks were buying billions of Goliars im U.S. currency. According toa participant at the meeiing, he chuckled 8nd said.” “Ch. that's money laundering ‘Then he went. Hes, we're being ripped ei in vur counirs: the money vs coming Over here. being cleaned. and being brought k ‘State Depor . nf works something like this as oll are stown by Wd Nigures or cormupr plant man officials sv the mon: agers and sold terdam. The the spot market in Ker hwo sm the Cosine it posited in Loncion futihs. Cin ‘an order for 3, Sat! millcns rency through a bunk in Nlow wires Republic. placing 9 r for the cash. Republic buys ti from the New Yore Federal R - -multarously, Repabl transfer for the some account frum the Landon bank. Repuhliy we son and fies th Moscow. [tis the ers tc Bes narcotics or villas. nr run poitcal cam paigns. Republic comets ate with corresponding bark» i Moscow and ret necessarily of those banks. Acta a Re here isa prcibem 'S Up t0 the hank in | ‘Moscow 19 warn it =I thas incumera tupon the American bank ivy see Hl coher bunk ts ¢ ofnized by the ce ty" says the New Vonk sun partment source. “To me. kevhing Someone who hus been vias all my life I think nan» some wilful blindness here, ¢= looking the otner way | rove it? No.” In -any cate, the New York State Bankin no jurscietion over 2 2 federally charigred bile Bank iniy Russiv = ering wich the Fed. tnbumban.s Spa ide high love! most i that whivh i neuded (o suzport tie 24 application is pending ut Doth agenctes sure otticials was con normal use of U.S dolisrs in tne former “Why is i that theve are +0 {ew Russien sync! in Winhingtor ast yeas, speeilestly Saviet Union, and that a further study banks tnat operate im New Yorks” ake tae te ol scuss Hy huge Ulla sales by Repub nssds to be made 98 (9 che actual ase of bunking department source. “The pricy fic to Russia, Fed officials devended the those funds, Bur then the individuals who reason is IRat nor of shorn ore euea ‘ying thu other than through direst are in charge of researching all that state sv we the best way to Bulk up the stat this is, in fact. waed 10 suppor the singing ruble und help Russie enter the black market ane organised crime Bee thot Shouk! drive the vee " THE Nv estications the hughelevel meetings vivbul Ire. market, according 19 ure par. does nut appear in| the final reper that is and internaticngi eonlerences opane Further, the Fed maintains thot submisted to the policy-makers that seem 10 involve Republic re LS Geuun cams $15 billior 2 year So far the an action National Buns of New York, y Frontlin sales ubroud. the diTerence be- mobbed-up Russian banks se Risharg An, } overt tbe 4 ainsi costs we ort thts hune state Iovel "We fray has : nicharigo insists the Bank has dreidollar note and the remainder ol the of expressions of interest from Russion never deen oictally accused of ie salhe an the Bill thal i puckered uml banking institutions.” says Rebert HL Me sling money wo ¢ mopbed-up the note 1s redeemed, Cormick. who heads the foreign-commer Russian bonk "Ne. | never wll Bo aves les wa interest iel-banks division a1 the New York Siate heard that.” he says. “But the innuendo is Uw US. nhs Edgar Feige, a University of Banking Department. However, Mc- there because we stl to [Russel Bor so Wiesonsin economies professor and a con- Cormick says, “there is a whole potpourr’ wha?” sultant t the Fed.) of problems connested with the Russian Asked ubout a rezertclastified CIA re Wher ong official a the meting sug- banks, finludingl monzysaundering activ. port that names ten major Ruel sted thu Republe mint be doieg bus ily and underworlé conneutions, Se we benks—among thet many Republic ress with banks concroled by orpanzce generally discourage Russian banks Irom clienie—ibet are run by crgusieed crane Annicharive roped, fed eral officials had done nothing about the money sales,“To Sswscs:”= ez, isn’t someone curious about liow that sore got there?” b2"~ ul duc diligence to make sure the Russicn standards, only four Russian banks have down the doliar trade if federal offic! ls insei?'s a big laugh.” says the New York, which would allow them to do ‘banks in Russia are corrupt. “Believe me, | participant, “There is no possible way fur PLR. work but no% ‘operate as banks: other wish they would,” he says. “But you have « ‘inn bund. There were people thene front the they would have to submit (oa rigorous in- thinks: ’s great! You have some of the law. (eisheeswccumer wren si” lgsan hese ge ES ple rea ohne din ‘The dissent reaches all the way into the of Governors. “We have to be consemed So you have # dual thin; Bees oneal fists was asked about ning tne bank, ther experience, their Back- are not surprised Republic sums to bere, uivalcrinte activities out of the tormer So news is not good.” past.” says the New York Stte Banking Se ud eral core SS $y So cwet unas Betty eer site Sng imu Ne Yn are ea an fog EH Pale enc veces ae acd eR Mai Tyo oe leet errr $$$ crccerilica have tort of grnned wien they heard Re public's name linced to mobbed up banks sn Russia.” Proclaimed by Institutional Investor to be “perhaps the most successful banking fenireprencut cf the postwar era” Repal lies owner. tne 65:year old Eamicnd Salta has built up a $50 billion global empire ‘while amassing » personal fortune exceed ing $2 blion. A Lebanese-bom Orthodox Jew descended from generations Of Syrian traders, Safra was aso 4 fisarcial prodigy. By the age Qf 2! he had founded Banco Safin Be, which became magnet for jewish-ight capital from the volatile Middle Eact and later South Amer. ‘ct. in 1986, he founded Republic Nations al Bank in New York with a scene $11 mil. as Eater ion it capital and a single branch in a Manhattan brownsione. Republic quickly became known an the eect as @ bank thay would send an armored car to pick up large sums from its more secrete cus, tomers—no questions asked, The bank grew rapidly and is now the twentieth largest in the US., with ascezs of $42 bi, lit and more than 70 branches in New Nori, California, and Florida, An arm of Salm’s Geneva-based Trade Development Bank (DB). Republic had net income for the nine moeths ending September 30, 1395, of $195.8 milion ‘afr specializes in riches that most oth- : banks eschew, such as trading gold and banknotes. Though ite commission on is not publicly divulged, bie.” Saira once told inves ng 10 1 bank analyst at UBS “i's been increasingly signif. tant” to Republics revenue stream. “15 ¢ Volume business, and it ts into the rele Lonships they have with the central banks ‘ofthe world. and I think Republic docs “The Pan Am people were in one of those blast Containers, and exploded the have good relationships with the central banks f the world, probably built up id-rading operation,” 8, Saira became (he ‘ampalgn orchestrated by American Express, which had boughs Republic's Swiss parent, TDB. for $520 milion i 1985. (Safco ceguned control of TDB five years Intex! American Express hited a convicted felon 10 spread false sto. les in the internetional preve depicting Sefra a1 ac unscrupulous operator volved in everthing from Iren-conira to money laundering Safra successfully Sued two newspapers in France for iibel and eventually won a public apology from American Express and $8 milion whch went 19 four chariies, including the Inter rational Reui Cross and the Anticdelama, Mon League. Though Safre ws siung by the escuuavons and charac inssnn Hon they hepa inoculate his hon oy fubseguent money-inundeting 3 legion, sha later emanated from feptinaie nw on forcement inquiries, as weh 9¢ w+ nen IArcuné the sme time Amitivon Cx eas was disseminating thew inser lalichoods, the DEA. Customs. a ike Swiss poi eine. Sa banks in Switzeriand and New Vote or Jnundering Colombian and Turkiso Seog money. “Vea say on the recon tht the seme I got from the agent with respect to Repubiie was that they were cuncerned about ite activities,” ays: Willan non Rood, the US. commissioner of Cuno from 1881 to 1989. (Despised by the bon ing industry for his bluntness ue Rab had accused bankers t1 21982 vonlerrve in Miami of knowingly washing carte Seog ‘money “Lam ashamed of al of yeu oe and your banks are engoging in seen ne shouted. A few years iter the ensading von Rab helped draft America nt num laundering law) A bizarre event had le investigators to Republe. On Thanksping Day 1983, mo ‘Armenian brothers arranged te Ti to Zavich on KLM out of LAwaftr checking their begsage through to Zurich on Poe Am. “The Pan Am people wore penis about # bom,” Greg Passic,then's DEA {supervisor and naw with sncen told at York. “The bomb squad put the suizace n 8 of thoee bist coniners, and expded them, and $2.2 milion went yng ou the ‘op ofthe thing” The sulteases were addressed to the harian brothers. big-ime currency traders, They had been depusting drag money into Shakarehi Trading Compo ct Zurich, which alegedly wines iva wal the fonds of many other drug dealer nto panicky about a bom! ‘account number 606347712 a: Republic According to Newsday. the account wv ‘the junction of two major nervexiconen ty-laundering investigations sunning our continents.” Customs agents ‘were con vinced rat Republic was comple. “The agenis were really really down on Repub lie 0 top-level Cusioris source sayy "1 think they just Telit wes @ roten bak ~ A clastitied DEA investigative reper written by 4 field agent in Bern, Swiser land. and approved by the DEAS Passis Ged January 16, 1986, described the link Ddetwecn Shakarchi, Saira, und Republic

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