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Alejandro Javier González Legrand

Better know as Coco Legrand, He’s a Chilean humorist, he has more 40 years
of trajectory in the scenarios. He’s 74 years old. He’s married, he has 3 sons
and a daughter. He lives in Santiago of Chile.

Marcelo Rios
His nickname is Chino Rios, he‘s the best playing tenis in Chile. He’s 46 years
old. At the moment is retired the deport but continue working in your
companies. Occasionally plaies maches friendly maches. He’s married and he
has 6 children.

Alexis Sanchez
Better know as Wonder Child, is a Chilean soccer player, he’s 33 years old and
at the moment plaies in the Inter de Milan, a Italian football team. He’s
double champion of the coup America whit your national selection. He has
two dogs, their names are Chappi and Laika.

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