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Education History

By: Sally Garcia

Between 1954 – 2009, there have been a lot of changes that have improved public

education. It has been a long journey from the Brown v Board of education, where racial

segregation was ruled unconstitutional, to today’s common core standards. Between those two

major events, many other big events occurred. For example, the Elementary and Secondary

Education Act. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act, or ESEA, was passed in 1965 and

in the same year, Title I was also passed. Title I was in the first part of the ESEA. These two

programs/laws worked as federal financial aid programs for schools and students. Title I was

established to ensure a high-quality education for every student by providing extra help to

students who need it. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act offered new grants to

districts serving low-income students federal grants for textbooks and library books, created

special education centers comma an created scholarships for low-income college students. These

two go hand and hand as well as other programs dated to between the 1950’s to early 200’s.

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