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The business plan should premier be described selection of premises, in which the planned placement of

foam production. Such premises are special requirements.

First of all they are in the, that the building of a mini-plant for the production of foam needs to have a
minimum of 3 room, isolated from each other by fireproof shields. Data refers premises:

Manufacturing facility. Its area shall not be less than 70 quarter. m, and the ceiling height - no less 5 m.
The room temperature should not fall below +10 degrees.

Finished products warehouse. The minimum area of its placement – 50 quarter. metrov.Sklad can be
placed outside the building and, but for this he must be specially equipped shelters and protective
plates from the adverse impact of natural.

Warehouse for raw material of approximately 10 quarter. metrov.Temperatura in the room should not
exceed +20 degrees.

Indoor production should be continuous supply of electricity and water supply system to function

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