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Tom Chester
Subject: Pre-AP Biology
Grade level: High school (specifically Freshmen and Sophomores)

HE 4.B.5 Analyze the historically significant work of prominent geneticists.
NS 12.B.6 Relate the |    
to recent findings in genetic
research(e.g., | |  
NS 12.B.7 Research current events and topics in biology
NS 14.B.2 Discuss why scientists should work within ethical parameters

The students should learn about the importance of understanding genetics to be
able to make decisions about issues in the world today. Science is constantly
effecting them, and they need to have the knowledge and awareness to recognize it.
They will learn more about genetics. They will also learn about ethics in science.
They will also strengthen their ability to communicate with people with different
viewpoints as them.

The class will be held in an open space where we will have Socratic seminar. There
is an inner circle of seats and an outer circle around that one. The inner circle half of
the class will discuss the assigned article while the outer circle forms critiques on
the both the content and participation. After a certain amount of time, the groups
will switch and the roles swap. Once this is over, there will be a class discussion.
They will work on previously started project if there is time left over.

During this activity, I will mediate the discussion of a previously assigned article. I
will not express my opinion during the discussion; it is between the students. I will,
however, mediate through questions. Before the Socratic Seminar, I will show a few
video clips of newscasts dealing with the issue. After each inner circle discussion, I
will ask the outer circle questions about discussion content and communication
skills. I will offer some additional thoughts at the end of the seminar.

The students will be placed randomly either in the inner or outer circle. Each
student had the weekend to read the assigned article on designer babies. The
discussion in the inner circle is on this topic. The outer circle listens and takes note
of important ideas and communication between peers in the inner circle. The inner
circle will discuss the issues addressed in the article. This should push the students
to form their own views and learn to deal with beliefs different from theirs.

Youtube videos (supplementary information)
Article printout
Appropriate seating arrangement

The Youtube videos are extra sources for information covered by the article. They
are used to encourage thought. The article is necessary to have a discussion and
provide the students with enough information to be able to discuss it. The seating
arrangement is necessary for the Socratic Seminar (inner circle and outer circle).

The quality of the discussion is a good indicator of who has read and who has not. It
is also usually a good indicator of who has thought through the issues. The activity
is to cause the students to be aware of the ethics issues in genetics, which it
certainly does. It is also meant to improve communication skills and critical

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