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Dyslexia Tutoring of Utah

June Newsletter

School is out and summer is here! It has been such a cold spring that I am
hoping that we can finally get some warm weather and enjoy the few months that we have off
from school.

I am very happy that some of you have chosen to enroll your children in a few more sessions for
the summer months. This is extremely critical for their success, and a great time to take
advantage of this extra time, when they don’t have the pressure of school to contend with. Our
tutors have found that they make significant gains when our students don’t have the daily grind
of other classes.

Some of you are also taking advantage of our summer writing classes. We still have several
openings left, so please contact Nanci at 801-259-7005 to register. These sessions run for three
weeks, and classes are 1 hour in length. There is a maximum of 4 children in a class, divided
into age groups. Classes will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The cost is $100.00 for 9
sessions. That is a GREAT deal!

I know many of you will be taking vacations over the next few months. Please make sure that
your tutor knows well in advance what your schedule will be, so that they can plan accordingly.
The center will be closed on Monday July 4th and also on Monday July 25th. There will not be
any tutoring on either one of those days.

Lately I have had several families requesting a second copy of their monthly invoice. Unless it is
wrong and we need to make some changes, please make sure that you keep these in a safe place
for your own personal records. It is a hassle to have to go back several months and reprint them
for you, so please make sure that you keep them for insurance or tax records. Thanks for your
help with this!

I am in need of parents that would be willing to help organize a fundraiser for us. We have
thought about an auction and garage sale in early fall, and I need some parents that would be
willing to help with advertising, flyers, gathering of materials, calling businesses to get donated
goods for the auction etc. We have also thought about a spaghetti dinner and auction too. If you
have any ideas on what you think would make the most money with the least amount of effort, let
me know. We have several families that are in need of money, and the office is in dire need of
some new computers. The more that we can raise the better! Let’s all join forces to make
whatever we do a huge success!

We are still in need of the following items. If any of you would like to donate any of these things
throughout the year, these are ongoing things that we need and use all the time.
1. Dry erase markers (small, thin tips)
2. Water bottles
3. Kleenex
4. Sticky notes
5. Lined paper
6. Candy for the candy machine in front office
7. Fruit snacks, small bags of chips, etc.
8. Toys for the grab box ($1.00 store)
9. Candy for the grab box ( $1.00 store)

I know that many of you give so much just in tuition, but if you happen to see a good buy on
any of these items and would like to purchase some for the center, it would be greatly

I need some ideas as to what you would like to have me teach at our next parent workshop. It
will be held sometime in September and I would love your input. The last workshop was a
great success, and I hope those of you that attended went away with a wealth of information
to share with family, friends and teachers.

Well, that is about all for this month. Enjoy the time off, but remember that you still need to
keep on top of your child’s learning. Make sure that they are doing some type of learning
activity at least three times per week. If you are in need of things that you can work on at
home, please let your tutor know.

Have a great month!


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