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1Intermediate Unit 2

Task 6 – Tale and daily routine

Número de grupo:

Nombre del tutor:

Wilson Meneses

Nombre del estudiante:

Arlintong Estrada Rivera
Mayo 2021

Universidad Nacional abierta y a distancia-UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación ECEDU
English I

1. Match these phrases with the adjectives from the text:

1.1 not interesting Surprise

1.2 the opposite of sad Fun
1.3 many people like it See
1.4 a nice thing to do; makes you smile Swim
1.5 Nice to look at Animals
1.6 Very good Great

2. Read the following text and answer the questions.

2.1 What is the prize?

Get a job as a park ranger, or one as a wildlife officer.
2.2 Is this competition open to everyone?
Only for those who meet the requirements, mainly that of being between 18
and 30 years old.
2.3 Do you think this is an interesting opportunity? Why?
Yes, it is, since if you are the winner of the contest, you can get a job in
something that appeals to you, especially if that turns out to be nature and

3. Read the text A wildlife officer on Kangaroo Island again and answer
the questions below:

3.1 Where does she work?

On the island she kangaroo as a wildlife officer.
3.2 What work with people does she do?
Get Take visitors on walking tours.
3.3 What work with animals does she do?
She check for turtles on the beach and in the sea.
3.4 What things does she like doing?
She likes working as a wildlife officer.

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