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Corrección evaluación Ingles, Les miserables.

1.-. Answer False or True. Correct the false ones. (10 points)

1 TRUE The students studied a barricade in the streets.

2 FALSE Jean Valjean was in prison for 30 years. (Jean Valjean was in prison for 19 years)

3 FALSE Fantine has a son called Marius. (Her name was Cossette)

4 FALSE Gavroche lived with his father and his mother. (Gavroche lived at the streets, he does not has parents)

5 TRUE By the end of the story was very rich.

6 TRUE Monsieur and Madame Therdanier were bad people.

7 TRUE Luxemburgo is the address where cossete and Jean Valjean lived in Paris

8 FALSE Jean Valjean died alone in his bed in Toulon. (Who died alone was Fantine)

9 TRUE The Bishop candlesticks were kept by Jean Valjean.

10 TRUE Marius lies for a long time between life and death at de l’homme-armé

2.-. Answer the Following questions. (10 points)

1) Who is Gavroche?

Is the son of the Paris streets, best friend of Mauritius.

2) Who is Enjorlas?

He was the leader of the students, Jean Valjean save his life in the Barricades.

3) Who is the Bishop of Digne and what did he do?

He was who Help Jean Valjean. The bishop said to javert that all the silver plates were a gift to him saving him to go in

4) Who are the Thénadiers and what did they do?

They were who taked care of cossete giving her a bad life, they treat her as a servant.

5) Why did Javert kill himself?

Because to Javert Law is the Law and he couldn’t arrest to Jean Valjean, because he lets him go so he killed himself.

3.-. Describe the following Characters (12 Points)

1 Jean Valjean: at the beginning a stealer, he help to Fantine to take care of Cossette, a good person who loves help

2 Fantine: The mother of Cossette, a hard worker woman.

3: Javert: The Police Man who try all the time to arrest Jean Valjean

4: Cossette: The dougther of Fantine, the overprotected of Jean Valjean.

4.-. Write about Jean Valjean and the bishop. The first part of the story.

Jean Valjean was a stealer, he was in prison for 19 years, so when he came out of the jail, asked for food, and went to
the church where the bishop gives to him food and a bed to sleep, but Jean Valjean loves the Silverplates of the church
and decided to steal it. When he was discovered by Javert The bishop said that the silver plates were a gift to him, so
Javert lets him go and that was the new beginning for Jean Valjean changing his name calling him Monsieur Madeleine.

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