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Using your own words, define the following:

Hunger - lack of food and the desire to eat can cause a feeling of discomfort or weakness.

Poverty - being unable to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter due to a lack of

Equality - the state of being equal in terms of quality or quantity

2. Cite examples where you feel/experience these words.

Due to the scarcity of resources, squatters in r ural areas are more likely to steal food than
urban squatters, making rural poverty more common than urban poverty. They are forced to do
so because of the suffocating poverty and inequality that they are experiencing in the world
around them. I may not be able to participate in this firsthand, but I have seen firsthand in the
news and on television how the other side of the coin operates. Even with our school's
differences, I'm grateful for the opportunity to experience equality with my classmates.

3. How do you think as a country we are experiencing these situations?

The Philippines has the second highest rate of poverty in Southeast Asia, after East Timor (55%).
(Aldaba, 2005). According to Aldaba, rural poverty in the Philippines has always been rare,
despite rising urban poverty. According to the World Bank, over two-thirds of poor families live
in rural areas. Despite above-average economic growth, the Philippines' poverty rate increased
due to population growth. Unemployment Poverty reduction has lagged GDP growth, owing to
high unemployment, high inflation, and wide income inequality. There are many reasons why
poverty still dominates the Philippines. Some can be helped, but most cannot. No matter how
hard the government tries to provide jobs for Filipinos, it will be futile unless Filipinos help
themselves out of poverty.

4. What SDG or SDGs do you think the government should give priority to? Why? Your
essay must be at least 300 words to a maximum of 350 words.

In order to achieve its goal of reducing poverty, the government must prioritize Quality
Education, Health, and Nutrition. The inability to obtain an education is a contributing factor to
systemic poverty. People can gain basic skills and job opportunities through education, which
can aid in the fight against poverty in the Philippines. Good health and well-being: While
healthcare is not entirely free, the poor will have greater access to it as a result of the Affordable
Care Act. A boost in funding for PhilHealth will also be provided by the Philippines, which will
improve service quality while also lowering medicine costs for Filipinos. Programs to Assist
Families, The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) was established by the government in
2007 to provide additional assistance to citizens. The 4Ps program is a conditional cash transfer
program that benefits the poor. Families who enroll their children in school, have regular health
checks performed, and participate in Family Development Sessions are eligible to receive grants
from the program. Every year, the 4Ps program provides assistance to approximately 20 million
Filipinos, with 9 million of them being children. As a result, the program aims to reduce poverty
among the 20 percent of the population that is affected. Economic Development and the
Development of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructures, which includes the construction of
new transit and airport facilities. The Philippines will rely on it to help them recover from the
COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to loans. The government anticipates that combating the pandemic
through infrastructure improvements will stimulate the economy and create jobs. The program's
slow execution as a result of underspending, on the other hand, has been criticized. As a result,
the government must place a high priority on quality education, good health and well-being,
family assistance, and the improvement of economic and physical infrastructure. However, while
all of the Sustainable Development Goals should be implemented, these are the ones that the
Philippine government should prioritize, in my opinion.

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