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Course and Year:

Activity 2
Answer the following questions briefly. Use the idea of proponents discussed above.

1. How important are peer groups to socialization? In what ways do they influence individuals
throughout the life course?

2. Have you ever observed someone experiencing a self-fulfilling prophecy? Explain. If you have not
personally observed this, use an example from the media, books, movies, or TV.

3. Have you ever experienced role strain or role conflict? Describe the different roles and how they were
strained or conflicted. How did you resolve this?

Assessment 2
Identify the correct answer in each statement:

_______1. He presented the theory of social evolution.

_______2. It is what is out there, acting, being spontaneous, doing things in the world. What is it?

_______3. It is the people’s belief about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance
that exercise influence over events that affect their lives. What do you call this?

_______4. It is the symbols and images that come to represent the ideas, beliefs, and values elaborated
by a collectivity and are not reducible to individual constituents. What it is particularly?

_______5. When you have internalized the widespread cultural norms, mores, and expectations of
behaviors, what is it?

Course and Year:

Activity 3

Write your thoughts about these:

When have you experienced cultural differences? Think about a setting in which you have
worked/interacted with different people from a range of backgrounds. These differing
backgrounds may have been about nationality but also about social class difference, religion
difference, or about other features, such as ethnicity.

How did cultural differences and differing ways of doing things according to culture become
visible? List some of these.

Assessment 3

Answer the following questions briefly.

Differences are influenced by where people live, socioeconomic backgrounds, levels of

education, religion, and individual lived experiences. These factors influence how people view
and read their world (Gee, 1996; Vygotsky, 1986). Diversity exists within any cultural group.
And it is common that people make generalizations based on unexamined assumptions and
perceptions that can sustain stereotypes. Why is generalization dangerous and how do you
avoid it?

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