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Morality principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad


Morality refers to the quality of goodness or badness in a human act. Good is described

as moral and bad as immoral. It means conformity to the rules of right conduct.
Certain conscience is a subjective certainly of legality of particular actions to be done of to be

This is the kind of conscience that moralists recommend to be always followed by man.

Moralists recommend that this kind of conscience should not be followed unless the person has
resolved the doubt.

Erroneous conscience is also called false conscience. It judges things in a distorted manner
since it considers bad acts as good and good acts as bad.

Scrupulous conscience is one which sees wrong where there is none. It is a conscience which
is extremely austere; it is always scared to commit evil.

Lax conscience is the opposite of scrupulous conscience. It is the kind of conscience which fails
to see wrong where there is wrong. This conscience categorically needs a right education.

Ethical Law Traditional Ethics considers eternal law or the divine law as the ultimate
norm of morality.

For St. Thomas Aquinas- “the divine wisdom directing all actions and movement.”

For St. Augustine-“the divine reason or evil of God commanding the natural order of
things be preserved and forbidding that it be disturbed.

Eternal Law provides for the cosmic order where every creature stands different and
independent from each other but not apart from the unified purpose of creation.

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