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‘Team Arbourthorne Excellence as Standard’

6th May 2022

 Y2 SATs
Dear Y2 Parent/Carer, 

During May, Year 2 children take reading, SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar)
and maths SATs tests. At the end of the Key Stage One teacher assessment is used to
judge if a child is working above, at or below age related expectations. The test is just
one part of the evidence that is used.

At Arbourthorne we will be doing the tests between Monday 9th May andFriday 20th
May 2022.  We always put in place strategies to minimise any worries children may
have and the children will be with their class teacher and other familiar adults they are
used to working with in school.  All we ask is that the children do the best they can and
that you encourage them with this.   

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this please do not hesitate to speak
with your child’s class teacher.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

The Y2 team

Eastern Avenue, Sheffield, S2 2GQ

Email: Telephone: 01142 398163 Fax: 01142 642716

Head Teacher: Ms Vanessa Langley Deputy Head Teachers : Mrs. Liz Pediani/ Miss Kate Ellison

Chair of Governors: Mrs Caroline Beattie

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