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Test you phrasal verbs

1. If a product doesn't live your expectations, it is not as good as

you thought it would be.
a) up b) up to c) through d) off
2. If you run the internet allowance on your phone, you have
none left.
a) out b) off c) out of d) over
3. If you turn a job offer, you reject it.
a) on b) off c) up d) down
4. If a plane takes , it becomes airborne.
a) off b) over c) on d) away
5. If a plan falls , it fails.
a) down b) behind c) through d) off
6. If you put a decision , you postpone it until later.
a) away b) off c) up d) down
7. If you fill a form, you complete it.
a) in b) into c) up d) through
8. If you give clothes you no longer need, you donate them.
a) up b) away c) in d) over
9. If business picks after a quiet period, it starts to improve and make a profit.
a) up b) on c) off d) out
10. If you shop for something, you compare the prices in a few different shops
first before buying the thing.
a) around b) in c) over d) up
11. If you put a fire , you extinguish it.
a) off b) up c) out d) down
12. If you butt , you interrupt or intrude on a conversation.
a) in b) off c) out d) on
13. If you carry an experiment, you conduct it.
a) on b) away c) off d) out
14. If you come a brick wall, you face a problem or obstacle while trying to do something.
a) against b) over c) down with d) up against
15. If your company is cutting expenses, it tries to limit them.
a) down b) down on c) away d) off

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16. If you get held in traffic, you get stuck in it.
a) up b) down c) on d) back
17. If you bump someone in the street, you run into them by chance.
a) in b) up c) into d) along
18. If you get your neighbours, you have a friendly relationship with them.
a) over with b) along c) on d) on with
19. If you feel you are coming a cold, you are starting to experience the symptoms of a cold.
a) up b) down c) up with d) down with
20. If twenty people turn at a conference, it means the conference is attended by
twenty people.
a) out b) up c) in d) around

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