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CHS Portfolio

Mid--Year Academic Reflection

You have finished your senior fall semester and are only a few months away from graduation!
Having had nearly four years of high school, take some time to reflect on your experience.

Thinking about your efforts and experiences in core classes since you were a freshman, what are
some of the ways you’ve evolved as a student? What has been your biggest challenge(s) in your
core classes? What are some of the most rewarding experiences you’ve had academically?
Consider examples that you may remember long after high school.

I think that I have become more responsible since I was a freshman. I am more organized with
my work and get things done on time. It has been really hard with work, but I have managed to
turn in all my assignments for my classes. I think that the biggest challenge in English is writing
essays and making sure they are written well and have strong vocabulary. That has been the
hardest thing for me. Some of the most rewarding experiences are finally getting 90% or higher
on tests since I always got B’s and C’s.

Looking ahead, what do you need to do during your last semester to accomplish your goals?
Since I am taking a break from working, I think that I will be able to do and turn in work without
stressing out too much as this semester.

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