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```Fusion: DNA splicers for ALL Pokemon, but untested on humans...

How to fuse: you can purchase a variation of the DNA splicers called Fusion
Splicers at any pokemart for 1k pokedollars a pair, or players may find used ones
at storyteller's discretion which are more dangerous, but still work. to fuse 2
pokemon, you must have 2 pokemon in your party, upon using the Fusion Splicers on
the 2 pokemon, they will fuse, making the [primary type of the first pokemon chosen
and the secondary type, (if any, otherwise use both primary types) There is a
chance of failure, roll a d6, if the player rolls a 1 or a 2, the splicers fail,
they are used up, and the pokemon are not fused. the used ones (ones found out in
forests and other natural areas) require a roll of 5 or 6 to succeed.

Wild fused pokemon: sometimes, a wild fused pokemon will jump out at the trainer,
wild fused pokemon are generally more savage than other wild pokemon giving them 1
bonus vitality and strength, if the trainer manages to catch one, the caught
pokemon will have -1 will point and -1 happiness. but keeps the bonus vitality and

Human Fusing: Fusing with humans is dangerous, If a human attempts to fuse with
another human, it will create an abomination, with both memories combined, while
its still able to think, it will be second guessing itself, and will likely faint
for 24 hours upon fusion.

Human/Pokemon fusion: fusing a human with a pokemon should only be used as a plot
device, if done, the pokemon completely loses control of the body, and the human
takes form of the pokemon with the human’s face

Unfusing: if you are not happy with a fusion, unfusing is an option at any
pokecenter, talk to nurse joy and she will unfuse a pokemon for free, just remember
that both pokemon will be at half health rounded up.

Storyteller notes: a wild fused pokemon should generally be more rare than other
pokemon. Note that if a trainer attempts to fuse a legendary pokemon, they should
be stopped due to "a mystical barrier is preventing the Fusion Splicers from being
used, maybe they won’t work on this pokemon..."

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