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This publication is the result of the first year of work of the

Barbanza Ecosocial Lab, a project coordinated by Fundación

RIA in collaboration with HISTAGRA research group of the
University of Santiago de Compostela, funded by Fundación
Banco Santander and supported by Cátedra Juana de Vega.

The Barbanza Ecosocial Lab was created to learn about and

disseminate the activities and processes that made rural
communities sustainable and self-sufficient in the past and to
evaluate which one of these can be replicated and adapted to
the current context in order to promote the reactivation and
stop the abandonment of these areas.

Barbanza is the region that gives its name to the project and
where the three communities where the project has focused its
attention are located.

Laboratorio Ecosocial do Barbanza

Fundación RIA
Fundación Rede de Innovación Arousa (RIA)
Rúa do Porto 25, Corrubedo
15969 Ribeira, A Coruña
Galicia, España

Grupo de Historia Agraria e Política do Mundo Rural
da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Facultade de Xeografía e Historia
Praza da Universidade 1
15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña
Galicia, España

Fundación Banco Santander

Calle Serrano 92, 2º izquierda
28006, Madrid
Comunidad de Madrid, España

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