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Appendix 1

Group Presentation Evaluation Form by Students

(To be completed by individual student )
From the presentation techniques and performance of this group, I find the following lessons
I can learn or problems I can avoid:

ppt拉回 精美
Tw 容易理解 ⽤不同的 標題给 㢵 纺
腭 沉重 開放 中⼤學⽣會 令我們更關注其中
From this group report, I have acquired the following understanding or knowledge of the
following issues:

當中不同畫院學⽣會遭到解散 湘
璐 的反思
I think the following improvements can be made:

造⽅之沉悶 都是 ⼀些 tactual 資料
不是只有 ⼈ 3元清所有內容 ⼀

⼩組分配 ⼯作⽋佳
沒有 你纪 況明茗中 細節 例如 渕 中⼤ 和 維

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall speaking, the mark I would give
to this presentation is (from 1 to 10):

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