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C# basics

 It is not a scripting language. It is an object-oriented language means it will not execute line
by line but it will execute based on the object
 It ia not a dynamically typed language but it is a statically typed language which means that
we need to declare which data type it is whether it is integer or string
 If it is not declared then it will throw a syntactical error
 Since it is an object-oriented language so we need to create an object then we need call
 Public static void main is the main method we use to create method for object
 Static means it is not realated to object we can call through object or else directly
 Void means we cant return it will restrict
 String and arguments are optional no need to declare if we are passing a value then we need
to declare
 There are some are access modifiers they are
1) private
2) intern
3) protectern
4) public
 Main method can be call through object or classes
 If we need to use first output as the input to the second code then we will use void
 We can create n number of methods for a single class
 Datatypes
1)string (it is also class)—it will declare in double coutes
2) integer (numerical data type)
i) Short range from 0 - 65,535
ii) Byte range 100 - 1000
iii) Int range -2,147,483,648 – 2,147,483,648
iv) uint 0 – 4,294,967,295
v) Long above -9223,372,036,854,775,808 - 9223,372,036,854,775,807

 we declare high datatype range and can give low value but can’t give high value to a low
 Boolean it is a true or false condition
 Char it is declared in a single coute. It is a single word where as a string is group of word or
 Float – decimal value. We put f at the end to declare float.
 Namespace basically it is a package. It can contain classes
 When where we run the code, it will show the concorn which is the class which is available
in the system
 It is blog and every blog starts and ends with the curly braces
 No. of open curly braces is equal to no. of close curly braces
 Differences between WriteLine and write is that when we use WriteLine it will go for a new
line and when we write it will continue in the same line

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