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Ministry of Finance AGENTIA NATIONALA DE ADMINISTRARE FISCALA ieee National Agency for Tax Administration Adcea: JUD. sty, SUN, MEDIAS. Directia Generalé Reqionalé a Finantelor Publice BRASOV, Ste IN © BRATIANU NRO Administratia Judeteana a Finantelor Publice Sibi Pes: O260041007 Serviciul Fiseal Municipal Mediag Erna ‘Admin MOSBAFMEXOI SBigrmai mfinant Numarut gf data emiterit Murbar and Sat of ss 3230020073960 / 10.03.2022 CERTIFICAT CERTIFICATE de rezidenta fiscal privind aplicarea Conventiel/Acordulul de evitare a dublei Impuneri ‘of tax residence in onder to apply the Convention/Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation dintre Rominia gi R. F. Germania , between Romania and Germany, pentru persoane fizice rezidente in Romania {for individuals resident in Romania Organul fiscal Serviciul Fiscal Municipal Medias, in baza cererii inregistrate cu nr. FSBMEDA-484-2022 Gin data 10.03.2022 si a documentelor anexate la cerere, atest ci domnul BOABES V SEBASTIAN-NICOLAE cu domiciliul fiscal in JUD. SIBIU MUN. MEDIAS STR. BLAJULUI NR. 2 BL. 46 AP. 10, COD POSTAL 551143, si avand codul numeric personal 1780612323930, este rezident in Romania, si ii sunt aplicabile prevederile Conventiei/Acordului de evitare a dublei impuneri dintre Romania si R. F. Germania The tax outority Serviciul Fiscal Municipal Medias, based on the application registered with no. FSBMEDA-484-2022 {from 10.03.2022 and the documents enclosed to the application, hereby certifies that Mr. BOABES V SEBASTIAN-NICOLAE. ‘with the fiscal domicile located in address JUD. SIBIU MUN. MEDIAS STR. BLAJULUI NR. 2 BL. 46 AP. 10, COD POSTAL 551143, end having the personal identification number 1780612323930, {s resident in Romania and he is subject to the provisions of the Conventiow/Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation between Roménia and Germany, Prezentul certificat eliberat la data de 10.03.2022, este valabil pentru perioada 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 This certificate issued on 10.03.2022, is valid for the period 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 Numele si prenumele BURZO MARIA DELIA Name and first name Functia Title Semnatura si stampila Signature and stamp Document care contine date cu caracter personal protejate de prevederile Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679 ROMANIA a Al NAF MINISTERUL FINANTELOR |

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