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Good evening teacher and classmates. Today, I going talk about Italy.

Italy is located in Europe near the mediterranean sea. Its official language is Italian

The italian culture is known by its art, gastronomy and religion. The Opera is one of the most
representative cultural symbols. Pavaroti is an important singer of the Italian Opera.

Talking about their customs and habits. When They greet, They usually first shake their hands
then proceed with a double kiss on the cheek, but when the friends greet they only do double
kiss. This is normal there.

Other known habits are their eating habits. Their usually drink coffee and eat cornetto for
breakfast also eating habit is to drink wine after lunch.

About their character, Italians are friendly, if you have any problems they will help you with

Talking about the description of the city. I can say that is an old city, in various places you can
find monuments and architectural works, for example:

-The tower of Pisa

-Roman Coliseum

- Rialto Bridge

You can also do sightseeing for a beautiful landscape, for example, Sicily which has beautiful

About weather I can say the weather is sunny all year. From March to May are warm and
beautiful. From Jun to September, It´s very hot. Winter starts in November, It´s very cold but
from December to January it is very freezing.

Italian food:

Italy has world-famous dishes, for example, Pizza, Spagueti, Paneton, Lasagna among others.
They cook deliciously!

Their dishes are made based on pasta, cheese, tomato and olive oil.

I think this is a very beautiful and charming country where i would feel confortable and happy.
It would be a new experience that I could treasure.

I would love to be able to walk through its old streets, then learn more about its history and

For these reasons, I would like to travel to Italy.

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