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School Anti Bullying Policy Reflection

Violence against children, in all forms including online bullying or cyberbullying, has devastating effects
on the physical and emotional wellbeing of young people. This can create lasting emotional and
psychological scars, even physical harm. It is particularly challenging to address since children are
vulnerable and have easy access to the internet, making them easy targets of online violence

Bullying is a sad, but inevitable truth that occurs in schools and places worldwide. The use of
unnecessary force to intimidate and abuse another human is not only prevalent in our physical lives
today, but also emerging as a threat online, in the form of cyber bullying. Bullies often like to exert
unnecessary force as a show of power, or for entertainment of spectators and friends watching. A
simple solution? Don’t be a bystander. If you see any form of bullying going on, simply watching does
absolutely nothing to solve the problem. But if you are a spectator, it only encourages the bully.
However, if you step in between the bully and victim and tell the bully to back off, you and the crowd
are now in the position of power. You can even alert a trusted adult such as a teacher of the bully, as an
effective solution to stop bullying.

As a victim of bullying, if you can, just walk away from the bully. Doing anything to incite the bully
further would just make the situation much worse. Bullies often do what they do for the simple
attention of others. However, if any physical or emotional harm is inflicted on you, alert a trusted adult
immediately to stop the bullying.

If you ever have the urge to be the aggressor in any form of bullying, stop yourself immediately. Bullies
are common around the world and often have the same reasons for bullying. If you have any personal
problems that you find affecting you emotionally, talk to a trusted adult about it instead of taking it out
on another person. But most importantly, don’t be impulsive and think before you act. Doing something
that could potentially hurt someone else will often not even happen in the first place if bullies stop and
take the time to think before they act.

Policy Analysis Applied to Education Reflection

To maintain effective teaching and learning during extended school closures, school leaders must
develop a comprehensive strategy that proactively addresses the challenges and barriers they may
encounter throughout the implementation of their learning continuity plan.

It was found out that during school lockdowns, the teachers made adjustments in teaching and learning
designs guided by the policies implemented by the institution. Most of the students had difficulty
complying with the learning activities and requirements due to limited or no internet connectivity.
Emerging themes were identified from the qualitative responses to include the trajectory for flexible
learning delivery, the role of technology, the teaching and learning environment, and the prioritization
of safety and security. To ensure teaching and learning continuity, it is concluded that higher education
institutions have to migrate to flexible teaching and learning modality recalibrate the curriculum,
capacitate the faculty, upgrade the infrastructure, implement a strategic plan and assess all aspects of
the plan.

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