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BEYOND ENGLISH anton. A MAI LAN HUONG - HA THANH UYEN BAITAP TIENG ANH TAP 2 THEO CHUONG TRINH MGI CUA BO GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO CO DAP AN Khéng phan nao trong xudt ban pham nay dugc phép sao chép | hay phat hanh dui b&t cl hinh thiic hoac phuongtiénnao | ma khéng cé su cho phép trudc cla Zenbooks. ' NHA XUAT BAN BA NANG 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn ‘BEYOND ENGLISH 0 . a ws BAI TAP TIENG ANH 7 CO DAP AN MAI LAN HUONG - HA THANH UYEN NHA XUAT RAN PA NANG L6 103, duéng 30 thang 4 ~ Hoa Cuong Bac - Da Nang PIT: 026.3797874 ~ 3797823; Fax: 0236,3797875 www.nxbdanang.yn Chiu trich nhigm xudt ban Giam déc: TRUONG CONG BAO Chiu trach nhiém noi dung ‘Téng bién tap: NGUYEN KIM HUY Bien tap: Huynh Yen Tem My ‘Trinh bay: Zenbooks Bia: Duong Tien Sita ban in: ‘Thanh Trice Lien két xuat ban: CONG TY CO PHAN ZENBOOKS, D/C; 473/8 To Hién Thanh, P14, Q10 - Tp HCM DT: (028) 3868 2890 - Hotline: 0914794466 In 10.000 cuén, khé 19 x 26.5 cm, tai Cong ty TNHH MTV in béo Nhan Dan. D/c: D20/532P Ap 4, xa Phong Phit, huygn Binh Chénh, Tp. HCM. Gidy xac nhan dang ky ké hoach xudat ban s6: 1433-2019/CXBIPH/03-52/DaN. QDXB 86: 363/QD-NXBDaN do NXB Da Nang cap ngay 02/05/2019. Ma ISBN: 978-604-84-4104-3. In xong va nop luu chiéu nam 2019, 8 mpm aceookcombeyoncenglsnt ‘BEYOND ENGLISH 0 Pai noi dau Mnam giip cdc em hoc sinh cé them tal liu dé On luyén va thuc hanh mon tiéng ‘Anh 7 theo chuong trinh mdi clia BO Gido Dye va Dao Tao, chting toi bién soan bd sach Bai tap tiéng Anh 7. Bai tap tiéng Anh 7 gém hai tap tuong ting voi hai tap sach gido khoa Tiéng Anh 7 tia nha xuat ban Gido Duc Viét Nam hgp tic voi Nha Xuat ban Giao duc Pearson. Bai tap tiéng Anh 7 - tap 2. gm 6 don vj bai tap, dugc bién sogn theo sat noi dung cla 6 don vi bai hoc trong sich Tiéng Anh 7 - tap 2. Méi don vi bai tap gém 5 phan: %® Phan A - Phonetics: cac bai tap ng am ghip cling c6 kha nang phat am va kha nang nhan biét céc am. * Phan B- Vocabulary and Grammar: cac bai tap vé tt vung va ngit phap giup on luyen tix vung va cing c6 kién thie ngt phap trong ting don vj bai hoc. * Phan C- Speaking: cc bai tap dat cau hoi, hoan tat doan hot thoai, sap xép doan hoi thoai, vv. gitip rén luyén ky nang noi. * Phan D - Reading: cac doan van ngin vdi cac hinh thuc dién vao ché tréng, chon ti dé dién vao ché trong, doc va tra loi cau hoi, doc ri viét T (true) hoac F (false), vv. ghiip uyén tap va phat trién ky nang doc hiéu. % Phan E - Writing: cdc bai tap viét cau gitip Iuyen tap ky nang viet. Sau phan bai tap ca méi dan vj bai tap c6 mot bai kiém tra (Test for Unit) va sau 3 don vi bai tap c6 mot bai tu kiém tra (Test Yourself) nham gitip céc em On tap va cting c6 kién thie da hoc. ‘Trong qua trinh bién sogn sé khong tranh Icha sai s6t, ching toi rat mong nhan duoc y kign déng gop cia thay co gio, quy phu huynh va céc ban doc dé sch dugc hoan thién hon. Chan thanh cam on. Ban bién soan Zenbooks. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn UNIT 7: UNIT 8: UNIT 9: UNIT 10; UNIT 11: UNIT 12: ‘BEYOND ENGLISH ‘TRAFFIC.. FILMS... FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD 35 ‘TEST YOURSELF 3 SOURCES OF ENERGY... TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE... AN OVERCROWDED WORLD. ‘TEST YOURSELF 4... DAP AN 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn ‘BEYOND ENGLISH 1. Write the sound /e/ or /er/ of the underlined letter(s), 1. train/ / 6. left/ A. sail/ / 16. healthy // 2. seatbelt / / 7. ahead/ / 12. safety / / 17 plane / 1 3. mistake / / 8. station / / 13. railway / / 18. great / / 4, helmet / / 9. helicopter/ / 14, brake / / 19. record / 5. way/ / 10. pavement/ / 15. pedestrian/ / 20. sald / / Il. Underline the words having the sound /e/ and circle the words having the sound /er/ in the sentences below. Then read the sentences aloud. Which one is better, train or plane? Great! This is the best way to the railway station. Let’s take a break and have some fresh bread! Jane was standing on the pavement waving her friends, 4 2. 3. 4, For your safety, you must obey the traffic rules when driving. 5. 6. The wet weather is expected to continue in central valley. 7. I sat waiting patiently for the wedding to end. I, Find the word which has the different sound in the underlined part. 1. a. break b. bread c. instead d. health 2. alane b. stay, ¢. traffic d. wait 3. a record b. vehicle clesson d. zebra 4. a. jam b. narrow c. carry d. danger 5. a.means b, great c. seatbelt d. teacher B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR |. Write the means of transport under the correct pictures. bike plane tuck train ship. motorbike boat bus subway helicopter van UNIT7: TRAFFIC + 5 FB ntps/hwu facebook com/beyondenghsht 5; 6. 7 8. 6- Match the words in part I with definitions. ‘A large, heavy vehicle with wheels. It is used for carrying goods, _ ‘A vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing its pedals with your feet. A vehicle that has two wheels and an engine. ‘A large machine that runs along a railway line. It can carry many people. ‘A very large boat used for carrying peuple or goods across the sea. An aircraft with large metal blades on top that spin and lift it into the air, Avebicle that flies in the sky and has wings and one or more engine. A large vehicle with lots of seats. It carries passengers from one place to another. _ _ ‘A small vehicle that travels on water, moved by oars, sails or a motor, __ A railway system that runs under the ground below a big city. _ |. Complete the sentences with the correct tense or form of the verbs from the box. fide drive fly _sall__cycle reverse geton _getoff My uncle used to be a pilot. He helicopters. a number 73 bus. That will take you to Islington High Street. He into a lamppost and damaged the back of the car. ‘When being stuck in a Lraffic jam, sume peole their motorbikes on the pavement. The old man got into a Rolls Royce and __ away. I will get myself a little boat and it around the world, ‘When we reach the next stop, we'll i In the afternoon, Mai usually round the lake near her house. BAI TAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN RALTAP 8 mpi aceookcombeyoncenglsnt Fill in each gap with an expression in the box. plane tickets zebra crossings diivinglicence _trafficjam speed limit cycle helmet — means of transport road safety railway station road sign Be carefull The says ‘No U-Turn’. You ran through the stop sign, May I see your ___ __, please? Itis the law that motorists give way to pedestrians at__ You can book your online, by phone, or through a travel agent. Slow down - the on this road is 60 mph. We were stuck in a on the freeway for two hours, When we got to the the train had left. did they use ar that time? - Horses. __is taught to young children to avoid road accidents, ‘You should wear a when riding a bike. What do these signs mean? Choose the correct answers. a. Traffic lights ahead, 2. a, Walking only. b. Stop at the traffic lights, CG) b. No crossing the street. c. No traffic lights on this road. c, No pedestrians, a. Two-way traffic ahead. 4g a. No playing in the street. b, One-way road. RP b. No parking allowed. Jon RED 1 @ 3. AY c. Road narrows. east” c. No pedestrian traffic. 5. a. Trash removal nearby. 6. a, No entry formotor vehicles, EN b, Workers on this road. », Give way to trafic, c. Road works ahead. c. Only cars and motorbikes allowed. 7. a. School crossing ahead. 8. a. No left turn Ji b, Pedestrians only. b, U-turn is prohibited ¢. Crosswalk ahead, c, U-turn allowed 9. a. Slippery road. 10. a. Stop here. b, Oil on road. b. One lane traffic. c. Road curves ahead. c. No entry, 1. a. All vehicles turn back, 12, a. No right turn b. Roundabout ahead, OD]. cosiraight stead on red c. Turn left only. ¢. No turn right on red. UNIT 7: TRAFFIC + 7 Fantpsiininnacebokconibeendengavt You park here. ‘You turn left. You ride your motorbike on this road. a _ stop. You _ drive more than 50 km/h. Only cyclists _ __enter this lane. You go ahead or turn right. You ____ make a U-Turn here. You give way. Pedestrians enter, VII. Complete the sentences with used fo or didn’t use fo and the verbs in the box. Play wash be eat ike fravel lve work read getup Li ____in the countryside when I was a child, 2. My mother . coffee hut now she loves it. 3. Julian much, but Harry Potter changed his attitude. 4. Dave in a football team but now he plays basketball, 5. The children early because they had to get to school at 7 o’clock. 8 + BAL TAP TIENG ANH 7- PHAN BAL TAP Phone G57 S066 TE 8 mpm taceook combeyoncenglsn ‘BEYOND ENGLISH a 6. Theshop ______so crowded as it is nowadays. 7. Inthose days, people __ ______all their clothes by hand, 81 _ ina restaurant before 1 went to college. 9. People much junk food; their diet was healthier. 10, When my father was young, he __ abroad so much, Vill. Write sentences, using the prompts and the correct form of used fo. 1, Wef live/ in a flat when I was a child. 2. Peaple/ not have/ mobile phones 20 years ago. 3. Jim/ gol swimming every weekend? 4, My father/ smoke/ but he gave up five years ago. 5, Lily/ not cook/ much, but now she makes dinner every day. 6, ‘There/ be/ a supermarket on the corner? 7. People/ not buy/ so much stuff as they do today. * ‘You / play football or basketball at school? © U/ go/ to bed very late but not anymore! 10. Which TV programme/ you/ watch/ most/ when you were little? IX. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of used fo. John: What (1), (yous be) like when you were a child? Sally: 1(2)___ ___(wear) very thick glasses, and I (3) (be) quite short. To be honest, 1 (1)____(not lilke) myself very much. John: What (5)__(you/ do) for fun? Sally: Oh, we (6) (not have) phones or technology of any kind and the streets (7) ____(be) safer than now, so we (8)___ (play) outdoors all the time. John: (9) ___(you/ get) good marks in school? Sally: Yes, 1 (10) (study) very hard, UNIT7: TRAFFIC + 9 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn X. Choose the correct answers. BEYOND ENGLISH 1. 1_____alotwhen Iwas younger, mmm. snaanman het a, use to swim, b, used to swim c.used to swimming d. didn’t used to swim 2. People____ so often, or they just didn’t travel at all. a, used to travel b. used not to travel c. didn’t used to travel d. didn’t use to travel 3. My brother his leg in a car accident when he was 20 a. broke b.usedtobreak c.usestobreak —_d. breaks 4, ____long hair when you were a teenager? a, Used you to have b, Did you used to have c. Did you use to have d. Are you used to having 5. My Grandpa never coffee, He always drank tea, a, uses to like bused to like ¢. didn’t use to liked. is used to like 6. Shc ____asa teacher for many years before she became a writer. a.didn'tuse to work b.used to worked —¢, used to work ——d. worked. v7. There ___a bus station there. When was it built? a, used to be b.usedn’ttobe —c.didn’tusetobe —_d, used not being 8 Dominic_____ to bed late on Fridays and Saturdays. a.usually goes buses to go c. doesn’t use to god. 1s used to go 9, What kind of music when she was a child? a. Nancy used to like b. used Nancy to like ¢. did Nancy used to like d. did Nancy use to like 10. He_____ several books a month, but he doesn’t have time any more. a.usually reads b. used ta read c.usedto reading — d. didn’t use to read XI. Write sentences with if, using the cues given. Example: 700 metres/ my house/ gym It is about 700 metres from my house to the gym. a 1, 150 million kilometres/ Earth/ sun sc npsinasrtcenoncombeyencenghene 105 kmn/ Hanot/ Hat Phong 3. 500 metres/ my house/ my school 4, 170km/ Quy Nhon City/ Pletku City 10 - BALTAP TENG ANH 7- PHAN RATTAP 5. not very far/ here/ Tan Son Nhat Airport BEYOND ENGLISH ety 8 6. along way to go/ Hue/ Ho Chi Minh City XII, Write sentences, using the cues given. Example: your house/ school/ 2 kilometres/ go/ bike A; How far is it from your house to school? B: It’s about 2 kilometres. A: How do you go to school? B:[ go to school by bike. 1. your village/ the town/ 10 kilometres/ Uravel/ motorbike Ay B: Ay Boo 2. Nge’s house/ her grandparents’ house/ 700 metres/ go/ foot A: = B: A: B: oo 3. your hometown/ Ho Chi Minh City/ 900 kilometres/ travel/ train 4, Jim’s office/ the restaurant/ not very far/ go/ walk A: B: _ A: B: XIIL. Fill in cach blank with an appropriate preposition. 1. Mai used to go to shool » foot when she was primary school. 2. My father usually travels to Hanoi plane. 3. Mai often cycles round the lake Saturday morning. 4, What are you doing the weekend? unrr7- TRAFFIC + 11 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 5. We were stucl a traffic jam for over two hours, 6. How far is your school__ your house? 7. got at the wrong stop and had to wait another bus. 8. Yesterday I saw a horrible accident _ my way home from school. 9. Many years ago, people didirCuse to be worried __ traffic jams. 10. Its illegal women to drive Saudi Arabia. Bans 1. Write questions for the underlined parts. Ann: Hi Huan! (1) a a Huan: I came to class late this morning because I was stuck in a traffic Jam. Ann: Really? (2)__ - Huan: Yes, my house is rather far from school. Ann: (3)_ —— Huan: Um...about 5 kilometres, I think. Ann: (4) Huan: I go to school by bike. Ann: (5) — - Huan: It takes me about 30 minutes. And it takes longer when the traffic is jammed. Am: (6) Huan: I get stuck in a traffic jam once or twice a week. Ann: (7) Huan: I often get stuck in a traffic jam on Monday morning. Ann: (8)__ Huan: I usually go to school at 6.15. Ann: So why don’t you start to school a little earlier on Monday? Huan: Okay, I'll try. Il. Put the dialogue into the correct order. — Oh, I thought I could make a right turn on red here. ___ Here’s your ticket. Please drive safely, ma’am. ___ Thank you, sir, 1 Sir, did I do anything wrong? _ No, ma'am. ‘Lhe sign says “No Turn on Red.” __ Yes, ma’am. Didn’t you see the red light? __ May I see your driver's license and insurance policy, please? I have to give you a ticket, 12 « BAL TAP TIENG ANH 7- PHAN BALTAP ra.ntpannncboakcomPyendenglint __.Oh, I guess I didn’t see it. __ Here they are. Have a nice day, ma’am. D. READING I. Fillineach blank with a word from the box. sofest_ vehicles only far crostoad follow acres reason ) Children have a tendency to run very fast (1) ____the street, or choose any spotto cross because it may seem empty, or approaching vehicles may be (2)___ away. That can be dangerous as passing (3)_ do not slow down unless there is a signal or a crossroad. This is the (4). ____ why pedestrian crossings and intersections are the (5), places to cross. Children should cross (6) _ at an intersection and use the pedestrian crossing, If they are in a small neighborhood where there is no (7)__________ or marked crossing, they should (8) the rule ‘stop, look both ways and cross’, Il. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. THE FIRST ELECTRIC TRAFFIC LIGHTS, Inthe early 1900's, the world was developing at a very rapid pace, and with the growth of industrialization, cities became more crowded, Furthermore, with the invention of automobiles, the traffic on the roads increased significantly, so there was a need for a better traftic system. In 1912, an American policeman, Lester Wire, who was concerned with the increasing traffic, came up with the idea of the first electric traffic light. Based on Wire’s design, the lights were first installed in Cleveland, Ohio, on August 5, 1914, at the corner of 105th and Euclid Avenue. The first electric traffic light had only red and green lights; it did not have a yellow light like modern-day traffic signals. Instead of a yellow light, It had a buzzer sound that was used to indicate that the signal would be changing soon, In the year 1920, a policeman named William Potts in Detroit, Michigan invented the first four-way and three-coloured traffic lights, Apart from red and green, a third colour —amber (or yellow) — was introduced. Detroit became the first city to implement the four-way and three-colored traffic lights. In the 1920’s, several automated traffic signals were installed in major cities arvund the world, The modern (raific light sUll uses this famous T-shaped model with three different colors. A. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1, Due to the invention of cars, the traffic on the roads increased rapidly, 2. The first electric traffic light was invented in 1914 by Lester Wire. UNIT7: TRAFFIC + 13 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn ‘BEYOND ENGLISH 3. The first electric traffic light had red, green and amber lights. 4, The yellow light didn’t exist until the 1920s, 5. Detroit was the first city to use the red, yellow, and green lights to control road traffic. 6. The modern traffic light works on the same principle as Wire's original light. B, Answer the questions. 1, When was the first electric traffic light invented? 2. Who invented the first electric traffic light? 3, How many colours did the first electric traffic light have? 4, Where were the lights first installed? 5. What was used instcad of yellow light to warn everyone of a signal change? 6. When was the yellow light added? PN 1. Arrange the words to make meaningful sentences. 1. big/ traffic congestion/ can/ what/ dof to/ we/ reduce/ cities/ in? is/ the/ your/ train station/ how/ hotel/ to/ far/ it/ from? my/ it/ not/ is/ far/ very/ house/ from/ to/ school. 4, think/ I/ it’s/ time/ to/ do/ to/ reduce/ in/ something/ traffic jams/ Vietnam. 5. used/ school/ on/ Mai/ foot/ she/ to/ go/ to/ was/ in/ when/ primary school. > there/ city center/ traffic jams/ are/ the/ in/ rush hour/ often/ the/ in. x about/ people/ use/ in/ worry/ the past/ traffic/ didn’t/ congestion/ to. 8. wear/ a/ helmet/ compulsory/ is/ when/ in/ it/ to/ riding/ Vietnam/ a/ motorbike. 14 pArTAP TENG ANH7 PHAN BALTAP ra napa caookcomibjonengint ‘BEYOND ENGLISH I Complete the second sentences so that it has the same meaning as the first. 1, Iwent swimming every Thursday when I was at school. Tused 2. Mai walked to school when she was in primary school. Mai went $$ 3, Why don’t we cycle to the town at the weekend? How about _ a 4. The distance between my house and the nearest bookstore is about 2 kilometres. It citi 5. The airport is not far from the hotel, ‘The hotel is _ 6. What's the distance from Madrid to Barcelona? How _ 7. Turn left into Lavalle Street and then go straight ahead. Make _ 8. Did your father use to drive to work? Did your father use to travel TEST FOR UNIT 7 Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. breaking b. great c. steak d. healthy 2. a.cycle b. bicycle c. fly d. skyscraper 3. cycle b. licence c.vehicle d. centre 4, a. reversed b. walked c. stopped d. obeyed 5. a. park b, pavement c. plane d. safety Il. Match the toad signs with their meanings. No Overtaking NoleftTurn Pedestrian Crossing SlipperyRoad Crossroads No Parking Go Ahead Only Turn Right Railway Crossing _ Hospital Ahead © Q 0 fi AD UNIT 7: TRAFFIC + 15, 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn ‘BEYOND ENGLISH oA II. Choose the best answer a, b, ¢ or d to complete the sentence. 1, You should walk across the street__ the zebra crossing. aon b. at cin d. from 2, My house is not far from my school, so I usually go a. on foot b. by foot c. by car d. by boat 3. This morning, Iwas ____ ina traffic jam and got to school fifteen minutes late. a. catch b, block c. struck d. stuck 4, Turn on the left turn _ before you make the turn and slow down. a sign b. direction c. signal d. crossing 5, Itis_____touse a hand-held mobile phone while driving or riding. a. sale b, important «. illegal d. careful 6. _____does it take you to ride to school? - About 30 minutes. a, How long b, How far c. How often d. How much A____1sa part of a road that only bicycles are allowed to use. a. cycle cross b, cycle lane c. cycle line d. cycle race 8. You_____cross the street when the light is red. a, should b.don’thaveto —c. can dd. mustn't 9. People_____ produce as much rubbish as we do now. acuse to b. used to c.used to not d. didn’t use to 10. “How far is Vung Tau from Ho Chi Minh City?” -“__” a. It’s not very far. b. It takes about two hours or more. ¢. It's about 120km. d. You can get to Vung Tau by boat or bus. IV. Write the correct form or tense of verbs in brackets. 1. _ __(you/ ever! drive) on the wrong side of the road? 2, My family —_ (fly) back from our Hong Kong holiday two days ago. 3. Right now, the students —__ _(learn) road signs in the schoolyard. 4, Usually Oanh _ (walk) to school, but this week she _ _ (ride) her bike. 5. The driver was so drunk thathe___ (lose) control of his car 6. If Ihave enough money, I (buy) a racing car. Myfather____—=——_(teach) me to ride a bike when I was seven. 16 - BAL TAP THENG ANHL7- PHAN BALTAP. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn nas Transport used __(be) much slower three hundred years ago. Saudi women weren't allowed ____(drive) a car until recently. , In South Africa, you have to let animals __(go) first. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. Young children are expected to show _ to their parents. (obey) ‘When cycling on the roads, remember: __ first. (safe) Children should avoid__ foods such as hamburger and chips. (health) ‘Most road accidents happen because the motorists drive . (care) Ttis unsafe and ___ ____ to pass another vehicle on the left. (legal) My ‘was delayed for over two hours due to bad weather, (fly) Everyone should ____—__ obey traffic rules for their own safety. (strict) The policeman — _____ the car to stop with a flashlight. (sign) Signs with red circles are mostly —___ _ = that means you can’t do something, (prohibit) ). This _ ____ sign indicates that traffic lights are ahead. (warn) |. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct It. Tlove Thai food now, bnt I didn’t used to like spicy food. He can drive a bicycle with his hands off the handlebars. ‘We use to walk miles to school every day due to lack of public transport. You are not allowed to drive faster than the number on a limit speed sign. It about 1137 kilometres from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City. Bicycles are a chcap and efficient mean of transport. A sign within a red triangle will warn people for something. Be careful when you are on roads. You must drive fast or carelessly! Match the questions with the correct answers. How does your father travel to work? Ob, sorry sir, I don’t have it on me. ‘May I see your driving license, please? Twas stuck in a traffic jam. Sir, did I do anything wrong? ‘What took you so long? Not very far. Just about 2 km. . Go straight ahead, then turn right at the crossroads. Yes, sir. You ran through the stop sign. By motorbike. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest g, Twenty minutes, pe oe Whitt is the fastest means of transport? How far is it from here to the railway station? bus stop, please? How long will it take to get there? h, The plane, I think. UNIT? TRAFFIC © 17 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn VII Choose the word which best fits each gap. Staying safe on foot and bike Look ont for yourself and your friends when out (1)___ foot and bike. Choose the (2)_____ routes you can, like quieter, slower roads, with pavements If you’re walking or QB). f you're going by hike. It's easy to get distracted by your phone or by friends, but you need ta he (4), to traffic, Put your phone away and take your earphones (5)____ when crossing the road. Don’t trust that drivers (6)____spot you and be able to stop in time ~ many drivers go too fast and don’t (7)__ enough attention, (8) anything you can do to protect yourself is a good thing, 1. aon bin c. by d. with 2 asafe b, safer «. safest d. safely 3. a.zebra crossings bh. cycle paths footpaths d. bumpy roads 4. a. risky b. warning c. serious alert 5. a. off b. over c, out d. down 6. a.must b.will c. could d. should 7. b. make c. turn d. take 8. a. but b.s0 c. though d. because IX. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. Large cities often have problems that small towns and rural areas do not have. Two of the biggest problems are heavy traffic and the pollution that cars create, Of course, traffic problems and pollution are not only found in big cities. However, the higher populations and larger number of cars on the roads in cities can make the problems happen more often and with more noticeable effects, Onc of the most common traffic problems that large cities have is congestion, As the population of a city increases, so does the number of cars on the road. Cities cannot always improve the number and size of their roads and highways to keep up with the number of cars. The result is traffic congestion, or traffic jams When traffic jams happen, cars that are stuck in the congestion continue to run their engines. This creates pollution and is a big problem, Pollution causes health problems for the people in cities and also hurts the environment, A. Match the words with their meanings. 1. rural a, being too crowded or too full 2. noticeable b. unable to move 3. congestion ©. easy to see or recognise 4. traffic jam d, in the countryside, not in the city 5. stuck e, too many vehicles in one place prevents movement 18 « BALTAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAL TAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn Choose the correct answers. Where do traffic problems and pollution frequently happen? a,smalltowns ——_b. rural areas c. big cities d. remote villages According to the passage, what causes traffic congestion in big cities? a, A lot of city dwellers b. Too many cars on the roads ¢. Careless drivers d. Less traffic signs on the streets ‘The high number of cars is caused by a, urban planning b. traffic congestion ¢. environmental pollution d, the population ‘The highway and road network is of meeting the requirement of increasing number of vehicles. a.full b. aware c. incapable uncertain Which of the followings is NOT true? a, Only big cities have the problem of pollution. b. Traffic jams cause pollution. ¢. Pollution is a major problem in big cities. d, Pollution causes health and environmental problems. Make sentences using the words given. The roads/ Vietnam/ too/ narrow/ travel/ easily. How far/ it/ your house/ the bookstore? Mai/ used/ go/ school/ foot/ when/ she/ primary school. It/ very important/ obey/ traffic rules/ when/ use/ road. It/ ten kilometres/ the town/ the airport. ‘Two days ago/ wel stuck/ traffic jam/ over two hours. Most streets/ city centre/ congested/ rush hour. you/ use/ have/ tricycle/ when/ child? UNIT 7: TRAFFIC + 19 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn ‘BEYOND ENGLISH FILMS Tea ess 1. Put the words into the correct column depending on how the ending -ed is pronounced. pulled, opened, closed, featured, decided, showed, danced, saved, suggested, walked, enjoyed, needed, watched, attended, waited, finished, hated, painted, stopped, ended, engaged, langhed, performed, wanted, looked, cried, directed, relaxed, described, increased, brushed, touched Ith fd Adi II. Choose the word that has the ending pronounced differently. 1. aescaped liked c.decided washed 2. a, moved b. gripped c. remembered d. encouraged 3. a.matched _b. dressed c. starred d. decreased 4. a. excited b. annoyed c. bored d. terrified 5. a.borrowed — b. explained «. tried d, succeeded B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1. Complete the sentences with the types of film in the box. horror animation thriller science-fiction @ci-f) adventure. action romantic comedies documentary comedies romance, A _____ isan exciting film, especially about murder or serious crimes. 2 —_ films feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula that make you scream and be afratd, very afraid! 3; ____ are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments as well. 4, Ingeneral, make you laugh - a lot! 20 « DAI TAP THENG ANH 7 - PHAN BALTAP Fa nts tacebookcom/beyoncengisht A In drive fast. exploration. ______ films the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and ___films are about imaginary events in the future or in outer space, _isa film that investigates some real-life story. films use computer graphics to make elaborate stories. films have a main character who's usually either on a conquest or films are stories of people finding each other and falling in love. Underline the correct types of film. “avatar” is a science fiction / comedy film written and directed by James Cameron, “Alice in Wonderland” isa fantasy /horror film with Johnny Depp. “Die Hard” is a popular action film / musical with plenty of guns, explosions and high-speed car chases. “Loy Story 3” 4s a successful anmation / war film. “You've got Mail” is a romantic comedy / thriller that’s full of laugh and love. “Shrek” is a very funny film that makes people laugh. “Shrek” is a romance | comedy. “The Exorcist” is probably one of the scariest cartoons /horror films ofall time. “The King’s Speech” is a historical drama / war film based on the true story of British King George VI and his speech defect. UNITS: FILMS * 21 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn IIL Match the words to their definitions. 1. gripping a, funny and interesting 2. scary b. extremely good 3. violent c. causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy 4. boring d. very surprising, and difficult to believe 5. moving €. not surprising 6. entertaining £. frightening 7. predictable &. using or involving force to hurt or attack 8. hilarious h. very exciting 9. shocking 4, not interesting 10. incredible j. extremely funny \V. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives above. 1, The-filmwasso___ that Mrs Brown cried at the end. 2. Romance movic plots have become so____ that. you can tell exactly what's coming, 3. My mother can’t stand war films because they'retoo 4, It was an action film, but it was so___ that I fell asleep in the middle. 5. We laughed all the way through the film. It was so i 6, That thriller wasso_______. | couldn’t take my eyes off the screen for a second. ‘Sam always has nightmares after watching ____ movies. ‘The ending of The Sixth Sense was really _______ Itsurprised me a lot. ‘The Meyerowitz Stories is getting some ___ reviews and should be one to add to your watch list. 10. Most historical movies are both educational and V. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. critics star plot review disaster special effects survey director documentaries must-see Inour _., we ask you to vote for your favorite film. ______ of the film was too complicated - I couldn't understand it, 3. Manohla Dargis ts one of the chief film _____ for ‘I'he New York Times. 4. My younger brother enjoys watching _ about wild animals, 5. Bruce Lee’s martial arts movies made him an international film a, 6. The Godfather is one of films for movie lovers, 7. James Cameron’s film about the Titanic _ won I1 Oscars 8, Ireada of that film and it sounds really interesting, 22 + BAITAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAI TAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 9. The were amazing! The spaceships all seemed reall 10, The - shouted ‘Action!’ and the actor started running, VI. Complete the sentences with the correct adjective form of the words in brackets. Ifind horror films really ____ and not at all fun to watch. (frighten) 2, Sometimes I get really English, (frustrate) 3. That film was so characters. (depress) ______ when I can’t express myself well in __! There was no happy ending for any of the 4, Iflfeel___, Ifind watching a romance comedy is often _ (stress - relax) The news wasso___ that she burst into tears. (shock) Kathy was when she saw the dinosaur bones at the museum. (amaze) 5 6 7. The teacher was really__so the lesson passed quickly. (amuse) 8. Whenever Adrian gets , he goes fishing. (bore) 9. Weall were with the results of the test. (disappoint) 10. Of course, action movies are . That's why I like them. (excite) VII. Underline the correct form. Alice: That was a very (1) excited / exciting movie. What did you think? Jake : Tobe honest, I found it kind of (2) bored / boring. I'm not (3) interested / interesting in science fiction. Alice : Really? I find it (4) fascinated / fascinating. What kind of movies do you enjoy? Jake : Mostly comedies. Have you seen Home Again? Alice: Yes, but I wasn’t (5) amused / amusing at all. In fact I thought it was (6) horrified / horrifying. The story linc was (7) confused / confusing, and I couldn’t find any humor in the characters’ problems. When I left the theater, I felt rather (8) depressed I depressing. Jake : I'm (9) amazed / amazing that you felt that way! I thought it was very (10) amused Jamusing. Alice: Well, I gucss it’s a matter of taste. VIII. Choose the correct answers. 1. Tgot really when I saw the main character being Killed. a, confused b. frightened c. bored d. amused 2. The film was so that the two girls next to me couldn’t stop crying. a, moving b. thrilling c. exciting d. fascinating 3. Critics were at John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. He was unexpectedly good. a. worried b. interested c.disappointed ——d. surprised UNITS: PILMS * 23 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 4. Itisa tale of a haunted house and the ghosts therein. a. amusing b, shocking c. thrilling d. pleasing 5. We were ___ that we couldn’t get tickets to see the film, a. terrified b. satisfied c. relaxed d. disappointed 6. The ending of “American Psycho” was so___. IL eft. viewers with questions. a. confusing b. exhausting c. horrifying d. moving 7. My brother was so___ he couldn’t watch the film. a.overwhelmed —_b. scared ¢. annoyed d. excited 8. The Adventures of Marco Polo (1938) was highly , but lacked historical accuracy. a. disgusting b.encouraging —_c, entertaining . exhausting 9, James finds sci-fi movies really _. He enjoys watching them. a, terrifying b.embarrassing —_c, concerning d, fascinating 10. Whenever I feel , I watch a comedy that makes me laugh and feel better, a. depressed b, amused c. exhausted 4. thrilled IX. Complete the sentences, using although + a clause or despite / in spite of + a noun Phrase from the box. Ben Stiller was the star of this movie ‘he fact that they split up over forly years ago those poor reviews Meryi Streep ls most well known for her many Oscar-worthy performances I didn’t find the film at all frightening being a wellreviewed hit knowing It is not true most critics agreed that the film was her best ever ___, my brother was so seared that he couldn’t watch it, I was rather disappointed by her performance Courage Under Fire didn’t win an Oscar , it was Ferrell who stole the show. The movie had a successful box-office performancs , the Beatles are still incredibly popular. Naveen - - _, her status was reaffirmed after the huge box-olfice success of Mamma Miat, 8. We jump or yell when we see a horror movie X. Join the two sentences using the word in brackets. 4. Glenn Close hasn't won a single Oscar, She has been nominated six umes, (although) 24 « BAITAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAL TAP ra.ntpannncboakcomPyendenglint 10. x. 10. Brian Stone is a famous singer. He can’t sing folk songs. (despite) Some people said the film was terr Ie. T found it quite gripping. (Though) 1. was a horror film, It wasn’t frightening at all. (in spite of) The movie was a box-office fallure. It had an all-star cast (even though) ‘The film had good reviews. It was entirely ignored by awards bodies. (despite) People criticized the movie forbeing too violent, “The movie ‘was a commercial success, (in spité of) Liked ita great deal Iwill likely never watch it again, (although) The film had largely negative reception. Penn was nominated for Best Actor. (despite) Critic reviews were favorable. The film was pulled carly from theaters due to low ticket sales. (although) Complete the sentences with although, despite/ in spite of, however/ nevertheless. Leonardo Dicaprio is a talented actor; six nominations. ____, he only won an Oscar after the negative reviews, Jurassic World reached $1 billion in ticket sales. Linh wanted to see Wall-E. , the showing week fell on her semester examination. _ it has found its fans over time, Empire Records only made $300,000 at the box office, Finding Nemo was a successful animation film ___ its low budget Out of Africa didn’t win any acting Oscars _ starring Meryl Streep and Robert Redford. ‘The film barely made back its budget. positive things to say about it. critics and fans had a lot of animation is not my favourite genre, I really like Zootopia. Titanic is a really good movie;____, itis not for anyone under the age of sixteen. it is loved by fans today, Clue had a rough start when it opened in 1985, ‘UNITS: FILMS + 25 Fa XII. Filin each blank with an appropriate preposition. Pet auesene Watching a horror film can be very frightening __ Saving Private Ryan is a war movie ‘The last movie starring Julia Roberts The Lord of the Rings is showing __ Odyssey Cinema ___10.30 am. ____achild. soldiers fighting in World War II, ‘The film was so gripping that I couldn't take my eyes_ the screen, Are you scared watching a horror film? __ a professor was Mona Lisa Smile. ‘They spent $11 million making “Star Wars” in 1977. Brokeback Mountain is based __ the short story by author Annie Proulx. The film is a guy who travels back in time to save the planet. 10. We could call the cinema to see what's tonight. 1. Complete the dialogue with the sentences from the box. Mai: Jane: Mai: Jane: Mai: Jane: Mai: Jane: Mai: Jane: Mai: Jane: Mat; Jan Mak: let’s meet outside the cinema ot 6.45. what kind of film is it? what is It about? what are you doing this evening? how about going to the cinema tonight? who does it star? what's on? when is it on? ()___ ee Nothing special. Why? (2)____ Good idea! (3) a ‘There is a Korean movie on at Grand Cinema. It's My Litile Bride, (4) It’s a romantic comedy. They say it’s very good and funny. )_ ———— It’s about an arranged marriage between a female high school student and a male college student. That sounds good, (6)_ Moon Geun-young and Kim Rae-won. Oh, they're two of my favourite actors. (7)__ AtT o'clock. Well, (8) OK. See you then! 26 + BAL TAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BALTAP. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn II. Put the dialogue into the correct order. Some are entertaining, but I find most of them stupid and childish. __I’'m sorry. I have some homework to do tonight, I can’t stand western and horror. ___ So, what is your most favourite horror film? _1_ What type of movies do you like? ‘The Ring. I’m going to watch it again tonight. Do you want to watch it? ___ That's an interesting combination. How about western movies? ___ Why don’t you like horror? They're entertaining, I think, __ I’m fascinated by scary movies, __Ilike some sorts of movies, primarily drama and science fiction. D. READING 1. Complete the passage with the words from the box. stars wizard ~—critics_-—_fantasy worldwide based academy _teleased Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 18 a (1) film directed by Chris Columbus. It is (2)__ on J. K. Rowling’s 1997 novel of the same name, The film’s story follows Harry Potter’s first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as he discovers that he is a (3)__ and has magical powers. The film (4)__ Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, with Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley, and Emma Watson as Hermione Granger. The film was (5), _______ to cinemas in November 2001. It earned over US$976 muillion at the box office (6) and received generally positive reviews from the (7) ‘The film was nominated for many awards, including (8) Awards for Best Original Score, Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design. ll, Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. In the UK, the cinema 1s very popular and a lot of young people go there. But, what types of film do they watch? Jack, 14 I love going to the cinema because there are always eight films on at our local cinema complex, and it’s feally modern, The ice cream is fantastic and there’s great popcorn and other snacks, J go with my friends every Friday. We all like science fiction films with action and suspense, We are also great fans of special effects, so we love films like Avatar and Transformers. UNITS: FILMS + 27, 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn One of iny favourite fils is The Proposal. It’s about a woman who decides to inarty her assistant, but they're not really in love. His family, in Alaska, try to organise a Uaditional wedding ... it’s very funny. In the cud, they fall in love, of course. I don’t go to the cinema much, because there isn’t a cinema near me. I watch films on DVD. a few months later. Katie, 13 I don’t like horror films or science fiction films but I love romantic comedies. A. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. There isn’t any movie theatre near Jack’s house. 2, Katie’s favourite film is a love story. 3, ‘They sell good ice cream and popcorn in the local cinema complex. 4. Jack and Katie enjoy the same types of film. 5. Jack and his friends like to see movies with special effects, 6. Katic docsn’t go to the cinema a lot because she prefers watching films on DVD. B. Answer the questions. 1. Doyoung people in the UK like going to the cinema? 2. What kind of movies does Jack like? 3. How often does Jack go to the cinema? 4A. Does Jack like his local cinema? 5. What kind of film is The Proposal? 6. Why doesn’t Katie go to the cinema a lot? ins |. Arrange the words to make sentences meaningful. 1, the/ too/ she/ film/ far/ thought/ violent/ to/ to/ children/ show. 2. his/ the/ ever’ latest/ funniest/ he/ film/ is/ of/ has/ onc/ made. 3. Halloween/ frightening ever/ seen/ is/ one/ most/ films/ off the/ I/ have, 28 « DALTAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAI TAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn yeep an/ documentary/ on/ night/ television/ was/ last/ there/ interesting. time/ ‘Titartic/ is/ successful/ one/ most/ off the/ movics/ off James Camcron’s/ all. all/ it/ although/ film/ the/ has/ plot/ a/ very/ simple/ wef enjoyed. the/ received/ bad/ good/ and/ film/ reviews/ some/ ones/ some. despite/ falled/ film/ to/ having/ do/ good/ popular/ business/ cast/ star/ the/ a. Rewtile the following sentences thal keep the sarne meaning. ‘They released Avengers: Infinity War in April 2018. Avengers: Infinity War __ __ — He didn’t win an Oscar for Best Actor although he performed excellently. Despite _ [find watching Monster Inc. very interesting. Tam Despite his English-sounding name, James Martin is in fact German. Although _ Unless the bus arrives on time, we'll miss the heginning of the film. It _ Let’s go to the cinema tonight. How about ‘The last time | saw an American romance was three months ago. Thaven’t 7 a The plot wasn’t very interesting, but the special effects were spectacular. Although eT ‘Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. a. gripping b. fiction c. violent , thriller a. engaged b. gripped. c. laughed d. wrecked a. crite b. comedy ¢. cartoon cinema a. terrified b, based c. starred d. entertained a. feature b, theatre ©. screen d. must-see UNIT: FILMS » 29) 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn Il. Choose the odd one out. 1, a, horror b, adventure c. gripping d. action a. dircetor b, comedy c. producer di actress 3. a. touching b, hilarious c. scary d. western a. awful c. entertaining c. fascinating d. exciting 5. a, thrilling b. touching . terrifying d. must-see Ill, Fill in the gap with the type of the film. 1, Amovie that makes you laugh is a_ 2, A movie that makes you scream is a film, 3. A story that is exciting with lots of guns and explosions is an movie. 4, Movies about future, aliens from space or space travel are___ ___films. 5. A movie about real life is a_ x 6 An isa film in which drawings of people and animals seem to move, 7. A film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime is a 8. A humorous film about love story is a —s IV. Choose the correct answer a, b, ¢ or d to complete the sentences. 1. Colin Firth won his first Oscar for best lead actor England’s King George VI. b, with cof 2. Twelve Years a Slave is based _a true story of Solomon Northup. bby con 4. from 3. “What _ of film is The Matrix?” - “Science fiction.” a. ranking b. plot . review d, kind 4. Critics say Midnight Run isa must-see ____it is funny and exciting, a. although b, because c. however d. therefore 5. Vin Diesel in many action films, including The Fast and Furious series. a. starred b, made c. produced d. direeted 6. _____anall-star cast, Hotel Artemis was a total box-office failure, a. Because of b. Although c. Despite 4d. In spite 7. The special effects in Jurassic Park are___! The dinosaurs look so real and alive, a. visible b. incredible terrible d. believable 8. Kora , that film wasn’t very funny. | didn’t laugh once, a. thriller b. romance c.documentary —_d. comedy 9, ‘That vampire film was extremely__ I had my eyes closed half of the time! a, hilarious b. moving c. gripping d. scary 30 - BAITAP TENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAIT 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 10. “Could I ask you a few questions about your favorite movies?” * a, That sounds good. b, Not a bad idea. ce. Sure. Go ahead. d. But I don’t want to. V. Write the correct tense or form of verbs in brackets. 1, Whats the best horror movie you ___ (see) so far? 2. Tom Hanks _(win) an Oscar for playing Forrest Gump in 1994, a TL ___(watch) a very interesting Korean drama at present. 4, Kong: Skull Island. ____(direet) by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, 5. The film was a commercial success although it {not receive) good reviews from critics. 6 __(your brother/ usually/ watch) movies at home or at the cinema? 7 What __(you/ do) tomorrow night? 8, Joanna _ _(not be) to the cinema since November. 9. The last film 1 ___(See) at the cinema was an action film called Fast and Furious. 10. Clint Eastwood became one of the most respected directors, in spite of (be) known for his westerns. VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets, 1. The director was so __ with the actors that he fired all of them. (satisfy) 2, LaLa Land was _____ one of the best reviewed films of 2016, (famous) 3. Itwas supposed to be a horror film but it wasn’t very, (frighten) 4, Julia Roberts ts one of the most famous __ in Hollywood, (act) 5. Jennifer Lawrence became a huge star after her excellent in The Hunger Games. (perform) 6. The Day After Tomorrow shows a and abrupt climate change. (disaster) 7. The Ring is probably one of the ____ horror films of all time. (scare) 8. Despite__, Zero becomes the 10th highest grossing film of 2018. (crictic) . [find nature documentaries very__. earn a lot from them. (educate) 10. Released in September 2018, The Nun________at the box office despite bad reviews. (success) VII. Each sentence has @ mistake. Find and correct it. 1. Two days ago, I see a movie on Netflix with my parents, The final Lord of the Rings film is a good example of a made-well action film. read a review of that film and it sounds really interest. ‘The film didn’t win any acting Oscars despite of starring Meryl Streep and Robert Redford. Ber UNITS: FILMS « 31 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn Frozen is one of the most popular animation of all time. ‘My brother likes watching action films although they are fast and exciting. Kate Winslet and T.eonarda DiCaprio play ill-fated lovers of the romance “Titanic”. . The film failed to do good business in spite of have a popular star cast. eI AS Vill, Match the answers with the correct questions. 1. Have you ever watched a horror movie? a. Fast and Furious. 2, What kind of movies do you like? b. Yes, why not? 3, What is the best movie you've seen so far? c. Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo. 4, Who is your favourite actor? d. Because they're too predictable. 5. Why don’t you like romantic comedies? e. No, I don’t like the feeling of being, scared. 6. Let’s go see Avengers: Infinity War tonight. f. It’s.a superhero film. 7. What kind of film is it? g. Vin Diesel 8. Who does the film star? h, Action and science fiction. IX. Choose the word which best fils each gap. We all know Kainiss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, but } (1) is the actress who plays her, Jennifer Lawrence? Jennifer Lawrence was (2) on August 15, 1990 in Kentucky, U.S, When she was a child, Lawrence knew that she wanted to’act, and she began performing in school plays and local theatre. (3)__ the age of 14, hoping to break into acting and modeling, she went with her mother to New York City to look for work, She (4) in advertisements for MTV and the fashion company H&M and got work as an i actress on TV. Her family moved to Los Angeles to allow her i i to further her career. In 2010, Lawrence played the (5) in the film Winter’s Bone and she was nominated for many awards including an Oscar. In 2012 she starred in the film The Hunger Games (6) Katniss Everdeen, Lawrence also starred in another (7)______ film in 2012, director David O. Russell’s Silver Linings Playbook and at the age of 22 she became the second (8)____ woman to win the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Silver Linings Playbook. b. who b, beared c. born d. bore bln ©. By di At a. appeared b, attended c. starred, d. made d. whom i i i 1. 2 3. 4 32 + BALTAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAI TAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 5. a. acting by lead c.performance scenery 6. aas b. for c.with d.of 7. complicated b. ordinary c. delicious , notable 8. a.young b. younger c. youngest d. youth X. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. Skyfall is one of the best action films in recent years, Released in 2012, it stars Daniel Craig as secret agent James Bond and Spanish actor Javier Bardem in the role of Raoul Silva, the villain in this film, ‘The plot involves a genius computer hacker who is an ex-spy. He wants to take revenge on the organisation he used to work for and James Bond has to prevent this from happening, ‘There are a lot of exciting action scenes as Bond pursues him around the world, Can he stop him before it is too late? The film is set in a variety of locations including Istanbul, Shanghai, Macau, London and Scotland, which gives it a very international atmosphere. The soundtrack is impressive and includes the theme song “Skyfall”, performed by English singer Adele. ‘The acting is also of a very high standard and Bardem brings his character to life with a dazzling and memorable performance. A. Match the words to their definitions. 1. the main bad character in a film a, soundtrack 2. very intelligent and skilful b. dazzling 3. the story of a film c. scene 4, apart of a film in which the action happens in one place villain 5. the recorded music from a film, e. genius 6. extremely impressive f. plot B. Answer the questions. 1. What kind of film is Skyfall. 2. When did the film come out in cinemas? UNITS: FILMS + 33 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 3. Who are the main characters? 4, Who plays the baddie in the film? 5. What is Skyfall about? 6. Where is the film set in? 7. Who sang the theme song for Skyyall? 8. What does the writer say about Javier Bardem’s performance? XI. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets, without changing the meaning. 1, T've never seen such a boring movie. (most) It — 2. Watching science fiction movies is one of my interests. (am) 1 ——— How long is it since you went to the cinema? (last) When _ es __ 4, Although she was scared, she enjoyed watching horror movies. (spite) In _ 5. Why don’t we go out to dinner and a movie? (suggested) She - 6. Despite the heavy rain, they still went hiking. (it) Although 7. Itwas such a gripping movie that I watched it three times. (that) The movie a — 8. The traffic was terrible, but we arrived on time. (despite) we 34 + BAL TAP TIENG ANH 7- PHAN BAI TAP 8 mpm aceookcombeyoncenglsnt FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD Put the words into the correct column depending on the stressed syllable. perform, culture, describe, manner, machine, country, relax, preter, village, beauty, compete, happy, begin, season, parade, gravy, prepare, turkey, gather, abroad, amazed, candle, expect, listen, answer, alone, costume, attend, greasy, discuss Stress on 1*syllable Stress on 2™ syllable Rewrite the word to show the stressed syllable In capitals. Example: picture —> PICture follow allow asleep finish: report firework decide . agree _ happen enter culture parade receive finish visit famous critic event 2. festive 4. ethnic enjoy 8. music 10. Christmas 12, between 14, harvest 16. mistake |. Circle the word that has different stress pattern from the others. award ridden weather cannon direct compete wonder protect machine mistake UNIT 9: FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD © 35, 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn CMe UN TOON! |. What festival are they? Write the name of the festival. Christmas Tet La Tomatina Halloween Thanksgiving Mic-Aulurnn Festival Ghost Festival Easter Rlo Carnival Diwali Itis the Vietnamese New Year marking the arrival of spring based vn the Lunar calendar, It is celebrated on October 31, and children dress up in costumes, visit people's houses and ask for candy ortreats.. It is a Brazilian festival held before Lent, The highlight of Carnival isthe Samba Parade which is not to be missed! Itis a religious holiday which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, It is a tomato fight festival which takes place in August in Buftol, Spain. —_ It is the Hindu festival of lights, which Js celebrated in autumn every year, —_ It is celebrated in Canada and the United States as « day of giving, thanks for the blessing of the harvest and the new year. It isa traditional Buddhist festival in which ceremonies are held to welcome the ghosts and spirits. It is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month with the fullest moon at night. Mooncakes and lanterns are the features of the festival. _- It is a holiday which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. 36 - BAITAP THENG ANH 7 PHAN BALTAP. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Parade celebrations highlight feast chaos festivals greasy religious superstitious Christmas is considered the most famous festival of the world. Korean New Year’s__ begin with everyone wearing traditional dress called hanbok. Rock in Rio is one of the world’s biggest music _ Pongal is a festival celebrated to mark the harvest of crops and offer a special thanksgiving to God. ‘The Samba ___ is the main attraction of the Rio Carnival celebration. Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a “Ham upa pole” is one of the traditions of La Tomatina. The_ of Carnival is the Samba Parade which is not to be missed! When a loud signal goes off, trucks loaded with tomatoes enter and then begins the __among family and friends. According to belief, Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. |. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets. A masquerade is a gathering of people wearing masks. (festival) ‘We went out for a__ dinner at a nearby beach restaurant, (celebrate) ina lion dance outfit show off their moves at the Rio Carnival. (perform) ‘The Rio Carnival Samba_'___are known as the greatest show on Earth! (parade) A music festival includes live __ of singing and musical instrument playing, (perform) Hue Festival is a_ event that is held every two years, (culture) New Year’s Eve is one af the largest global because it marks the last day of the year. (celebrate) ‘The Saint Patrick’s Day marchers were _ ___-up Fifth Avenue, (parade) Undertine the adverbial phrase, and write the question it answers on the line. La Tomanita Festival is held in Spain. _ Where? . She went online for more information ahout Diwali festival. ‘The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. ‘The Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling has been held for around 200 years, __ “The Lim festival takes place every year. ‘The three official festival days are held in a joyful and exciting way, _—__ ‘he parade coursed around the town square, UNIT 9: FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD + 37 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 8. Thousands of fans travel to Belgium to attend Tomorrowland, 9. ‘Tetis usually celebrated between late January or early February, 10. The Ziro Music Festival is celebrated with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, V. Complete the conversation with the adverbial phrases in the box. onthe 18" day of the 8" lunar month —_in your country to bring happiness and joy to the kids__In the evening of the day in some Asian countries so much along tne streets every year Michael: Is there any festival for children (1) Nam? Nam: — Oh, yes, It’s the Mid-Autumn Festival. Michacl: When is the Mid-Autumn Festival held? Nam: Ttis held (2)___ _— es Michael: Where is it celebrated besides Vietnam? Nam: Its also celebrated (3) , such as China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, ete. Michael: How often does this festival take place? Nam: It takes place (4) - Michael: What is the purpose of this festival? Nam: — The main purpose of celebration is (5) a Michael: How is the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated in Vietnam? Nam: (6) - _, when the moonis rising, children pourintostreets carrying their beautiful lanterns, singing and parading (7) ‘They also havea chance to enjoy lots of delicious candies and mooncakes. They're all happy and enjoy the day (8)_ is VI. Fill in each blank with a suitable question words. __ is the most important festival in Vietnam? - Tet or Tet Nguyen Dan. __ is Saint Patrick's Day celebrated? - On 17 March. __ is La Tomatina festival held? - In Buiiol town, Spain. ____ does Hue Festival take place? - Every two years, people attend Oktoberfest Festival every year? - More than 6 million. does the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro last? - For five days. come to the Cannes Film Festival? - Film directors, stars, and critics, of festivals is Glastonbury? - It’s a music festival do people go to music festivals? - Because they love music. is Diwali celebrated? - It’s celebrated with music, lights, and fireworks, ‘38 + BALT|PTIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BALTAP. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn VII. Make questions for the underlined pars. 1, Tomorrowland is an electronic dance music festival. 2. The Songkran Festival is usually celebrated between 13 and 16 April. 3. Vietnamese people go to pagodas at Tet to pray for a year of good luck and happiness, 4, Diwalt is celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. 5. The Vietnamese celebrate Tet with family gatherings, traditional foods, and lion dances. 6. The festival site is three miles from the nearest town of Shepton Mallet. 7. During Tet, children and the elderly receive lucky money put in red envelopes. 8. It cost about £400 to go to Glastonbury Festival last year, 9. Many people went to Hau River to witness the Danang International Fireworks Festival, 10. Jean visits Dalat every two years to attend the Dalat Flower Festival. in each blank with a correct preposition. 1. Elephant Race Festival is held Dak Lak province 2, AtLa Tomatina, people throw tomatoes __ each other. 3. Halloween is celebrated October 31st. 4, Thanksgiving originated a harvest festival, 5. Christmas Eve, we sit in front of the fire and read Christmas stories. 6. ‘The custom of giving eggs Easter celebrates new life. We decorated our Christmas tree red bows and colorful ornaments, La Tomatina is held the last Wednesday of August every year. 9, Hoi Mua Festival is held to thank the Rice God _the crop and to pray better crops in the future. 10. the morning, many people tried to climb ___ the pole to get the ham. UNIT 9: FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD + 39 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 1. Complete the dialogue with appropriate sentences. Write the letters of the sentences (A - G). ‘A. How do the Scot celabrate Hogmanay? B, I've always wanted to spend New Year in Scotland, C. Was the street crowded with people? D. What did you do for your holidays last year? E, What else happened at the Hogmanay celebration? F. Did you go to the street party? G. Oh, what a night! Jane: — I-can’e wait for the Christinas and New Year holidays. Andrew: Me too. (1) Jane: Well, I spent time with my family at Christmas, And then I flew to Edinburgh. to vistt some friends and spend my New Year holiday with them, Andrew: Lucky you! (2)___ — _ Jane: In Scotland, they call New Year's Eve Hogmanay and it’s the most fun. Andrew: (3)__ — Jane: They celebrate it with street parties, concerts, fireworks and fire spectaculars. Andrew: (4) Jane: Yes, of course. We went to Princes Street for a massive street party. Andrew: (5)___ a Jane: Yes, very ... Theard there were ahont 80,000 people in attendance. Andrew: (6) Jane: There were loads of bands playing different live music, a laser show and a huge fireworks display at midnight from the Fdinburgh castle, Andrew: (7) Jane: It’s my most memorable holiday. You should go and spend New Year in Scotland. Il, Put the dialogue into the correct order. ___ I think it should be Day of the Dead. __ It is celebrated in Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala in November 1st. 1_ Hello Dan. What are you doing? __ Fantastic! Can I borrow your book once you finish reading it? __ Hi. Pun reading # book abvut festivals in the world, ___ What do people do in this festival? __ Cool! Which festival do you find most impressive? 40 » BAL TAP TIENG ANH 7- PHAN BAITAP. ra.ntpannncboakcomPyendenglint __ ‘They decorate their homes and gravesites with food, candles, candy skulls and flowers to welcome the dead back to earth. They also dress up as skeletons and parade through the streets, ___ Day of the Dead? Where is it celebrated? Sure. |. Complete the passage with the words from the box. other carved trick-or-treating fun unwanted comes costumes __ frightening Halloween is celebrated on October 31, and many people, including children, dress up in(1) __, visit peuple’s houses, and ask for candy. This is called (2)__ ‘There are (3)_____ traditions at Halloween. People have parties in their houses. You can dress up in scary costumes for (4) be scary. In the USA, many people wear costumes that aren’t (5)___ , People also tell scary stories at Halloween or play games like bobbing for apples. Some people make jack-o’-lanterns, (6) pumpkins with candles inside, and put them inside or outside their houses. It’s unclear where this tradition (7) from. Some historians believe that in the past, they were used to scary away (8)__ visitors or travelers. Jack-o’-lanterns are now chiefly associated with Halloween. __, but your costume doesn’t have lo Il, Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. Holi, known as the festival of colours, is the Hindu festival celebrated by Hindus all over Asia and also by the people from some parts of Europe and North America, It is mainly observed in India and Nepal Holi commemorates the victory of good over evil, marks the arrival of Spring, and a time to give thanks for the good harvest. ‘The dates change each year according to the full moon, but it is normally in March and sometimes in late February and lasts for a night and a day. ‘Traditional Holi celebrations start the night before Holi with a Holika Dahan where people gather around a bonfire and perform religious rituals praying that evil will be destroyed. The next marning is a free-for-all festival of colours, People chase each other, smear each other with paint, throw coloured paint powder over each other, and drench cach other with coloured water. Some people carry water guns and coloured water-filled balloons for their water fight. In the evening, people visit houses of their friends and relatives and share sweets and other food items. A. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1, The ‘festival of colours’ is another name for Holi, UNIT 9: FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD + 41 8 mpi taceook combeyoncenglisn Only Hindus celebrate Holi. Holl is celebrated on 1 March - the first official day of spring, Holi activities start early in the morning. ‘The famous festival of colours is the second day of Holi. ‘Water guns and water-filled balloons are also used to play and colour each other. aAUeRw Answer the questions. Where is Holi mainly celebrated? rp 2. When does Holi take place? 3. How long does the festival last? 4, Why is Holi festival celebrated? 5. How do people celebrate Holika Dahan? 6. What do people do on the day of Holi? 1. Arrange the words to make sentences meaningful. 1. carnival / Rio / has / famous / the / most / in / the / world. 2, festtval / when / the / starts / people / square / gather / in / the / town. 3. the / starts / festival / with / opening / parade / an / where / walk / people / the / streets / through. 4. than / 2 million / there / people / in / are / more / the / streets / on / during / Rio / the / carnival. 5. highlight / the / main / carnival / is / of / samba / the / parade / samba / two hundred / with / the / schools. 6. we/ have / and / parties / other / throughout / festival / celebrations / the. 42.» BAL TAP TIENG ANH 7- PHAN BALTAP. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn yee ‘BEYOND ENGLISH Diwali / of / festival / five-day / celebrated / across / lights / 1s / the / by / millions / Hindus / the / world / of. houses / celebrate / are / candles / decorated / with / to / colourful / Diwali / and / lights. White the second sentence so that it has the sume meaning as the first one. Use the word in brackets. When did people hold the first Cannes Film Festival? (held) When ‘More than 70 samba schools participated the five-day carnival. (part) ‘More than 70 samba schools Omizutori is the oldest festival in Japan. (than) No festival The music festival was held although the weather was bad yesterday. (spite) ‘The music festival _ Tean’t wait to watch the samba parade in Rio Carnival, (forward) Tam _ pen ‘The date for La Tomatina is the last Wednesday of August. (place) La Tumatina Thousands of people lined the streets because they wanted to watch the massive colourful parade, (in order to) Thousands of people _ ‘The festival took place in a remote area. However, alot of people attended it. (although) ae ATT Choose the word thal has the underlined part pronounced differently from Ihe others. a, religious b, highlight c. firework d. lively a. feast b. greasy c. great d. seasonal a. chaos b. chance c. school d. Christmas a. called b. gathered c. played d.watched a. carnival b. fascinate c. celebrate d. exciting Choose the word that has different stress pattern. a. carnival b. festival holiday d. Thanksgiving a. enjoy b. special c.culture d. worship UNIT 9; FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD * 43 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn ‘BEYOND ENGLISH 3. a. wonderful b, performer c, seasonal d, celebrate 4. a. lantern b. costume c. parade d. stuffing 5. a. creative b. religious c. musician d. superstitious IL Fillin each blank with an appropriate word to complete the passage. The first letter is given. Every year in July, people in Ubon Ratchathani ‘Thailand (1) ¢ the Candle Festival. ()T from all over the country come to H Ubon to look at huge wax (3) ¢ that are (4) p through the streets on floats, accompanied by dancers and musicians in (5) t clothing. There is even a competition for artists and (6) p__are given for the best decorated floats and most beautiful wax carvings. IV. Choose the best answer a, b,c ord to complete the sentence. 1. Day of the Dead is celebrated November 1st in Mexico. a.on bin cat d. during 2, People throw tomatoes __ each other at La Tomatina in Bunol. acon cat d. for 3. The festival starts with an opening ___ where people walk through the streets. a. party b, ritual c. feast d, parade 4, Summerfest is the world’s largest __ festival. It features more than 700 bands performing on 11 stages. a.arts b. music c. religious, d. seasonal 5. In the UK and US, people give coloured chocolate eggs to each other at a, New Year b, Halloween ¢. Christmas d, Easter 6. ____ do people celebrate Diwali? - They celebrate it with music, lights, fireworks and traditional sweets, a, How b, What c. Why d, Where 7. Bon Jovi will at the 2019 Rock in Rio music festival in Brazil. a. display b, perform c. gather d. attend - , the hard rock Louder Than Life festival was cancelled, a, After raining heavily b, When it rains heavily ¢. Due to heavy rain d. Despite heavy rain 9. What is the highest prize awarded at the Cannes Film Festival? a, Palme d'Or b. Oscar ¢.Golden Globe d. Black Lady 10, “In the Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling Festival, people attempt to chase a rolling cheese wheel down the hill.” “ - a. That’s a great idea. b. Oh, I totally agree. ¢, Itsounds crazy. d. OK, that’s interesting, 44 BALTAP THENG ANH 7- PHAN BALTAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn V. White the correct tense or form of the vorbs in brackets. 1, LastmonthI___(join) a course to learn how to make Christmas decorations. Right now, the stars (parade) on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. 3. The Songkran Festival (mark) the beginning of the Thai New Year. 4, The first Oktoberfest Festival _ (hold) on October 12, 1810 in Munich. 5, The biggest prize, the Palme d’Or, (award) to the best film. 6. Next year, the festival (take place) from June 26th to July Ist. 7. The Elephant Racing Festival (be) the village’s most important, and interesting event for years. 8. (you/ ever/ attend) any food festivals? 9, Vdlikeyou___(write) up your reports on festivals around the world. 10. He suggested (take) part in the Cooper’s Hill Cheese Roll competition. VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. The office looked very __with its Christmas tree. (festival) Samba schools compete for prizes based on their musicanddance __ and costumes. (perform) La Tomatina will always be one of my most__ memories ever! (amaze) Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day in Western . (superstitious) On New Year’s Eve I usually give a party, which is always . (chaos) Day of the Dead is one of the most __ Christmas dinner is a meal caten at Christmas, (tradition) __ festivals in the world, (usually) Alotof. activities are held as part of the Flower Festival in Da Lat. (art) Every year, millions of. visit Rio de Janeiro to enjoy the Rio Carnival. (tour) Senay ee 10. Festivals with a _ meaning are very important in our country, (religion) VIL. There is one mistake in each sentence, find and correct it 1. Alot of cultural and artist activities are held in Dalat Flower Festival. 2. There are a special celebration called Doll’s Festival for Japanese girls on March 34 every year. We arrived at Bunol, Spain yesterday to take part in La Tomatina Festival. La Tomatina is hold on the last Wednesday of August every year. ‘Tomorrowland is the world’s bigest dance music festival. One of the most weird festivals in the world is Day of the Dead. What do people celebrate New Year around the world? Could you please give me some informations about the festival? en arse UNIT 9; FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD + 45 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn VII, Match the answers the correct questions. 1. Doyou know anything about Hindu festivals? a It's the festival of lights. 2, Could you tell me something about Diwali? b. Yeah, I know some. 3, What is Diwali? ¢. It’s celebrated with candles, colourful lights and huge firework displays. 4. Where ts Diwali celebrated? d.It is usually some time between October and November. 5. When is Diwali? e. For five days. 6, How long does Diwali last? f£. Yes, of course, 7, Why is Diwali held? g, It’s celebrated across the world. 8, How is Diwali celebrated? h, To celebrate the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil, IX. Choose the correct word fo fill in the blanks. ‘The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1s the biggest carnival in the world which (1)____for five days, Every year in the month of February the festivities start. Hundreds of people are (2)___ on the streets enjoying the street bands, singers and orchestras. ‘The main (3)____ of the carnival is the Samba Parade in which 200 schools participate. The schools have elaborate costumes, floats and dancing styles. Itis an (4), experience! Come August and it’s (5)___to have fun in Butol, Spain, La Tomatina ~ a fun filled battle ~ begins on the last Wednesday of August. Thousands of people come from all over the world to participate in a grand tomato fight, Puzzled! (6) does it happen? To have fun. Actually a week long festival goes on before the tomato fight. The festival has dancing, music, parades, fireworks and food. Ilowever, the (7)___ have to take a few precautions, They are asked to squish the tomatoes (8). throwing so that it does not burt the other people. They are also advised to wear safety gloves and goggles. 1. a. gets b. lasts c, makes d. longs 2. a.down b, along c. into d. out 3. a theme b. notice c, highlight d. guide 4, a, amazing b. unpleasant c. obvious d. actual 5. a. tradition b. mean c. time d, celebration 6. a, Where b. Why c. When d. How 7. a.participants —_b, viewers c. competitors d. partners 8. a.during b. after c. before X. Read the passage carefully, then do the tasks. For hundreds of years, one remote hill in the middle of England has hosted one of the weirdest and most hazardous festivals in the world. It’s the Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling Festival. The event is held every year at the end of May, Some people believe that 46 + BALTAP TIENG ANH 7- PHAN BALTAP Fantpsiininnacebokconibeendengavt the festival originated from a tradition of rolling burning bundles of sticks down the hill to celebrate the end of winter. Today, the festival has grown into an international event, with over 15,000 participants and spectators from all over the world joining each year. : The rules are simple, A large wheel of cheese is rolled down the hill, and Participants chase after it. The first runner to make it to the bottom of the hill is the winner. The winner of the race is allowed to keep the cheese as a prize. Cooper's Hill is only 200 meters long, but it is very steep. As a result, racers do not run down the hill; instead, they usually fall down the hill head over heels, This has led toa lot of accidents. For this reason, the event was officially canceled in 2010, Outraged fans have continued the event unofficially since then. A. Match the words or phrases with their definitions, 1. hazardous a, a group of things that are tied or wrapped together * 2. originate b, to roll or fall down out of control 3. bundle ¢. to start in a particular situation 4, remote d. dangerous, especially to people’s health or safety 5. fall head over heels e. far away from places where people live B, Choose the correct answers. 1. Whats the passage mainly about? a. Different food festivals around the world b, An unusual and dangerous festival in England c. Tips for winning the race in the Cheese Rolling Festival d. The history of the Cheese Rolling Festival 2. What is the origin of the Cheese Kolling Kestival? a. It is held every year in May. b, It takes place at Cooper’s Hill in Gloucestershire. c. It is held to represent the birth of the New Year after winter. d. It comes from the tradition of rolling burning bundles of sticks down the hill, 3. The word ‘outraged! in the last sentence is closest in meaning to____, a upset b, pleasant c. keen d. big 4. According to the passage, which of the following is true? a, All the runners in the race are from England, b. The race is dangeraus hecanse the hill is very long. c. Most participants cannot stay on their feet while they run down the hill. d. The winner is the first person to catch the cheese. UNIT 4: FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD = 47 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 5. The festival was officially canceled in 2010 due to a. a large number of participants b, the bad weather in Gloucestershire c. the steep slopes of Cooper's Till d. the dangerous aspect of the event XI. Write sentences with the cues given. Use the correct form of the verbs. 1. Christmas / be / one / most famous / religious festivals / the world. 2, Easter / hold / celebrate / the resurrection from the dead / Jesus Chris. 3, Japanese Girls" Day / celebrate / March 3rd / pray / the health and happiness / young girls / Japan. 4, My family and I/ yo / Thailand / last April / take part / the Songkran Festival. 5. Elephants // spray / water / tourists / during / the Songkran festival / Ayutthaya, Bangkok. 6. The highest prize / award / the Cannes Film Festival / be / the Palme d’Or / which / give / best film. 7. Vietnamese people / prepare / Tet / clean / their houses / cook / traditional special foods, 8, ‘Thanksgiving / be / seasonal holiday / hold / annually / give thanks / God / successful harvest. TEST YOURSELF 3 |. Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. transport b. animation c. famous d. parade 2. acontributed ——b. hated c. provided d. used 3. a. festive b. reverse c. record d. entertain 4. a. laws b. vehicles ¢. events d. films 5. a, license b. culture ¢. accident d. celebrate Il. Choose the word that has different stress pattern. 1. a.cartoon b. actress c. among d. obey 2. a. dancer h. fasten . joyful d. award 3. a.performance _b. animation c.documentary entertaining AB-pAUTAPTIENG ANH 7-PHANRAITAR Fantpsiininnacebokconibeendengavt eraveepe 10. a,embarrassing _. traditional c, superstitious d. hilarious a. seasonal ‘b, romantic , interested d, favourite Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from the box. naayeling seasenalfesiival science fiction school ahead tratficjam —specialeffects traditional costume _ bad review When you see a“ _ __” sign, you must slow down and watch for children, Tenjoy watching films about aliens from space. ‘The dancers in the festival wore Look! There is a“ » sign. You can’t ride your bike here. The film got a really___ in the newspaper. ‘We were stuck ina _____ for over two hours yesterday afternoon, They use computers to create all the _ these days. La Tomatina is a to celebrate the tomato harvest. Choose the best answer a, b, ¢ or d fo complete the sentences. ___New Year’s Eve, many people go to Times Square to watch the ball drop. a. At b.On cIn d. By As far as know, this film is___a true story of Oskar Schindler. a, set in b, based on ¢. come out d. taken over You should walk across the street at the __. a. road sign b. traffic lights ¢, parking area d, zebra crossing ‘Thousands of people have ____ for an annual cheese chasing competition on Cooper’s Hill a, gathered b. watched tc, participated d. appeared Paris is becoming a livable city __ there are many bike-only and pedestrian only streets, a, although b. because c. however d. whereas Although the film was Jack fell asleep in the middle. a. violent b. boring c. gripping d. frightening ‘The Samba Parade is a for all who have journeyed to Rio for Carnival. a, must-see b. sight c.scene 4d. visual People don’t do this to celebrate anything, they just do it _ a, at once 'b. on purpose c. by chance d. for fun ‘You _____like horror films! When did you start watching them? a. used to b. didn’t use to c, don’t use to . get used to “Would you like to go to the cinema this weekend? ‘ > a, [don’t care. b.OK. You did it! c, Great! Ican’t wait. d. Sorry! I don’t like. ‘TEST YOURSELF 3 + 49 Fa V. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets, 1. Come out for adrink.~No,I_____(miss) the film on TV if Ido. 2. Bveryyearthousandsof people_____(visit) Buiol in Spain to take part in La Tomatina. 3. When Iwas in England I __ (go) to Glastonbury Festival almost every year. 4, Look! The dancers _ __(perform) traditional Spanish dances. 5. Jane__ (not drive) a car since she had a car accident. 6. In 2017, Y Not Festival = (wantveel) due wo heavy rain, 7. (you! go) to the Rock In Rio festival tomorrow? 8. ‘Ler’s (see) a romantic comedy tonight. ‘OK. Why not?" 9. Inthe morning of the festival, many people tried___(climb) up the pole to get the ham: 10, After one hour; people stopped__(throw) tomatoes and tried tomato Paella, VI. Supply the correct form af the wards in brackets. from all around the world display their ice artwork at Snow & Ice Festival. (art) 2. Hehassuchan___ lifestyle ~ smoking, drinking, eating too much, (health) 3. The films provide great__value for kids, (entertain) 4. ‘The film I saw last night was so that I couldn’t sleep all night. (scare) 5. Lots ofstudentsare__ by English grammar, It really isso (confuse) 6, Isit ___ to drive through a red traffic light? (legal) 7. Annette’s as Eliza Doolittle in “Pygmalion” was truly memorable. (perform) 8. People flew down streets to join in _ (celebrate) activities on New Year's Eve, Vil. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it. ‘The bands parade through the streets, play traditional samba music. Bufiol is the town which La Tomatina is held on the last Wednesday of August. ‘Thanksgiving is a season holiday held to give thanks to God for successful harvests. ee NS Glastonbury Festival is five-days music festival that takes place in Somerset, England. Mai uses to go to school on foot, but now her father drives her to school. It about 3 kilometres from my house to the nearest bus stop. Despite of the good directing and good acting, the movie was very boring. How much does it take you to walk to school? ~ About 15 minutes. en as {50 + BAL TAP‘TIENG ANH 7- PHAN BAL TAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn Vill. Match the questions to the answers. 1, Which do you prefer, Burning Man or Rock a. I took a bus, sometimes I drove. in Rio? 2. Where is Snow & Ice Festival held? . The last weekend in June. 3, Who plays the artist in Tisanic? ¢. To reduce traffic congestion and alr pollution. 4, What type of film is The Sixth Sense? d. In Harbin, China. 5. Why should we use public transport? e. Every year, on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. 6. How did you use to travel to work? f. [like Rock in Rio better. When can I attend Glastonbury Festival? g. Thriller How oftén is the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated? h, Leonardo DiCaprio IX. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage. era My name is Sagectha. I live in Mumbai, India. I am very (1) because tomorrow it will be the beginning of the Diwali festival. Diwali is a Hindu festival. It is usually celebrated (2)_____ October or November. We have been getting ready for Diwall for weeks now. My mother and I made special candles, called Diya, which we will (3) through Diwali, Diwali isa festival of lights, and everybody decorates with Diya, candies, oil lamps, electric lights, sparklers. (4)____ that makes light. Every night of Diwali we have fireworks to light up the sky and make (5). everybody is having a fun time. Another part of getting ready for Diwali is cleaning. The whole home has to be clean, and then on the first day of Diwali we make Rangoli, Rangoli are epecial (6)_ created on the floor or the ground outside of the house. My mother and I made wreaths of ‘mangoes, which we will (7) around the doorway. We have new clothes for Diwali. This year T got a beautiful pink and yellow (8) that I can’t wait to wear. 1. avexcite b. exciting c. excited d. excitement 2. aon bin cat d. between 3. alight b, blow . fire dl, start 4, a things b. anything c. anybody d. nothing 5. a.sure b. good . free d. way 6. a. parades b. ogcasions «. traditions d. decorations 7. a. throw b, take c. hang d. fall 8. a hanbok b. sari . kimono d. a0 dai THSTYOURSELE3 © 51 Fo. tepsfnanincebookcomanonsengant X. Read the passage carefully, then do the tasks. ‘The Academy Awards, commonly called the Oscars, are thought to be the most Prestigions film awards in the world. The Academy Awards ceremony takes place late February every year to honor the best achievements in filmmaking from the previous year. Some top categories of Academy Awards are Best Actor/Actress in a Leading Role, Best Actor/Actress in a Supporting Role, Rest Picture, Rest Director, Rest Costume Design, Best Music, Best Visual Effects, and Best Animated Feature Film. ‘The various category winners are awarded a copy of a golden stamette called an Oscar. The Oscar statuette is made of gold-plated bronze on a black metal base. It is 34.3cm tall and weighs almost 4kg. It depicts a knight holding a crusader’s sword, standing on a reel of film with five spokes. The five spokes represent the original branches of the Academy: Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers, and Technicians, ‘The Academy Awards ceremony was first held on 16 May, 1929 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, but it was first broadcast on radio in 1930 and televised for the first time in 1953. It is now seen live in more than 200 countries and broadcast to billions of people on the Internet! A. Match the words to their definitions. 1. achievement a, to show an image of somebody/something 2, statuette b, bars or rods that connect the centre of a wheel to its edge 3. depict €. a small statue 4, reel d. to broadcast something on television 5. spokes €. success gained by effort and hard work 6. televise f. around object that you wind film, string or wire around B. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. The Academy Awards occur every late February. 2, The Academy Awards recognize the hest achievements in filmmaking. 3. The Ist Academy Awards ceremony was held in 1929 and was broadcast on the Internet, 4. For the first time, the awards were presented in Hollywood. 5. ‘The winners of the Academy Awards are given a statuette made of gold. 6, The Oscar statuette ts a woman standing on a reel of film gripping a crusader’s sword. 7. Nowadays, billions of people watch the Academy Awards each year. XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1, They celebrate Christmas on 25th December every year. Christmas 2. What is the distance between your house and the nearest supermarket? How ‘52 BAI TAP THENG ANH 7 -PHAN BALTAP ra ttpstarncebook comodo 10. Itis prohibited to cross the road until the light goes green. You must. — We haven’t attended a music festival for two years. ‘The last time Susan went to work yesterday in spite of her sickness, Although Susan _ My favourite genre of films are romantic comedies. Ug cataes echt The film wasn’t as good as I though it would be. The film was ——— I get to school in half an hour, ‘Mai went to school on foot when she was in primary school. Maiused She found the last scene of film extremely frightening. She was TEST YOURSELF 3 + 53 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn ‘BEYOND ENGLISH t 004 A | unitio | SOURCES OF ENERGY | |. Put the words into the correct column depending on the stressed syllable. energy, biogas, plentiful, pollution, limited, unusual, natural, develop, consumption, easily, dioxide, recycle, countryside, improvement, generate, dangerous, atmosphere, important, advantage, tomorrow Stress on 1st syllable Stress on 2nd syllable Il. Supply the stress pattern for the following words. Example: expensive > 000 1. countryside _ 2, enormous — 3. solar 4, renewable 5. available ae 6. abundant a 7. another ee 8. harmful ee 9. convenient = 10. negative — it 11, forever 12. hydro a 13. effective ee 14, exhaustible —_ 15, nuclear 16, alternative WeSC Wes |. Write the energy sources from the box under the correct pictures. naturalgas solar wind oll biogas coal nuclear hydro oy i we — 4, at 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn ‘54 + BAL TAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAITAP. m. Fill in the blanks with the sources of energy In part |. energy comes from the heat of the sun, ____can be produced by dead plants and animals as they decay. is often found in the ground, consisting mainly of methane (CH4). _ energy is energy that comes from the force of moving water. is flammable black hard rock, used asa fossil fuel. . commonly known as petroleum, is the largest source of energy in the United States. To produce _ energy, atoms are split apart, which releases energy. energy is produced from moving air with the help of large turbines. ‘Complete the sentences with the words from the box. fenewable non-renewable abundant —_altemative polluting exhaustible fossil available Many of the earth’s natural resources are __ __, which means they are available in limited quantity and can be used up. Oil isa relatively __ but is a non-renewable resource. ____ fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, are currently the world’s primary energy source. __ resources are those which cannot be replaced once they are used up. = ___ energy is any energy source that can replace fossil fuel. Despite being the most source, coal still plays an important role in the production of electricity. Solar power from the sun is as we won't “use up” all the sunlight from the sun. Geothermal energy is non-polluting, but is not widely —. Complete the sentences with the future continuous form of the verbs in the box. wait hava start catch lle live watch work use. fen Next Tuesday at this time I _ on the beach, I can’t wait! We ______ outside the cinema at 7.30. See you then! ‘UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY © 55, 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 3. All tomorrow afternoon the children on their history project. This time next week my sister at her new school. Don’t phone grandma at 9.00, because she Who Wants to be a Millionaire then. 6, In two years’ time, I expect I in my own flat. 7. This time tomorrow we the plane to Brazil! 8, Tonight at eight o'clock, I _ dinner with my parents. 9. It’s 3.30, Christ to the football so we'd better not ring. 10, In a few years’ time most people _ electric cars. V. Complete the sentences using the future continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1. They - (have) dinner at seven. It’s best to call later. 2. What __ spon (you/ do) at this time in five years? 3. He {study) at the library this afternoon, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives. 4, Jane _ (not wait) for us at the station this time, She’s ill. 5. At the same time tomorrow we (walk) through the streets of London. 6. (Derek/ play) tennis at seven tomorrow? 7. Fortunately, I (not do) my homework tonight so I'll be able to watch the match. 8. __(we/ visit) the hydropower plant this time next week? 9. The children___(not swim) in the sea tomorrow morning because of the bad weather. 10. ‘Ican take you to the airport, ‘It would be nice, (you/ go) that way?” VI. Underline the correct form, future simple or future continuous, . tthe same time next year, Iwill study /will be studying Chemistry at Oxford University. 2, We will replace / will be replacing our halogen bulbs with LED bulbs to save energy. 3, In the future, cars won't use / won't be using petrol or diesel, but other fuels ike electricity, and natural gas. 4, Jane won't be here this time tomorrow. She will attend / will be attending the Conference on Green Energy. What will happen/ will be happening when we run out of non-renewable resources? Promise me you won’t cali / won't be calling before 10; 1 hate being woken up early! You can’t meet meat the supermarket. I won’t shop /won’t be shopping in the afternoon. [think scientists will find / will be finding a solution to global warming soon, yen ay You are so late! Everybody will work / will be working when you arrive at the office, 10. Will solar energy replace / Will solar energy be replacing fossil fuels within 20 years? 56 + BALTAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAI TAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn Vil. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the future simple passive. Life at the end of the century 1. Everything about you (monitor). 2. Your pulse____ (take) by mirror in your bathroom, 3. Your weight __ (check) by bathroom scales built into the floor. 4, Your kitchen robot. (set up) to make your tea when you get up. 5. Your daily menu — ____ (optimise) to match your activities. 6. Your fuod _____ (order) online by your fridge. 7. Your pizza (make) by a 3D printer. 8, Solar panels (build) into building materials to power your house, 9. Yourfeelings (analyse) by sensors in your mobile phone. 10. And everything ___ (tailor) to your own needs. Vill. Change the sentences into the passive voice. 1, The government will bring electricity remote areas next year, 2, We will solve the problem of energy shortage by using solar energy. 3. The government will build a new hydropower plant to meet increasing demand, 4, In the coming decades, we will use renewable energy every day. 5. Will we use up all the world’s oil in the next 100 years? 6. They will place solar panels on the roofs of houses to produce hot water and electricity. 7. Alternative energy sources won’t replace coal, oil, and gas anytime soon. 8. Will renewable energy completely replace fossil fuels in the future? IX. Choose the answer a, b, ¢ or d that best fits the blank space in each sentence. 1. If we reduce the energy We use, We MONEY. ga stan ana a. are saving ». will save c.will be saved, will be saving 2. At3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, I _ ___ the Meeting on Climate Change. a. attended b.haveattended _c. will beattended — . will be attending 3. The effects of climate change __ at the high-level conference next month. a.willdiscuss _b. will be discussing c. will be discussed _d. was discussed UNIT 10; SOURCES OF ENERGY * 57 4. Do you think renewable energy __ fossil energy before 2030? a, will replace b. is replacing c. will be replacing. will be replaced 5. ‘The children ___ to school because it’s snowing, a.arewalking ——_b. will walk c.will be walking d. won’t be walking 6. Solar and wind instead of fossil fuels within 20 years? a. are used b. will be used cc. will use d, will be using 7, ‘Humankind’s future __ bright if they can utilize renewable energy in the future, ais ‘b. was cc. will be d. won't be 8, Where in ten years? a. do you live b.are you living —_c. willyou be lived d. will you be living 9 We able to create a future that’s free of carbon pollution by using renewable energy sources, a, will be b. won't be c, will be being d. will have been 10, Solar panels _ outdoors to capture sunlight and transform it into electricity, a, will place b. will be placing c. willbe placed —_d, will have placed X. Complete the following sentences with correct prepositions. 1. Coal will be replaced __ natural gas, wind and solar by 2080. 2. Fossil fuels, inclucling oil, coal and natural gas, are harmful _the environment. 3. Once non-renewable resources are used , they are gone forever, 4, What will happen if non-renewable resources run ? 5. Sulphur dioxide has a direct effect health and the environment. 6. Weare looking _ cheap, clean, and effective sources of energy. 7. Viet Nam still relies mostly non-renewable energy sources, 8. Sunlight is converted electricity by each solar cell in the panels. 9. Turning lights saves energy and it also saves money. 10, In developing countries, biogas is mostly used cooking, heating and lighting. Fed 1. Write questions for the underlined parts. ow B: We should use biogas for cooking instead of gas. 2. A: _ _ - B; Solar is a renewable energy source. 3. A: _ — B: Nuclear power can’t be used popularly because it is dangerous. ‘5B + BATTAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAI TAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 4. A: B: People use solar power for heating or cooling the houses. 5. Ai faly Hydropower Plant was constructed in 1993. B; Solar panels will be placed on the roofs of honses and buildings TA: B: The US spent $5 billion on energy rescarch in 2015 BA oe, = B: There are seven types of renewable energy. I Put the dialogue into the correct order. __Na, I don’t. Does it cost a lot to install solar panels? Don’t worry. The panels have solar batteries that can store extra solar power for later use when the sun isn’t shining. __That’s great! I really want to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible. ‘Thanks. _1_Do you use solar energy at home? __ Really? And solar energy is green energy, isn’t it? ___L now. Will | have power when the sun goes down? __ Yes, it does. But you can reduce your electric bill by using solar power. ___ By consuming green energy, you'can definitely do it. ___ Yes. Solar power is one of the cleanest sources of energy, so it can help avoid the carbon dioxide and other air pollutant emissions. es FB: htpsfwur facebook comeyondenglisivt |. Complete the passage with the words from the box. electicily new conserve hard recycled fun cardboard gasoline What can you do to take care of natural resources? You can reduce, reuse, and recycle! For example, (1)_ off the lights when you are not in a room and switch off the TV or other electrical appliances when you are not using. This will reduce the use of fossil fuel used to make (2) ___. Ride your bicycle and walk more, to reduce the amount of (3)__ used to transport UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY * 59 you. You can reuse things. Things like plastic jugs, jars, paper, and bags can be reused Each time you reuse something, you (4) the natural resources that would have been used to make new ones. Finally, you can recycle. Recycle means to reuse a natural resource or product to make something (5). . It also means to collect and send these things for reuse. Items that can be easily (6)__ include: glass, some plastics, paper, (7)____, aluminum, and steel. Some plastics and metals are hard to recycle, They are often made from mixtures of materials. Mixtures can be (8)____to separate. ‘Try to buy and use things that you can recycle! Il. Read the passage carefully, then do the tasks. We use many different energy sources to do work. Energy sources are classified into two groups ~ renewable and nonrenewable, Non-renewable energy sources are those that take millions of years to form and will mun ont some day. It is energy that comes from fossil finels such as coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are mainly made up of carbon and were formed millions of years ago. The chemical reaction which takes place when we burn fossil fuels releases carbon compounds such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide into the air, Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases which is contributing to global warming and air pollution, On the other hand, renewable energy sources will never run out, are better for the environment and do not cause pollution. Renewable energy is often called green energy because it is a natural energy, always available and does not have to be formed like nonrenewable energy. The green energy is always there, For example, the sun consistently shines, water is abundant, and the wind blows day after day. The five types include solar, energy from the sun; geothermal, energy from heat within the Earth; hydroelectric, energy from moving water; biomass, energy from dead plants and microorganisms and finally, energy from the wind, A. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. Non-renewable energy is a source of energy that will eventually run out. 2. Renewable energy comes from natural sources, like sunlight, wind, water, and heat of the carth. Burning fossil fuels is harmful to the environment. Renewable resources are better for the environment, but they are limited in supply. Carbon is the main element in fossil fuels. .. Wind is the primary source of hydroelectric energy. Answer the questions. What are fossil fuels? re 2, When were fossil fuels formed? 60 - BAI TAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAITAP. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 3. Do carhan dioxide emisstons canse climate change on earth? 4, How many types of renewable energy sources are there? What are they? 5. Are renewable sources bad for the environment? 6. Why is renewable energy called green energy? |. Arrange the words to make sentences. run out/ non-renewable/ comes/ energy/ from/ that/ sources/ will/ some day. 2. fuels/ to/ are/ they/ the/ limited/ harmful/ fossil/ environment/ and/ are. 3. cannot/ non-renewable/ replaced/ energy/ resources/ be/ up/ once/ used/ are/ they. 4, cheap/ but releases/ a lot of/ when/ coal/ is/ burned/ it/ pollutants. 5. Vietnam/ its/ heavily/ currently/ relies/ fuels/ for/ on/ fossil/ energy. 6. solar energy/ renewable/ the/ is/ cleanes/ source/ abundant/ and/ most/ energy. 7. should/ provide/ water/ heating/ your/ homer tol your fit/ solar/ to/ panels/ or/ electricity. 8. people/ in/ will/ be/ time/ many/ more/ using/ short/ cars/ electric/ a. Il Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. 1, Natural gas is cheaper and less polluting than coal. ang Giwte7= Coal is 2, We are trying to find cheap and clean, and effective sources of energy. We are looking 3. Willsolar and wind replace fossil fuels within 20 years? Will fossil fuels ‘UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY « 61 4. Thisis the second time T have visited Yaly hydroelectric power plant. Thave _ 5. They built the first hydroelectric power plant at Niagara Talls in 1879, The first hydroelectric power plant 6, It’s a good idea to switch off electrical appliances when they are not in use. You 7. Although coal is the most polluting of fossil fuels, it is still the largest source of energy worldwide, Despite _ 8. Biogas will be used for fuel in homes and for transport. People CSAS TIEION) nese py a i 1. Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. b, fossil c. hydro d. slogan 2. a.abundant b. consumption _¢, sunlight d, pollution 3. a.certain b. carbon c. coal d, convert 4. a, heat b. cheap c. instead d. easily 5. a. replaced b, limited c. trapped d. walked Il. Choose the word thatt has diferent stress pattem. 1. a. machine b. carbon cc. harmful d. turbine 2, a.generate b, natural c. effective d. energy 3. a. limit b. replace c. panel d. hydro, 4. a, recycle b. pollution c. abundant d. biogas 5. a, nuclear b. solar c. resource d. shortage IN. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word. energy resources include coal, oil, natural gas and uranium, — energy creates clean, renewable power from the sun. We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon, % 2. 3. 4, Coalisa_____ fuel that was formed millions of years ago. 5. 6. . Renewable energy sources will never ‘out because they are easily replenished. Burning fossil fuels emits a lot of pollutants that are to the environment 7. Solar _ ____ are fitted to a building and turn the sun’s rays into energy. 8 Some countries are coal with natural gas because natural gas is less polluting than coal. Fhe os7=088732 Fe: htpsdhwoafacebookcomfbeyendengatt 62. nArtAP THING ANH 7 - PHAN RAITAP. IV. Choose the best answer, a, b, c or d 10 complete the sentence. 1, Once non-renewable energy sources are used__, they are gone forever, a, out b.up «for d. off 2. Many chemicals have a damaging effect____ the environment. a,on c. to d. for Renewable energy ts also called “___ energy” because it doesn’t pollute the air, a.inexhaustible —_b. available c, clean d. dangerous 4, _____ the pollution it causes, coal still plays an important role in the production of electricity around the world. a, Despite b. Due to c. Even though d. However 5. What ___ if carbon dioxide levels continue to increase? a, happen b, will happen ¢.will be happened. will be happening 6. The use of wind energy is growing rapidly because it is widely available and __. a, environmental friendly b. environmentally friendly c. environment friendly d. friendly environmental Using solar panels athome can help _____ your electric bill and your carbon footprint. a, reduce b, increase ©. provide d. convert 8. Wind power ts the most promising __source of energy. a.non-renewable — b. natural c. limited d, alternative 9. Youcan save much water by a, using energy saving light bulbs b, using biogas for cooking c, taking showers instead of baths d. walking or riding a bike to school 10. ‘Is it difficult to reduce our carbon footprints?’ ‘____” a. Itdepends on the way you think. _b, Not at all, Just practicing the 3R’s. c. It’s not if we still rely on fossil fuels. d, I'm not sure, What will happen? V. White the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. 1, Humans____(use) the power of moving water for more than 2,000 years. 2. Pil call you at 8 o'clock tonight. What _{you/ do) then? 3. At present, global demand for energy ____ (increase) rapidly. 4. Three years ago, we (install) a solar water heating system on our roof. 5. What______(happen) if non-renewable resources run out? 6. Asmall hydropower plant __ _____(build) on the river in ten years’ time, 7. Ifthe electricity ___(make) from wind turbines, it is green. 8. Burning fossil fuels __(emit) gases that are harmful to the environment. 9. We decided ____(invest) our time and effort on this new research project. 10, You should avoid __ (use) cars or motorbikes for short trips. TINTT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY « 63 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn VI. Write the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Solar, wind, and hydro are renewable and __. (exhaust) 2. Coalisalso __s there is a large reserve globally, (plenty) 3. The movement of waves and tides can be used to generate __ . (electric) 4. Scientists are looking for clean and__ sources of energy, (effect) 5. Non-renewable sources are not _ friendly and can have serious effect on our health. (environment) 6. Natural gas is less _ than coal or crude oil. (pollute) 7. Energy resources are often __ as renewable or nonrenewable. (category) ‘Turning off electrical appliances when they are not in use is a great way to reduce energy . (consume) VII. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it 1. The burning of fossil fuels is harmful for the environment and public health. 2. Solar energy can convert into other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity. Solar power is by far the more popular renewable energy source, Within ten years, people will be used I Using solar energy instead fossil fuels can help reverse the effects of global warming. fossil fuel and more renewable energy. ‘Many people living in rural areas use biogas to cook and heating. Wind power is clean, abundant, widely available, and environmental friendly. SNA ew One of the ways you can save energy in your home are to use energy saving light bulbs. VIII. Write the questions for the answers. What causes carbon emissions? How can | reduce my carbon footprint? How does carbon footprint affect us? ‘What is a carbon footprint? How can I calculate my carbon footprint? B: It is the amount of greenhouse gases ~ primarily carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by human activities. 2 B: The burning of fossil fuels in the environment, 3. A 8: Carbon emissions contribute to climate change, which can have serious consequences for humans and their environment. 4, B: You need to work out your energy use, water use and waste disposal. Gd « RAL TAP-THENG ANEI 7 PHAN RALTAP. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn So An rn B: Turn off lights, TVs, computers when you do not need them. Walk or ride your bike instead of using cars, Reduce the amount of trash you create by recycling and reusing items. BEYOND ENGLISH htt IX. Choose the correct answers fo complete the passage. CARBON FOOTPRINTS Everybody has a carbon footprint ~ it’s the (1) _____ of carbon dioxide we produce with any action or activity. (2)_____ carbon dioxide contributes to ‘greenhouse gases’, our carbon footprints have a direct impact (3)____ the environment. You can estimate your carbon footprint on any number of popular websites: if it’s (4), then you’re’probably leading a relatively green lifestyle. But (5) Well, the answer is that you can (6)____it. People contribute to balancing the negative effects of their actions by using (7) fuels, recycling, reforestation and a number of other activities which are said to contribute to a (8)___ of the carbon dioxide. _ happens if it’s big? 1, a, number b, quality c. amount d, period 2. a.As b, Although c. However d, Due to 3. a for con din 4, a.small b, large «. free d. fine 5. a.when b. what c. why d. how 6. a.replace b. reuse c. increase d. balance 7. a. fossil b, leaded ¢. smoky d. green 8. a, moving b. lowering c.rising . falling X. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. SOLAR ENERGY £2-*>shwincstookamPeyendenatsn Sunlight carries huge amounts of energy. You can feel the Sun’s energy when sunlight ‘warms your skin on a summer day, To capture the Sun’s energy, scientists have developed solar cells, called photovoltaic cells. These cells convert sunlight into electricity. When sunlight hits a solar cell, some of the light energy is absorbed. This light energy causes the particles in the solar cell move faster, and the movement of these particles creates electricity. In some places, large panels of solar cells harvest sunshine to make electricity for homes and businesses. Solar cells have heen placed on cars and appliances, too, Since the Sun sends abundant free energy streaming toward Earth 24 hours a day, people in many parts of the world, not jnst the stinniest places, have fixed salar cells and salar panels on the roofs of their houses or businesses to lower their energy costs. UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY * 65 Experts say that huge installation of solar panels in sunny regions could generate enough electricity to supply an entire country. Capturing this energy can help overcome our diminishing energy supply. New ways to capture this energy are being developed all the time to maximize efficiency. 1. What is the source of solar energy? a, sunlight b, photovoltaic cells c. solar panels d. electricity 2. Solar cellsareused a. to collect energy from the sun b. to provide sunlight to houses c. to convert sunlight into electricity. both a and c are correct 3. Which of the following statements is true? a. Solar cells absorb all of the light cnergy from the sun. bh. The light energy causes the particles to move faster to make electricity, . Solar energy can be used to power homes and businesses only. d. Large solar panels have been placed on cars and appliances. 4, Asused in line 9, ‘abundant’ most nearly means a. unlimited b. dangerous . plentiful d. clean 5. Where have people fixed solar panels? a. In the sunniest places b, Anywhere outside their houses c. Inside their houses d, On the roofs of their houses 6. Asused in line 14, ‘diminishing’ most nearly means___, a. decreasing b. increasing c. unending d. restoring 7. According to the passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT _ a. the Sun produces a large amount of energy. b, solar energy could provide enough electricity for the whole world. ©. scleutists are constantly developing new ways to capture the Sun’s energy. d. people use solar energy to reduce their energy costs. XI, Make sentences using the provided key words. 1, Solar energy/ can/ use/ heat/ watet/ homes. 2. Within 20 years/ fossil fuels/ will/ replace/ renewable sources. 3. This time next month/ we/ will/ use/ solar power/ heating/ water, 66 - BAI TAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAL TAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn fuels/ Iimited/ and/ they/ harmful/ the environment. _ marinas aaron vn Climate change/ cause/ the burningy oil and coal/ in order/ produce energy. Last year/ we/ fit/ solar panels/ our house! provide/ solar electricity. Every day/ wel rely/ energy/ provide/ us/ electricity, hot water, and fuel. electric cars/ more/ popular/ petrol cars/ the next 15 years? Phone: 037 5066 722 FB: https:/ UNIT 10; SOURCES OF ENERGY + 67 QTE TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE BEYOND ENGLISH PME sername |. Tick (¥) the correct column for ing oF falling intonation. Questions Rising | Falling 1, Do you think that flying taxi will be available soon? 2, When do they open the metro system? 3. Is it possible for airplanes to fly without a pilot? 4, Where can [learn to have a driver license? 5. What does future motorbikes look like? 6. Will public transportation use electric bus? 7. Are you talking about driverless cars? 8, How often do you cycle? 9. Can scientists invent personal wings like a bird? 10. How do solar-powered vehicles operate? intonation. 1, What are the advantages of driverless cars? 2. Can Tuse electric bicycle in a rain? Will we still have traflic jams in the sky? When does the project about future transport start? Who is the inventor of high-speed train? 1s solar-powered engine applicable to all vehicles? Do you like wind-powered aircraft? Can you imagine pilotless helicopter? Sen ans w 10. How big is a typical spaceship? acolo NEN OER Es Draw rising or falling arrows at the end of each question to show the correspond Fa:nttpsjhvnfecebookcombeyondengisnt Is it true that electric vehicles are environmentally friendly? |. Write the name of the means of transport under the pictures. flying car jetpack — teleporter hover scooter —_ekytrain _ skycyeling tube 68 « BAI TAP TIENG ANH? - PHAN BALTAP Segway monowheel xp 6. Match means of transport with their definitions. fiyingcar a. a single-wheel vehicle similar to a unicycle, Its rider sitting inside or next to the wheel teleporter _b. a board that travels above the surface of the ground, that you ride on ina standing position jetpack c. a two-wheeled self-balancing electric vehicle, ridden while standing up hover scooter _d. a type of air vehicle that provides transportation by both ground and air monowheel ¢,a device that is used to move somebody immediately from one place to another a distance away Segway £,a device that somebody wears on thelr shoulders like a back pack that enables them to fly Complete the sentences with the words from the box. _rEhtpemuturtdkcemibjondenint highspeed — eu underwater solarpowered _grtidlocked We'll see planes or autonomous planes in the next 40 to 50 years. ____planes can travel faster than the speed of sound. A __ car can only run efficiently when the sun shines. cars are fitted with sensors to detect other road users and avoid collisions. Driving a(n) vehicle is a great way to help human health and the environment. An autonomous : vessel will be used as a means of passenger transport. ‘The Shinkansen bullet train, a ___passenger train of Japan, can reach a speed of 320km/h, Police are turning round cars stuck in ____ traffic after serious crash, UNIT Il: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE * 69 IV. Complete the sentenses with the verbs from the box. drive rides fly sail pedaled crashed float flopped hovers _ piloted 1. Cars that can ____ in the sky are coming sooner than you think. 2, She stopped rowing and let the boat with the stream, 3. He ______ the helicopter from Paris to Deauville. 4, Will cars of the future ever themselves? 5. Weall want to ride on a skateboard that actually __above the ground. 6, My brother to school on his bicycle. 7. Yesterday afternoon, we rented a swan boat and ___around the lake. 8, Some transport inventions became popular, but others ! 9. The plane into Trinity Bay and broke apart. 10. They sold everything and bought a boat to around the world, V._ Use the prompts fo write sentences with wil. neyowo enauisn 1. what! life/ bef like/ in 20252 nei 2, cars/ not use/ petrol or diesel, but other fuel like electricity. 3 most cars/ drive/ by themselves 4, most of our energy/ come/ from the sun, not oil 5, most families/ own/ a robot/ that/ do/ housework, 6. appliances/ communicate/ with each other and with you. 7. people/ not pay/ in cash, but by electronic card. 8. life in the future/ be/ better and easier? ‘Phone: 087 5066 722 Fo:ntpsswmnatacabookcomeyondensahet VI. Complete the sentence with will and one of the verbs in the box to make some Predictions about the future. transiate Ive take do fy stay control stop find recognise 1. People __________ vacations on the Moon. 2. Computers your voice and follow your commands, 70 + BAL TAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAL TAP. 3, Talking computers __ _____ English, You won’t have to study English. 4, Robots___alll the housework and take care of your family. 5. You to work in your flying car. 6. People the weather, 7. Allstudents __at huime to study on the Internet. 8 Scientists ____ life on another planet. ). Everyone__eating meat and be a vegetarian. 10. People _ for 200 years, VIL. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (future simple ~ active or passive). I believe that in the next 100 years, transportation (1), _ (change) dramatically, People (2)_ ____(not drive) on the road anymore and they (3) (travel) by air instead. However; they (4)____(not fly) on. an airplane, they (5)____ (use) a very special vehicle called “flying car”, a car with wings that can travel both on the ground and through the air. Flying cars (6) (equip) with a sky safety system (SSS) that can help prevent them from crashing and avoid traffic jams. So it (7) (be) very safe and convenient to travel in it! ‘Thanks to new transportation technologies, I think many transport problems we are facing today (8) (solve) in the future. VIL Write the correct possessive pronouns for these sentences. 1, This CD belongs to me, This CD is__ 2. Give it to him, It’s _ — ‘Phone: O87 S086 722 Faitprnnnnacobokconfoyendenglvt Thave my cell phone and you have . 4, They paid full price, but we bought onsale. 5. Jim liked his Christmas present, but his sister didn’t like 6. Jenny and Ann have a kitten, This kitten is 7. My brother and I like to keep pets. These hamsters are 8, Have you got your pen? Would you like to borrow 9. Are you sure this ball ?- Yes. It’s my ball. 10. Sue prefers her husband’s tennis racket, so she uses instead of. IX. Write the correct possessive adjective or pronoun for these sentences. ‘This dessert is but you can have it. (1) 1 2. car is s0 dirty I can't even tell what color itis. (you) 3. The cat is in a good mood. It’s just had breakfast. (it) 4. 5. Mark and I did homework, but Jennifer didu’tdo__. (we/ she) Tt wasn’t mistake, itwas____ for getting the food order wrong, (I/ they) UNIT tt: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE * 71 10. x. She gave him telephone number, and he gave her . (she/ he) Ithink __garden is bigger than . (they/ we) Isshe a friend of _ ?~ No, She is a cousin of - (you! 1) car wasn’t working, so he used . (he/ she) ___ computer needs to be fixed, but 1s working, (I/ he) ‘Choose the correct answers. Jane has already eaten her lunch, but ’'m saving___until later. a, ours b. hers c. yours d, mine homc is located downtown, so it’s close to my work. a, Mine b, Ours c. Our d. We Her friend says it’s but I think 1t belongs to them, a, her b.his cour d, theirs ‘These suitcases belong to you and your wife. These suitcases are a. yours b. your's c. hers 4, ours ‘The teacher told the children to open books. a, their b, theirs c. theit’s d. his I'd like you to meet Rita. She’s a great friend of. aus b. our c. ours ‘The house is big, but windows are small. ait bits cuits d. their Sue fell down the stairs and broke leg. a, her b. hers c. its d. his Your travel plans sound just as exciting as ! al c. my 4. mine ‘The mother cat and kittens were napping in the sunshine. a, his bit’s c. her d.hers Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals. Harry ts one of my friends. MINE ‘That idea was theirs. THEIR This house belongs tous. - ouRS This is my pencil, but where’s the one that belongs to you? ~=— YOURS 72. « DALTAP THENG ANH 7 - PHAN RATTAP. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 5, She is talking to one of her neighbors. HERS 6. ‘The red car is his. HIS 7. Do they own that house? THEIRS 8. That cup is yours. YOUR XII, Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition. 1. Inthe future, most people will travel their flying cars. 2. Pmonmmy way, [just got___ the tax 3. Last week we went to Vung Tau ferry. It was wonderful. 4, Going_______foot is good for your health, 5. I like reading books when I'm __ the bus. 6. Inancient times, people usually travelled _ horse. 7. Theyareliving_____a van full time and travelling around the country. 8. When I was young I went to school school bus. 9. Sorry, Ican’t call you-I'm__aplane! 10, She asked for a ride my motorcycle. Bd ed L. Complete the conversation with the sentences from the box. Write the letters of the sentences (A - F). ‘A, Well, | think they will be a reality within 10 years or more. B. That means we can hope for human teleportation. C. Kind of, but what | mentioned is called teleportation, Apparition requires magic, you know. D. Yes, sure. And there will be self-driving cars, flying cars, supertrains, hyperloops, hoverbikes, etc. E, Youmay need to think again. In 2016, Y. Wei proposed that particles themselves could teleport from one place to another. F. Doyou believe that someday humans can travel trom one place to another witout using means of transportation? Janet: (1). Justin: Is it like Apparition in Harry Potter? Janet: (2) — : UNIT 11; TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE * 73 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn Justin: Haha ... I know. Anyway, I don’t think scientists can find ways to teleport things and humans. BEYOND ENGLISH ven we Janet: (3) —— Justin: Really? Janet: (4) Justin: And a future without traffic jams and accidents? Janet: (5). sss Justin: Cool, I wish those vehicles would come soon, Janet: (6) —EEE Il, Put the dialogue into the correct order. __ Exactly. In some developed countries, people prefer travelling by metro to driving their cars, __ So, will it help to reduce traffic jams and accidents? _— Yes, I have, _Cool. It seems to be very convenient. I hope to experience it soon! __ Of course it will, Additionally, it consumes less energy and moves faster. _—— What is it by the way? You will. Don’t worry! _ I guess it also causes no air pollution, right? _1_Hi, Jane, Have you ever heard of metro? It’s an underground electric railway system in a city. |. Fillin each gap with a word from the box. FB httpawfaesbookeorbajondengishet vacuum through line developing emissions high difficult twice Hyperloop — Transportation of Tomorrow Hyperloop, as the name suggests, is a sealed tube or system of tubes (1) which a pod may travel free of air resistance or friction carrying people or objects at @__ speed. Hyperloop would allow passengers to travel at a top speed of 600 miles per hour, which is more than (3) ___ the highest speed of the fastest train while being independent from weather conditions, and producing zero (4)__ 74 « BALTAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BALTAP ‘Tesla and Hyperloop One are two of the biggest companies that are (5)_ _ Hyperloop. ‘lesla has also built a 500-meter test track in Nevada. But there are many challenges in the development of Hyperloop, including the thorough task of building a (6). tube over hundreds of miles of land and investing billions of dollars, Other than that, the Hyperloop must travel only ina straight (7)___so passengers don’t fall ill, Getting environmental and other clearances for the purpose of hyperloop isa (8) task and a lot of people assume it to be overblown and extravagant, Il, Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. Right now, a private company is developing something called ET3. ET3 stands for Evacuated Tube Transport Technology. ‘The ET3 system would reportedly be able to take passengers from New York to Beijing in just two hours. Here is how it works, A vacuum tube goes all the way from New York to Beijing. The tube is only a few meters wide. Capsules move through the tube. Six people can sit in one capsule. The capsules use electricity instead of gasoline. For international travel, the capsules can travel at about 6,500 kilometers per hour, That is much faster than an airplane! So how can these capsules travel so fast? The answer is that there is no air inside the tube. When airplanes fly, they have to move through the air, The alr resistance slows the airplanes down. Because there is no air in the ET3 tubes, the capsules are able to move at avery high speed. Besides, the capsules are quite light. They only weigh 183 kilograms. Of course, ET3 doesn’t exist yet. Developers still have to solve a lot of problems. The biggest problem is that right now, ET3 would be far too expensive. In order to make ET3 cheaper, we will need much better technology. Maybe someday, you will be able to have lunch in New York and dinner in Beijing, 1. Why is ET3 clean? a. It is made of a clean kind of material, _b. It uses a cleaner kind of gasoline. ¢. It doesn’t use gasoline or electricity. __d, It uses electricity, 2. ‘The word “works” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to a. Uavels b. operates c.earns money, succeeds 3. All of the following are factors that make ET3 travel fast EXCEPT a. there is no air inside the tube b. the capsule is quite light c. traveling takes place in the air d. there is no air resistance during the trip 4. What isa problem with ET3? a, It is far too expensive. b, We don’t know how to build its capsules. c. It is far too loud. ° d. Most people don’t want to use it. 5. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true? a, There is no air in the FT3 tubes. Phare C37 S066 rantoronacebotcon/beondeghent b. Each ET capsule can carry up to six people. UNIT Il: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE * 75, c, Speed in ET3 system is 6,500 km/h for international travel. d. ET3 can travel alittle faster than an airplane, 6, What can be inferred from the passage? a, There is still a lot to do before putting ET into operation. b. In the future, people will mainly use ET3 to travel abroad. c. ET3 won't be used domestically due to its high cost. d, ET3 will soon be cheaper. BEYOND ENcLISH CUTTS) ten tet |. Put the words in order to make a sentence. 1. everywhere? the year 2050/ will/ in/ flying care/ there/ be. self-driving cars/ that/ let/ developing/ the wheel/ manufacturers/ are/ A.1/ take. 3. Thad/ to school/ I wish/ faster/ get/ a jetpack/ so/ I could! 4, in thirty years/ people/ will/ on/ their flying cars/ get around/ in/ supersonic trains/ or. 5, will/ by/ solar panels/ be/ powered/ installed? solar cars/ on itself/ the car. 6. believe that/ available/ won't/ self-driving cars/ be/ around 2030/ until. 7, faster and easier/ transport of the future/ thanks to/ will/ advanced technologies/ be. 8, be/ from/ to/ will/ In flying cars/ installed/ them/ a sky safety system/ prevent/ crashing, Il. Complete the second sentence so that it has a silmilar meaning to the first one, using the word given. 1, Skycycling tubes will be easy to drive. (it) > — 2. My bike is green. (mine) + 3. Do flying cars interest you? (interested) > 4, It isn’t a good idea to go such a long way by bike. (should) > 76 + BAL TAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAL TAP 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn r Leynyes vrepe Electric cars cause no air pollution, but they still cause traffic jams. (althongh) Sue is talking to a friend of hers. (one) When I was in secondary school, | usually walk to school. (foot) ‘They will use GPS technology to increase accuracy and shorten routes, (used) Lie Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. mine b. driver c. vehicle 4. pilotless a, inerease », pleasant c, means d. easily a. gridlocked b. crashed c. flopped d. pedalled a. traffic b. space . transport d. crash a. vehicle b. metro c. pedal d. jet Choose the word that has different stress pattern. a, driverless D. teleport c. electric d. energy a,underwater _b, helicopter c. supersonic d. disappear a, success b, programme c. travel d, gridlock a. popular b. automated c. convenient d. vehicle a, power b. traffic c, metro d. avoid Complete the sentences wilh an appropriate word. Tthink teleportation will be used asa_of transport, Google Maps will help you to avoid jams, A jetpack doesn’t take lots of space. To teleport is to __and then reappear at a different place. Will we travel in cars in the near future? ~ Yes, sure, Cars without drivers will come soon, Electric cars are more environmentally _ than petrol cars. The is a one-wheeled vehicle and the driver sits inside it, Can I borrow your pen?__ won’t work. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentences. ‘You must wear a helmet when getting __a motorbike. b. at d.on UNIT 1: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE « 77 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn 10. < eP NAV eee BEYOND ENGLISH ve a 1 Ee Will self-driving cars be normal _ ten years? a. in c. for I didn’t have my textbook for English class, so Brian lent me __. a. her b. his c. mine your ‘The girl is too short to reach the on her father’s bike. a. wheels b. brakes c. pedals 4d, seats ____cars emit low emissions and make the environment safer, a. Eco-friendly _b. High-speed c. Automated d. Supersonic Flying cars would be especially useful in cities with traffic, a, joined b. crashed c. congested e. exhausted _____will we travel in the future? a, What b. How c, When d. Which T'd prefer to havea__and Pll use it to fly everywhere, a. self-driving carb, skytrain ©. metro d. jetpack The traffic is _ bad that cycling has become quicker! 4.50 b. too c. very d. such, “When will we have flying cars?” * x a, As soon as possible. b, Maybe sooner than you think, c. Always on its way, I guess 4d. [don’t think much about it. tite the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. I (read) an article about flying cars yesterday. There ____(be) many interesting transport inventions so far. I think autonomous cars _ (not work) until we have 5G. Cities all over the world ___{face) serious traffic problems these days. ‘Transportation (change) dramatically in the next 30 years. Petrol and diesel cars (replace) by electric cars in the near future, ‘Transport today ____(mostly/ power) by fossil fuel. ‘Would you rather (have) time travel or teleportation? Iwould prefer (go) on a pilotless plane, Safety features help the driver avoid __ (have) a crash. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets, FB htipliww facebook comibeyondengisha first. (safe) in the future? (teleport) When cycling on the road, rememb« Will we have personal __ ‘Teleporters make you ___and then reappear at your destination. (appear) _____cars will make it easter for people who can’t drive. (drive) 78 + BAUTAP TIENG ANH 7 - PHAN BAI TAP Who isthe __of the flying car? (invent) ‘They were__ because of the poor quality of their equipment. (success) , I think flying cars will become a reality. (person) Electric cars are growing in . (popular) ex ay VIL. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it. What mean of transport are you using? Have you ever flew in a helicopter before? The system will stop everyone from crash and help them avoid traffic jams. My dog wagged it’s tail when it saw the girl next to my door. Will flying cars to help us solve the traffic jam problem? ‘A.amazing new train will speed along at 800 miles per hour, Your cat is adorable, but not as adurable as me. ex aveene His paintings were very colorful, but I liked hers paintings better. VIll. Match the sentences in column A to the sentences in column B to make a complete dialogue. A B 1. Did you hear about Arcaboard? a, We can’t travel far in that short time. 2. Yes. It’s an electric hoverboard that How can it run? can fy. b. Oh my God! USD 20,000 for 6 minutes? 3. No, it doesn’t. It can hover just about _T’s too expensive one foot above the ground... for six c. What ist? A board? minutes, actually. d. Really? I'd prefer to have an Arcaboard. 4. It runs on 36 electric ducted fans, How much does it cost? powered by battery packs. e. Sounds great! Does it look like Aladdin's 5, It'snotsimple because youneeda strong _-magic carpet? battery system to lift the heavy board. f£. Oh, I think it’s not easy to ride the 6. About 180 Ibs. And it can be steered by ArcaBoard safely. its rider’s body. g That’s so simple! Why don’t we 7. Not difficult at all! There is a stabilization make one? system built into the ArcaBoard to ensure h, Right, How much does the hoverhoard a safe ride. weigh? 8. USD 20,000. UNIT Ii: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE. ¢ 79. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn IX. Choose the word which best fits each gap. Teleportation ~ A Faster-than-Light Transportation Method ‘Teleportation is one of those sci-fi technologies which at once (1) _us toa fictional world where one can easily transport from a location to another at a blink of an eye, 0 matter how (2). the distance between them is. You have scen the teleportation (3)__ sci-fi movies like Star Trek, X-Men, Jumper, and Dr, Strange etc. where people stand in a portal or create a portal and (4). reach to the other side of the earth or the universe, The technology has been known for many years and many great (5)_ had researched on it. But it is too futuristic that even in the 21st century people take it (6)___as a magic or a fiction. However, that doesn’t mean it can't be possible (7) scientists successfully teleported a light particle photon. And since then, many experiments took (8)___ where they got success, It’s just a beginning to get this faster-than-light transportation technology. There still needs a long way to travel. 1.a.rides b. gets c. makes d, takes 2. a, much b, long c. far d.old 3.a,on cof d. from 4,a. certainly b. directly c.immediately _d, suddenly 5... sciences b. scientific c. scientism d. scientists 6.a, either b. neither c. both d.also 7.a, although b. because c.0 d. but 8. a, part b. charge c. place d, control X. Read the passage carefully then do the tasks. WHEN WILL WE HAVE FLYING CARS? People have been trying to build a flying car for a long time, So far, no one has been able to get a car off the ground safely. But engineers keep trying! One problem is that flying cars need wings. The wings must be designed so they will not stick out into other lanes of the road, Engineers are looking for solutions to that problem. ‘Two kinds of flying cars are being developed that may solve the problem. One type is called the Transition. It has blades that spin and lift the car. Those blades fold agatnst the car’s sides when the car is on the ground, Another kind is named the Skycar. Ithas wings with big propellers. ‘These propeller wings fold up and can be packed in the car's trunk. Flying cars will not just fly up from the road, They will have to take off from an airport runway. Still, some people are eager to have one of their own. When will people be able 80 - BAI TAP THENG ANH? - PHAN RAITAP. 8 mpm tacedookcombeyoncenglsn

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