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ACADEMIC YEAR DEC 2010 – APR 2011(R 2008)



PART -A (2 marks)

1. Define TCP and UDP.

2. Explain IP.
3. Differentiate between TCP and UDP.
4. Mention the layers of TCP/IP model.
5. Write down the function of RARP.
6. Define the three states of TCP connection establishment and termination.
7. Define socket and List out its types.
8. Explain socket address structure.
9. Give the generic socket address structure.
10. Explain IPv4 address structure.
11. What are the four ways to pass socket address structure from kernel to the process?
12. What are the 2 ways to store 2 bytes in memory?
13. What is byte ordering?
14. Mention the address conversion functions.
15. Define Socket Pair
16. What are elementary socket functions?
17. . What is meant by well known port?
18. Define Long Fat Pipe.
19. Explain Time Stamp Option.
20. What are Byte Manipulation Functions?
21. What are elementary socket functions?
22. How will you convert an ASCII dotted decimal format to 32-bit binary format?
23. Explain Active Open and Passive Open
24. Explain bzero, bcmp, memset and memcmp
25. Explain sock_ntop.
26. Mention the address conversion functions.
27. What is the use of accept function?
28. Briefly explain Concurrent Server.
29. Define Backlog
30. Explain Two typical uses of fork().
31. Difference between Concurrent Server and Iterative Server.
32. Explain getsockname and getpeername functions.
33. Why values result arguments such as length of socket address structures be passed by
34. Define MSL[Max Segment lifetime]
35. Explain the two reasons for TIME_WAIT state

PART- B(16 marks)

1. Compare the implementation details of concurrent and iterative server.

2. Discuss the syntactical issues of various address conversion function.
3. Compare IPV4,IPV6, Unix domain, Data Link and Storage structures. State your
4. Explain TCP Connection Establishment and Termination.
5. Explain Overview of TCP/IP protocols.
6. Sketch TCP State Transition Diagram.
7. Explain Socket Function for Elementary TCP client/server.


PART- A(2 marks)

1. Explain TCP Echo server and client.

2. Draw the diagram for Simple Echo Server and Client.
3. What are the steps to be followed when the client calls socket and connect?
4. Explain the normal termination of Client and Server Process.
5. Define Signal.
6. Explain Signal Function.
7. What are the three choices for setting the disposition?
8. Explain POSIX signal semantics.
9. How SIGCHLD signals are handled?
10. What are the sequences of steps to be followed for handling zombies?
11. Difference between wait and waitpid function.
12. Explain Termination of Server Process.
13. Define I/O Multiplexing.
14. What are the scenarios used in I/O Multiplexing?
15. What are the five models used in I/O Models?
16. Where POSIX function is specified?
17. Define Select function.
18. What are the possibilities for Select Function?
19. What is Batch Input and Buffering?
20. What are the three select function descriptor arguments?
21. Difference between select and pselect function.
22. Difference between close function and shutdown function.
23. Difference between poll function and select function.
24. Define poll function.
25. What are the three classes of data identified by poll?
PART –B (16 marks)

1. Write a TCP socket program to implement an Echo server/Echo client.

2. Explain the following concept with suitable example
a. Shutdown function
b. Server host crashes
c. Input output models
d. Posix signal
3. Discuss the following scenario of server operations.
a. Crashing of server host
b. Crashing and rebooting of server host
c. Shutdown of server host
4. Explain in detail about the various I/O models in Unix operating system.
5. Explain in detail about
a. POSIX signal handling
b. Boundary condition
6. Explain TCP Echo Server using Multiplexing.


PART- A (2 marks)

1. What are various ways to get and set the options that affect a socket?
2. Define getsockopt function
3. Define setsockopt function
4. Explain Elementary UDP sockets.
5. Explain UDP server and UDP client.
6. What are the two functions used in Elementary UDP?
7. Difference between main function and dg_echo function.
8. Difference between server function dg_echo and client function dg_cli.
9. Define DNS.
10. Define Resource Records.
11. What are the types which affect the RRS?
12. Define Resolvers and Name servers.
13. Draw the diagram of hostent structure and its information.
14. State the role of pointer queries in DNS.
15. Explain gethostbyaddr function.
16. What are the three ways to set RES_USE_INET6?
17. Explain Gethostbyname function.
18. Explain gethostbyaddr function.
19. What are unamed functions?
20. Explain gethostname function.
21. Explain getservbyname and getservbyport functions.
22. Explain IPv4 socket option.
23. Explain ICMPv4 socket option.
24. Explain IPv6 socket option.
25. Draw the typical arrangement of Clients, resolvers and name servers.
PART- B(16 marks)

1. Discuss about Generic Socket Options in detail with a suitable example.

2. Write the similarities between UDP socket, TCP socket and raw socket.
3. Explain Socket functions for Elementary UDP Sockets.
4. Explain in detail about Domain name system.
5. Explain in detail about gethostbyname function with appropriate structures.
6. Write short notes on
a. Gethostbyaddr
b. Getservbyname
c. Getservbyport
7. List out and describe the steps involved in UDP echo server and client.
8. Brief the way in which a TCP client server different from UDP client server.
9. Briefly discuss about UDP Echo server and client.
10. Explain TCP socket options in detail
11. Explain IP socket options.


PART-A(2 marks)

1. Explain IPv4 and IPv6 server.

2. What problems are arising in IPv4 and IPv6 interoperability?
3. What is meant by dual stack?
4. Draw IPV6 Server on Dual- Stack host serving IPV4 and IPV6 clients.
5. What are the steps that allow IPV4 TCP client to communicate with an IPV6 server.
6. What rules to be followed by dual-stack hosts when dealing with listening sockets?
7. What are Address Testing macros?
8. What is Source Code Probability?
9. Explain the implementations of threads.
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of threads?
11. What are the basic function of thread creation and termination?
12. Define thread.
13. Differentiate fork and thread
14. List out the unique values maintained by a thread.
15. What are the common thread interfaces?
16. Explain thread function.
17. Define multithreading.
18. Mention the purpose of ping program.
19. Explain trace route program.
20. Define mutexes.
21. Explain basic thread functions.
22. Explain raw sockets.
23. Define proto structure.
24. Differentiate ping and trace route program.
PART-B(16 marks)

1. Write a ‘C’ Program that can generate an ICMPV4 echo request packet and Process
the received ICMPV4 echo reply.
2. Write notes on raw socket creation
3. Write notes on raw socket output
4. Write notes on raw socket input.
5. Explain how a TCP echo server using thread created and also give their advantages.
6. Explain Basic Thread Creation and Termination.
7. Explain Mutexes.
8. Explain Condition Variables.
9. Explain the trace route program with sample code and example
10. Explain in detail IPv4 and IPv6 interoperability.

PART-A(2 marks)

1. Define SNMP.
2. What are the key elements of TCP/IP network management?
3. Define MIB.
4. Define message agent.
5. Define SMI.
6. What are the four nodes under the internet node in SMI document?
7. Explain private MIBs.
8. What are the limitations of MIBs?
9. What are the limitations of SNMP?
10. Define RMON.
11. What are the design goals of RMON?
12. Explain RMON MIB.
13. What are the advantages of SNMPv2?
14. Explain SNMPv3.
15. What are the disadvantages of SNMPv1/v2?
16. Where does RMON used in network?
17. Write short notes on SNMP PDU sequence.
18. What is the need for trap-directed polling?
19. What are the key capabilities of network management protocol?
20. Explain MIB Structure.
21. Explain the Limitation of SNMP.
22. What is MIB II standard? Explain mib-2 object groups.
23. Explain MIB-2 system group.
24. List out the performance indicators in Network Management.
25. What are the key elements for TCP / IP network management?
26. What are the key capabilities of SNMP?
27. What is MTBF?
28. Name the network monitoring information.
29. What are the types of Threats?
30. What is the use of ipgroup?
31. What is the purpose of system group?
32. What is the information stored in the topConntable?
33. Define polling and events reporting.
34. Define agent function.
35. Write down the information contained in the egp group.

PART- B (16 marks)

1. Explain the data types in UNIVERSAL class of ASN.1 for SNMP MIB.
2. Write notes on Network configuration control.
3. Explain the syntax of the various SNMPv1 message formats.
4. Define SNMP. Describe the architecture of SNMP.
5. Explain the message format of SNMP.
6. What are the steps involved in transmission and reception of an SNMP message?
7. Write short notes on SNMP protocol specification.
8. Describe the concept of standard MIBs.
9. Mention the uses of filter groups in RMON and explain.
10. Explain RMON in detail.
Unit Wise Presentation for writing 16 marks.



1. Explain in detail about TCP/IP protocols.

 Fig- Overview of TCP/IP protocol
 Physical & data link layer– all standard protocols
 Network layer – IP, ARP, RARP, ICMP, IGMP
 Transport – TCP, UDP
 Application –SMTP, FTP, DNS, SNMP, NFS, RPC, TFTP

2. i.Comapare physical, logical and port addresses.

 physical address
 logical address
 port address

ii.Explain byte manipulation functions.

 B(byte)
 Mem(memory)

3. i.What are the data types used in Client Program?

 Data types
 Explanation

ii. What is the purpose of inet_addr and inet_pton functions?

 Syntax
 Explanation

4. i.What is Socket Abstraction? Explain.

 definition
 explanation

ii Compare various Socket Address Structures.

 IPV4
 IPV6
 UNIX domain
 Data link

5. i.How socket is uniquely identified?

 Socket function
 Explanation

ii. Explain Address Conversation Function.

 inet_aton
 inet_ntoa
 inet_addr
 inet_pton
 inet_ntop

6. Explain About the System Calls.

 Syntax and explanation of the system calls
 Write
 Read
 Recvfrom
 Listen
 Connect
 Bind
 Sendto
 Accept

7. Explain the required Socket functions for implementing a UDP client / server application?
 Socket functions and explanation
 Flow chart
 UDP client
 UDP server

8. Write a socket program to implement TCP client server.

 Socket functions and explanation
 Flow chart
 TCP client
 TCP server
1. Explain the Steps involved in Crashing of Server Process and Server Host.
 crashing of server process
 crashing of server host

2. What is the use of I/O multiplexing and explain the types of I/O model in detail.
 Use of I/O multiplexing
 Types of I/O model
 Blocking I/O
 Nonblocking I/O
 I/O multiplexing
 Signal driven I/O
 Asynchronous I/O
3. Write a socket program to implement TCP echo client/server application.
 Socket function and explanation
 Block diagram
 TCP echo client
 TCP echo server

4. Explain the concept of posix signal handling?

 Signal
 Disposition
 Handling SIGCHILD signal
 Handling interrupted system calls

5. Write a socket program to implement TCP echo client/ server application with multiplexing?
 Socket functions and explanation
 Block diagram
 TCP echo client with multiplexing
 TCP echo server with multiplexing


1. Write a socket program to implement UDP echo client/ server application?

 Socket function and explanation
 Block diagram
 UDP echo client
 UDP echo server

2. What is meant by generic socket option? Explain in detail.

 Definition
 Explanation of all so_ option.

3. Explain the following socket options.

Purpose and explanation of all the given socket options

4. Write a program to display the port number from a given service name.
 Syntax for getservbyname
 Program using getservbyname

5. Write a program to find the IP address from a given host name?

 Syntax for gethostbyname
 Program using gethostbyname


1. i. Define thread. Give the syntax for creating the thread.

 Definition –Thread
 Thread creation syntax- Syntax: int pthread_create(pthread_t *tid, const
pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*func)(void *), void *arg);

ii. Write a TCP based echo client/server program using thread?

 Thread function and explanation
 TCP echo client using thread
 TCP echo server using thread

2. i. Explain the steps involved in creating a raw socket?

 Steps for creating a raw socket
ii. Explain the operation of ping program.
 Ping definition
 Operation
 ICMPV4 echo request and echo reply message format

3. Explain the concept of IPV4 and IPV6 interoperability.

 IPV4 client and IPV6 server
 IPV6 client and IPV4 server
 IPV6 address testing macros
 Source code portability

4. Explain the concept of mutual exclusion.

 Mutex-definition
 Sequence of steps
 Mutex functions.
5. Explain the operation of trace route program.
 Definition
 Operation of trace route program

1. Define SNMP. Describe the architecture of SNMP.

 Definition- SNMP refers to a set of standards for network management including a
protocol, a database structure specification and a set of data objects.
 Architecture

2. Explain the message format of SNMP.

 SNMP message format
 Explanation

3. What are the steps involved in transmission and reception of an SNMP message?
 Transmission of an SNMP message
 Reception of an SNMP message

4. Write short notes on SNMP protocol specification.

 SNMP formats
 Transmission and reception of an SNMP message
 Variable binding
 Protocol data unit

5. Describe the concept of standard MIBs.

 Ethernet MIB.

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