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Bennett University

Course: Optics and Lasers (EPHY206L)

Assignment Set 1 (Submission deadline: 07.02.22)

1. Considering a medium characterized by the following refractive index

n ( x )=n 0+ kx [k=constant ]

x 1∧dx
Subject to the initial condition, at z=0 , x= =tan φ
Prove that the ray path will be given by,

k −k
−n 0 n cos φ
n cos φ
x ( z )= +C 1 e 1
+C 2 e 1

Here, n1 =n ( x ) =n0 +k x 1 &

C 1=
[ 1
x + ( n +n sin θ1 )
2 1 k 0 1 ]
C 2=
2[ 1
x 1+ ( n0 −n1 sinθ 1

2. Consider a parabolic waveguide with the following refractive index profile

Here, a is the radius, n1 , n2 are the refractive indices of core and cladding
2 2
n1−n 2
respectively and ∆= 2 .
2 n1
Evaluate the initial angle of inclination of the ray, with respect to the fiber
axis, that reaches maximum value of the turning point.

3. Consider a medium whose refractive index variation is given by

n(x )=n 0 sech ( αx )

where α is a constant. Show that the period of oscillation of the ray around
the axis is independent of the initial conditions.

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