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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018

Stabilization of Linear/Nonlinear Autonomous

Systems using Lyapunov Functions
S. Sudhahar, D. Sharmila

Abstract: This paper investigates the Lyapunov function Therefore solved in terms of admissible initial conditions,
construction of the linear/nonlinear autonomous systems for and is often used to express a problem of robustness in
stability. The control Lyapunov functions are used to stabilize the relation to state (or input) perturbations.
system without sacrificing the transient state performance and
trade-off between stability and performance of the system
because safety of operation is very important then the
performances of the system. The linear quadratic optimal control
problems are solved based on the control Lyapunov functions for
the tracking and disturbance rejection of both SISO and MIMO
systems. The effectiveness of the proposed control Lyapunov
functions for the system stability and performances shown
through the numerically simulated examples.
Index Terms: Lyapunov functions, Linear/Non linear
Autonomous System, LQR, Safety Margins.

Figure: 1. Stabilization of Control Law using CLF
The investigation of stability is a vital role for the
controller design and analysis of the performances of the The issue of researching robust stability for continuous
dynamic system. The stability analysis of continuous time linear system moved a lot of consideration for quite a long
system can be investigated through the location of the closed time. Most of the examination in this field depends on the
loop system poles in the s plane. If the all the poles of the Lyapunov theory, and it is outstanding that the least difficult
closed system lie on left half of the s plane then the system is powerful strength portrayal depends on the idea of quadratic
said to be stable system. Therefore, closed loop poles in the stability. But, for a quadratic Lyapunov function to fulfill the
right half of the s plane then the system is said to be unstable whole uncertainty causes moderate outcomes.
system. That is not permissible in linear control system The safety of the process is a major role in control system
design. [1] The stable system does not guarantee for the design for the cyber physical and networked control systems.
satisfactory transient response characteristics. The Relative In autonomous vehicles, chemical reactors and robots are
stability of the system and transient specifications of a closed required critically stable control systems. Consequently the
loop control system can be easily analyzed and correlated to feedback controller are designed to meet desired
the pole zero configurations in the s plane. From the Routh‟s performance with safe stability margins and state constraints
stability criterion, only the pole location of the closed loop to avoid unsafe states and very strict to input constraints [3-
system can be determined. In the root locus method poles 5]. There has been several control design methods proposed
and zeros of the dynamic closed loop system are plotted for in the literature stabilization and controller design with linear
/ nonlinear constraints for linear/nonlinear systems. For
all the gain values of a system. Further, the performance of a
example, Model based controller, Model Predictive Control
system is improved by using suitable compensation either
and intelligent controllers are proposed to stabilization and
time or frequency domain methods. Many of the publications
trajectory tracking with its input output constraints to meet
and works have been dedicated to this matter.
optimal performance. Due to control system hierarchy high
In 1892, Lyapunov published the first results related to
level controllers generates guided commands to the low level
the theory of motion stability; with differentiate two types of
controllers, so that some constraints are violated. To avoid
problems [2]. (1) Absolute stability is analyzed in terms of
the violation of the constraints secondary controllers are
parameters admissible for the model, and in the nonlinear
designed. Here the control design is separated into two parts.
and time-variant cases. Some authors proposed solutions in
Firstly, stabilization of the system and secondly safety
the state-space, others in the frequency domain. (2) If the
convergence is not ensured for all the initial conditions, then
In this paper, stability of the nonlinear system investigated
the problem of local stability arises. This second problem is
using Lyapunov Function, and also proposed the Lyapunov
Function based LQR nonlinear control method. It stabilizes
the closed loop systems and guarantees the safety margin of
the systems.
Revised Version Manuscript Received on 25 November, 2018.
S. Sudhahar, Assistant Professor, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering Department, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamil
Nadu, India.
D. Sharmila, Professor, Department of Information Technology,
Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1866017519 39 & Sciences Publication
Stabilization of Linear/Nonlinear Autonomous Systems using Lyapunov Functions

II. LYAPUNOV FUNCTIONS Theorem 3: For autonomous system (2), adequate states
stability are as per the following conditions: Assumption
The state equation for a nonlinear system,
made that there exists a scalar function V(x) which, for some
x  g  x  t  , u  t  , t  ; x  t0  real number ɛ > 0, fulfills the following designated properties
 x . (1)
Where x is the n x 1 state vector, u is the p x 1 input vector, for all x in the region x   :
(1) V(x) > 0; x ≠ 0 That is V(x) is positive definite
and g  .   g1  . g 2  . ... g n .  is the n x 1 function
  function
(2) V(0) = 0
vector. In an unforced system (u = 0) with arbitrary initial
(3) V(x) has continuous partial derivatives with respect to
conditions, the system state must tend towards the
all values of x. Then the equilibrium state xe = 0 of the
equilibrium point in state space. An unforced and time . .
invariant system is called and autonomous system. The system (2) is unstable if V x   0, x≠0. That is V x  is a
nonlinear autonomous system denoted by the state equation positive definite function.
x  g  x t ; x 0   x ; g 0   0
Assumption 1: The origin of the state space has been FUNCTIONS FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS
taken as the equilibrium state of the system. There is no loss
of simplification in this assumption, since any non-zero Consider the linear time invariant autonomous system
balance state can be moved to the origin appropriate
x  Ax (3)
transformation. The convenient choice for time invariant
The linear autonomous system is globally asymptotically
system is t0=0 in equation (2).
stable at the origin if and only if for the symmetric positive
Theorem 1: For autonomous system (2), adequate states
definite matrix Q, there exists a symmetric positive definite
of stability are as per the following conditions: Assumption
matrix P that satisfies matrix equation. ATP+PA= – Q. (4)
made that there exists a scalar function V(x) which, for
some real number ɛ > 0, fulfills the following designated
Theorem 4: [2] consider the LTI system (3) and the origin
properties for all x in the region x   : is asymptotically stable equilibrium point. P = P T > 0 be the
(1) V(x) > 0; x ≠ 0 That is V(x) is positive definite solution of (4) for some positive definite matrix Q. Then
(2) V(0) = 0 V x,  
Px 
x 
is positive definite and the time
(3) V(x) has continuous partial derivatives with respect to 2
all values of x. Then the equilibrium state xe = 0 of the derivative of Lyapunov function along the trajectories of the
. .
system (2) is (4.a) asymptotically stable if V  x   0 , x≠0. system (3) with   F   Gx is negative definite. Where F = -
. kR, G = k(R - P).
That is V x  is a negative definite function
(4.b) asymptotically stable in the large if V  x   0 , x≠0, and FOR NON LINEAR CONTINUOUS – TIME
in addition that V(x)  ∞ as x  ∞. AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS
Theorem 2: For autonomous system (2), adequate states The choice of Lyapunov function V(x), which is positive
of stability are as per the following conditions: Assumption definite function to determine the stability through
made that there exists a scalar function V(x) which, for Lyapunov‟s direct method centres. There is no universal
some real number ɛ > 0, fulfills the following designated method is adopted to choose the Lyapunov function, however
properties for all x in the region x   : in literatures guidelines given to chose the Lyapunov
(1) V(x) > 0; x ≠ 0 That is V(x) is positive definite function. For the different Lyapunov functions the stable and
function unstable regions may be changed. In spite of all limitations,
(2) V(0) = 0
Lyapunov‟s direct method is the most powerful tool to
(3) V(x) has continuous partial derivatives with respect to
analyze the stability of the non linear systems. Let discuss
all values of x. Then the equilibrium state xe = 0 of the
about the construction of Lyapunov function using
system (2) is (4.a) asymptotically stable if V x   0, x≠0. Krasovskii method and variable gradient method.
A. Krasovskii Method
That is V x  is a negative definite function; or if
Lyapunov's direct method determines the global
. .
V x   0, (V x 
is negative semi definite) and n trajectory asymptotic stability of the system.
can stay forever at the points or on the line other than the The nonlinear autonomous system, x  g  x; g 0  0 (5)
origin, at which V  x   0 , (4.b) asymptotically stable in the Assumption 1: f has continuous first partial derivatives. Then
large if (iv).a condition are satisfied, and in addition that J(x) be the Jacobian matrix of „f‟
V(x)  ∞ as x  ∞. (4.c) stable in the sense of
Lyapunov if V x  is identically zero along trajectory.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1866017519 40 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018

 g1 g1 g1    2V  V

 V
2 
     
 x1 x2 xn 2  x1  x 2  x1  x n 
    x1
g 2 g 2 g 2
g x     2
 V  V
2 2
 V

J x    x x2 xn  (6)  V x 
  
x  
  x x x2 xn  (13)
 
  2 2 1 x2
 gn x  
gn gn     
    2 2 2 
  x1 x2  x n    V  V

 V 
 x x xn x2 2 
 n 1 xn 
Theorem 5: The nonlinear system (5) is asymptotically 2 2
 V  V
stable at the origin if there exists a constant, positive definite since  is symmetric matrix.
xix x j xi
and symmetric matrix P such that the matrix j

x xP  x  is negative definite for in some

G  J  PJ  g1 g1 g1 
  
 x1 x2 xn
neighborhood D of the origin all x and V  g Pg .  
g x   g 2 g 2

g 2 
B. Variable Gradient Method   x x2 xn  (14)
x 

The variable gradient method suggested [6] for generating    
 
 gn  gn  gn
the Lyapunov function, which provides considerable in   
selecting suitable function. For autonomous system (5),   x 1 x2  x n 

choose a V(x) be a function of Lyapunov. The time For g(x) to be equal to grad V(x), this matrix to be symmetric
derivative of V can be expressed as likes (12).

V .
V .
V . C. Stabilization with Guaranteed Safety
V x   x1  x2    xn (7)
 x1 x 2 x n
Control Lyapunov Function (CLF) is used to stabilize the
affine nonlinear systems [7].
 V  .

  Consider the autonomous system x  h  x  x  0   x0 (13)

 x1
  h x
V 1 With a set of dangerous state D which is open. Then
   
h x L clf  x   0  x  D
h  x   gradV x   x    2  (8)
  
  
V  x  L clf x   D  0 
 n   
 V  h x 0 x  \

 xn

 u : x  
| L clf x  
 0 

__________ _
\ D  u   D  
. n

h  x 
Then (6) becomes V x  x (9)
If the constraints (14) are satisfied then the system (13) is
asymptotically stable and the system is protected with
The Lyapunov function can be expressed by integrating n
x0   \ D .
(9) on both sides
D. Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problems
t dV x t
dx x T
The linear multi variable completely controllable plant [8-
V x   .d t    h  x   . .d t    h  x   .d x (10)
0 dt 0 dt 0 10],
x  Ax  Bu (15)
x1 x2
V x   h1   1 , 0 , 0 ,  , 0  d  1   h 2  x1 ,  2 , 0 , 0 ,  , 0  d  2   Where x is called the state vector, x the derivative of the
0 0
state vector, u is the input or directional vector, A is the
 h 2  x1 , x 2 ,  , x n  1 ,  n  d  n system matrix, B the input matrix and null state x=0 is the
desired steady state.
The scalar function V(x) obtained by integrating (10), for a The objective is to compute optimal control law that
continuous vector function g(x) to be gradient of scalar V(x). minimizes the performance index J, with the initial
conditions x  0   x

 hi h j 

 xi
; i, j = 1, 2, …,n (12) J 

 x Qx  u

Ru dt (16)
j 2 0
Where Q & R is the positive, so the matrices are real and

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1866017519 41 & Sciences Publication
Stabilization of Linear/Nonlinear Autonomous Systems using Lyapunov Functions

Since the augmentation of A and B is completely positive definite, so the system is unstable for the all the
controllable, then the state feedback control law is valid. values of x2.
u= - K x (17)
5.3. Example 3: A Nonlinear Autonomous System
Therefore the K matrix is determined from so as to minimize Consider the following nonlinear autonomous system
the performance index (16) then (14) is optimal for any .
initial state x1   x1  x 2
-1 T
x(0). K=R B P. (18) .
x 2  x1  x 2
The matrix P in (15) to be satisfied following Ricatti
To investigate stability of the system by the Lyapunov
2 2
T 1 T function, using the suitable Lyapunov function V  x1  x 2
A P  PA  PBR B P  Q  0(19)
  x
Where K is the real, constant and unconstraint gain matrix, and its derivative V  2 x1  x 2
2 2
1 x2  1 . If x1x2 > 1 then
so that results in an asymptotically stable closed loop system.
the system is stable.
x t    Ax  BKx
  ( A  BK ) x (20)
This is show that there is a Lyapunov function
1 T
V  x Px for the closed loop system (18). The positive
definite matrix, P, the dv/dt obtained from the trajectories of
the closed loop system is negative definite.

Theorem 6: If the state feedback controller (17) is such

that it minimizes the function f u  

x T
Qx  u
Ru 
dt 2
1 T
and the minimum of f(u) for some V  x Px then the
Figure: 2. The stability region of the example 3 by
controller is optimal. 2 2
Lyapunov function V  x1  x 2


5.4. Example 4: Kinematic Model of 2 DoF Helicopter
In order to expose the use of the control Lyapunov Consider the kinematic model of 2 DoF helicopters [12]
function based technique proposed in this paper, the in this paper proposed to speed of response and minimization
simulation results for various frameworks performed by of objective function. Here, the Control Lyapunov Function
utilizing MATLAB [11]. Considered the simple Examples (CLF) based stabilization with tracking performance is
(1-3) the stability margins are investigated. Example (4) considered.
considered for Control Lyapunov based LQR design for
 . 
 
MIMO system and Example (5) considered for Control   0 0 1 0 0 0  
Lyapunov based LQR design for SISO system.  .    
 
  
0 0 0 1 0 0
 .
 
5.1. Example 1: Nonlinear SMD system  ..  0 0 
 . 
0 - 9.2751 0 0
    
The state space model of nonlinear Spring-Mass-Damper ..  
  0 0 0 - 3.4955 0 0 
system is given by   
  0 0
. 0 0 0 1  
.     
x1  x 2   . 
 .   0 0 0 0 0 1 
 
   
3  
x 2   0 . 5 x 2  x1
 0 0
Choose the positive definite Lyapunov function  
0 0
. .  
V  x1  x 2
2 2
V   as x    then V   x2
. V is  2.3667 0.0790   v mp 
negative semi definite, so the system is stable for all the    
 0.2410 0.7913   v my 
values of x2.  
0 0
 
5.2. Example 2: A Simple Nonlinear System  0 0 
A simple nonlinear system is given by
x1  x1  3 x 2
x 2  2 x1
Choose the positive definite Lyapunov function
. .
V  2 x1  3 x 2
2 2
V   as x    then V  4x
. V is

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1866017519 42 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018

  5.5. Example 5: Non Minimum Phase System

 
 Consider the following third order non minimum phase
 


state space equation
1 0 0 0 0 0     4 5  2 1 
Y    
. .
    
0 1 0 0 0 0  x t   1 0 0 x t   0 u t 
     
   0 0  0 
  1  
 . 
  y t   0 1 1  x t 
 
For the given system the state feedback control law in
The LQR tuning parameter of Q and R and derived as
(17), minimize the cost function in Theorem 6 and Control
Lyapunov Function (CLF) in (14). 1 . 24 0 0 
 
The LQR tuning parameter of Q and R and derived as Q  0 2 . 68 0 & R=6.8.
 
12 . 24 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 10 . 02 

 

0 102 . 55 0 0 0 0

The Eigen values of P and Q are positive. In this system
 0 0 55 . 25 0 0 0  the unit step given as disturbance at t=35 Sec. From the
Q    & results it is shown that Control Lyapunov function based
 0 0 0 156 . 78 0 0 
LQR is better disturbance rejection as well as tracking
 0 0 0 0 55 . 12 0 
  performance with safe stability margin compared to LQR.
 0 0 0 0 0 200 

1 0
R    .
0 1
The Eigen values of P and Q are positive. From the results it
is shown that Control Lyapunov function based LQR is
better disturbance rejection with safe stability margin
compared to LQR.

Figure: 4. Trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection

response for the example 5

This paper considered the control Lyapunov functions
used to stabilize the system through the LQR optimal settings
and stability margins are derived for the linear/nonlinear
systems using Lyapunov theorems.

Figure: 3. Trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection

response for the example 4

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1866017519 43 & Sciences Publication
Stabilization of Linear/Nonlinear Autonomous Systems using Lyapunov Functions

The Lyapunov based LQR controller are designed and

simulated with guided commands and the results are
compared with conventional controller settings. It was
shown that both controllers are shown the same tracking
performance but the proposed give the better performance in
disturbance rejection with guaranteed safety margins

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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1866017519 44 & Sciences Publication

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