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TRINITY ISE2 CLASS NOTES: Reading and Writing Class 1 Monday 1/03/2021

Today’s Objectives:
 Continue learning how to do Reading Task 1
 What are you marked on?
 Grammar functions: what do you need to include?
 How to write an essay.

Admit- confess, recognise, say something is true
Worry – preocuparse
Reduce – make less
Value – worth, importance, valor
Develop – desarrollar
Likely – probable, possible,
Cope with, deal with, manage – salir adelante
Fear (noun), frightening (adjective)
Challenging – demanding, difficult, takes you to your limits desafiante
Fair/ fairly – equal, justo, con justicia
Largely – mostly
Behaviour – comportamiento
Prevent – stop, avoid

Reading and Writing TASK 1 Questions 1-5: Matching Titles

Don’t read everything at once
1. Read the first paragraph
2. Think – what is it about?
3. Read ALL the titles
4. Look for evidence in the text
5. ‘Pencil in’ the answers, eliminate other titles
6. Repeat with the next paragraph, etc
7. Write all answers clearly
6 Minutes

Reading and Writing TASK 1 Questions 6-10: True or False

1. Read SENTENCE BY SENTENCE. Carefully.
2. Which paragraph is that information in?
3. Find the evidence and underline or highlight it
4. ‘Pencil in’ the answers, eliminate other sentences
5. Write all answers clearly
6 minutes

Reading and Writing TASK 1 Questions 11-15: Gap-fill (huecos)

1. Read SENTENCE BY SENTENCE. Carefully and until the END,
2. What type of word do you need?
3. Which paragraph is that information in?
4. Find the exact word
5. Check the prepostions, grammar, read the sentence AGAIN.
8 minutes

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