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“Who’s that? Stop it right now Blaire!” shouted her

father. Blaire was a girl of 14 who loved singing, and her
parents were super rich. She envisaged of becoming a
singer in the future. The only problem was that her
parents were against singing. They thought that singing
was just to pass time and always told her not to sing or
listen to songs. They told her that singing is of no use
and she should focus on bringing good grades to get into
a good further education college. Unfortunately, she
wasn’t good at academics and wanted to get into the school
choir. “Hey Blaire! How’s it going? U wanted to get into the
choir, didn’t you? I have a good offer that you won’t be able to
resist. The interviews for the choir are going to start from
tomorrow; do you want to try it? I’m sure you’ll be able to do
it. Just give it a try!” Exclaimed Jack, her best friend. He was
a member of the choir and was always helping out Blaire in
such problems, because he was used to it. His parents were the
same as Blaire’s and never liked singing. Though he
persuaded them and it was okay now but for Blaire it was too
difficult as she had tried it several times. “Hmm…I can try
out, thanks dude don’t forget to recommend me otherwise it’ll
be too difficult. Anyway I’ll start preparing, do you want to
help out?” “Sure, at my home at 4 this evening. Tell uncle that
we are here to practice geometry, I hope that’ll work.” “Okay!
Let’s do this!” The plan was decided now. “Hi dad, I’m going
at Jack’s home to practice geometry, I’ll be back soon.” She
was sweating really hard. “Ok, Be back soon.” Said his father.
She finally escaped, but she was afraid if her father got to
know about it. “Hey dude! I’m brought all the notes, hope
these are enough. Btw where’s your guitar, be quick we need
to start the practice.” Finally they were done. “So are we
done?” asked Blaire “I guess we are all the best-”His dad
interrupted “Blaire, Jack be ready with your books because
Blaire’s father is on his way!” Both of them hurried and took
out their books and other accessories. His dad was there after
a few minutes; actually he said that he was here to talk to
Jack’s parents but the truth was that he came to check if they
were studying or singing because he knew that Jack was in the
school choir. “Good evening Uncle!” “Hi dad! How come you
are here?” asked Blaire “Hi kiddos! I came here to talk to
Jack’s parents” “Yeah sure Uncle go ahead! They’ll be happy
to talk!” “Hi Mrs. and Mr. Carol! How is it going?” “All well
Mr. Mackle!” “I wanted to ask if they are seriously studying or
they were practicing for tomorrow’s choir interview. Because
someone told that the choir was having singing interviews so I
came by to ask.” “Don’t worry Mr. Mackle they were
practicing geometry.” Assured Mrs. and Mr. Carol “That is
satisfying, I’ll come by to pick her up just give me a missed
call” told her father. Finally he went. Both of them were about
to faint, they were more nervous than the interview. That’s
obvious. “Let’s complete geometry so that you will have at
least something to show. Then we can practice one last time to
finalize.” Jack Finalized. “Okay sir!” Both of them laughed.
“Hello….Yes dad…Yes yes….Ya we have finished….yes you
can to pick me up….Okay okay…Bye” Blaire was on a call,
she asked her father to pick her up. “Ok so all the best for
tomorrow, I hope we can be together in the choir!” said Jack
encouraging her. “Hmm…let’s do this! Cheers to the JB
group!” JB group was the name of their group but we are still
not aware if it means “JACK & BLAIRE” or “JUSTIN
BEIBER” well let’s see. “Good morning sir, this is Blaire, my
best friend, she has a good endowment and a good vocal
sound. She is here for the choir group. I would like to
recommend her. You can take her interview” said Jack
promising. “Umm…Okay, get started Blaire” “Ok sir.” Jack
was outside the hall praying for her selection. “Jack…I got
selected!!!” “What, I mean really!” both of them started
dancing happily. This was the happiest day after Jack got
selected. “See, I told that day also. You will definitely get into
the choir and you did.” “Thank you so much Jack! But the
problem is that we have to keep it as a secret from dad.”
Feared Blaire “Umm…Don’t tell him that you got selected,
Okay?” “Okay but what about the appreciation letter? It’ll
certainly be delivered at my home” “Don’t worry I have
changed the address to my home.” Assured Jack. “Blaire, I
have added you in the choir group. We are going to have a
performance on the occasion of parent’s day. The details are
in the group itself. I have added the number Jack gave me.”
“Okay sir, I’ll start working.” Said Blaire “hey Jack, which
number did u register?” “The number which is with me but
you are using it. Don’t forget, uncle shouldn’t know this!”
“Nice one, huh! Thanks anyways!” Day after tomorrow was
Blaire's birthday. Jack had already kept a party ready but who
knew that she was going to have the biggest surprise ever! The
performance was day after tomorrow, on Blaire’s birthday.
“Katy! Whose diary is this?” Asked Blaire’s dad. There was no
response so her dad started reading. It was all about her
dreams, the choir, the performance and the venue for the
performance. Blaire’s dad understood how harsh he was. He
realized that he had stepped on his daughter’s dream. So to
make up for it, He decided to talk to Jack and be a part of the
celebrations. He also decides to give her the instrument she
was dreaming of- A keyboard. He contacted Jack and told him
everything. Jack arranged for the party, and a secret gift for
Blaire. When Blaire returned, she saw the diary lying around.
She was unaware about today’s incident and quickly hid it.
Tomorrow was Blaire’s performance. She was ready and a bit
nervous so she went to Jack for a quick practice. “Jack! Are
you ready? Let’s practice once.” “Sure! I’ll bring my guitar u
wait here only.” “Umm...ok!” The next day was very special
“So is everyone ready? We shall practice one last time. The
performance will start in a few minutes.” Told the trainer
“Happiest birthday Blaire, get ready for your first
performance!” When they all went to the stage, Blaire saw her
parents sitting in the first row with Jack’s parents. Both of
them were cheering for Blaire and Jack. “Hey Jack, what are
my parents doing here? I guess I’m done for!” Blaire was
scared as expected. “Don’t worry, You will know it soon. Just
focus on the performance and do your best!” Jack encouraged
“Excellent Kids, Blaire your first performance was real good. I
need to appreciate Jack for recommending you.” “Thank you
sir!” Blaire smiled “C’mon Blaire I have the biggest surprise
ever. Let’s go, Get in the car.” “You are frightening me!” said
Blaire surprisingly “don’t worry just c’mon! The fun begins to
start now!” They reached the venue decided by Jack. And
suddenly everyone screamed wishing her happy birthday. The
only thing that surprised her was seeing her parents there too.
“Dear Blaire, We are really sorry for not valuing your dream,
we thought that singing was of no use but I think we should
encourage you to do more of it. We apologize from the-” Blaire
interrupted “Dad, Mom you don’t need to apologize, we are a
family aren’t we? Forget it now; the biggest gift will be you
supporting me in every event out there. Thanks a lot mom, dad
and Jack of course!” “Yes you should thank Jack, he was the
only one to prepare all these!” said her mother. “Dude, did
forget that we are best friends? There is no thank you and no
sorry out here. Let us give you another surprise, we all
prepared gifts for you and I think it’s time to present them
now” “Dear Blaire, to make up for our mistakes, I bought you
your favorite keyboard.” Said his dad Blaire thanked him and
she was the happiest person out there. “So Blaire, It’s my turn.
I got this locket for you!” he gave her a locket; the main music
symbol and the JB were there on it. Blaire was speechless. “A
big thanks to all of you but will anyone tell me now how they
got to know?” asked Blaire “I would like to have this pleasure.
Actually 2 days before your birthday your dad saw a diary
lying around and he decided to read it and that’s when he
changed his thoughts and joined hands with Jack.” said her
mother “So that is the reason why Jack was acting weird these
days and why I saw my diary lying around.” Completed Blaire
“hmm, ya…Correct” said Jack “Anyways let’s get back to the
party!” said Jack’s parents. Days, weeks and months went by.
Jack and Blaire were soon known as the shining melody star.
The choir was preparing for the electrifying singing
competition. They worked as hard as they could and the day
came by. “All the best to both of you, I wish both of you will
achieve something really big.” Encouraged their parents.
“That’s for sure because we have your blessings!” said Jack.
And they really did. They secured the 1st position and they
couldn’t stop being happy. They are and they will continue
being the shining melody stars.

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